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Ted Talk

"The Magic of Kindness: Making the World a Better Place"

Chanelle Sanchez

Hello everyone! Today, I want to talk to you about something

truly magical and powerful—something that has the ability to
make the world a better place. Can you guess what it is? It's

Think about this: What if we all made an effort to be kind not just
to our loved ones, but also to strangers? Imagine how wonderful
the world could be! Let me share a little story with you.

One day, my family and I found a stray kitten. She was all dirty
and alone, and it made us sad to see her in such a state.
Instead of walking away, we decided to be kind. We took her
home, cleaned her up, and gave her a warm place to stay.
Now, she lives a happy and joyful life with us.

This story teaches us about the importance of kindness. It's not

just about being nice to the people we know; it's about
extending our kindness to everyone, even strangers and
animals. Kindness is like a ripple in a pond; when you do
something kind, it can have a positive impact that spreads far
and wide.

But kindness is not just about actions; it's also about the words
we use. We should never say offensive or hurtful words. Our
words have the power to lift people up or bring them down, so
let's choose kindness in our words.

Another important aspect of kindness is respecting personal

space. It's important to respect others' boundaries. It's a way of
showing kindness and consideration.
Finally, let me share a powerful idea with you. Imagine if we all
made a promise to never be mean to people. It's like a pact to
spread kindness wherever we go. Remember, if you do good, it
will come back to you. So, let's be kind to make the world a
happier and more loving place.

So let's make a pact today to be kind to everyone – not just to

our loved ones, but also to strangers, animals, and the world
around us. Because when we choose kindness, we create a
world filled with love and joy. Thank you!

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