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Reading Section 14 30 minutes on this se* ction. ‘Spent answer questions 1-14 4 he tein the insert and then ‘pats the main theme ofthis extract? _moyinig NOME ‘yin g 1 VON + going on 9 T1P he fist paragraph suggests hat the boat passengers may fee! seasick? 2 Which one word in ia) s nauseous ” cre maiboat caged is dogged aT) 4) Toe pies tis vase suggest about Tw He ‘maitoat moves? 5 NOWY 3 aily Fperststen) old brother.” (ine 7), ext tat show that Howards Yound: 4 Her sbeyeat ‘examples from Give two other ‘ymat does the txt tl you about ath andthe snake? “Tick (7 )two boxes. ath feels uneasy about siting above I atts aware that the weather wil alert how much itis moving around. Ve. saeovrmenersncomat (| Faith can feel Fath wores aithis concerned abou hiding it rom other passengers @ writer mentions a type of bird (gulls) on line 17, at other bird is mentioned inthe text? M1 peted with the keening ofthe gulls and the phud-phud-phud of the boat's great paddles. (lines 17-18), “Behind her, raised voices com tr a juage feature fs the phrase phudrphud-phud an example of? Tick (Y) one box. personification ‘metaphor rhyme | nn 8 Read lines 17-21 Rend wre word indicates disagreement on 12 mailboat? _ ti ‘9 Explain in your own words why Myo |S concomed about her husbart!'s "papers and projects) {line 28). wer wecause of (t} x aamaged | Je work of an important man sssina0na ‘euciesz018 4 Frat doos the writer suggest about Uncle Miles by comparing him to ‘a puppy on a rug’? ines 31-32) ick (¥) ene box. Ho is young fe] a Ho s carte a He is noisy LE Heiwattectonate, [| 0 44. Look at the table below about Faith's father, Reverond Sunderly Complete the gaps. , : - | Quote from the text | Explanation | He doesn't talk much, We looks divectty oF things / ruly focused He chooses not to get involved with what's happening. [eas ce Hels not comforravle m this sttuawon / OUT Of nis comfort zone 1) 42‘... wooden features and a mud-brown plait.’ (Line 42) Explain in your own words what this tells us about Faith's opinion of her appearance. = She thinks she's plain /orain ary ies Her awe GARE eucies 2018 srizonue

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