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Buddhism a Journey To Nirvana

By: Julianne Palaganas

The journey through the world of religion, from Christianity, Islam,

Hinduism, Buddhism, and soon Confucianism. Embarking on a journey into the
realm of Buddhism has been a transformative experience, one that has not only
broadened my perspective of spirituality but also encouraged self-discovery and
mindfulness. As I reflect upon the principles and practices of Buddhism, I am struck
by the wonder of Buddha's teaching, to ponder my path towards Nirvana.

At the heart of Buddhism lies the Four Noble Truths, a foundation upon
which the entire philosophy rests. The awareness of suffering as an inherent part of
human existence serves as a powerful starting point. In my reflections, I found
solace in the idea that comprehending suffering is the key to its transcendence. The
truth that suffering has a cause, rooted in our attachments and desires, forces one
to confront the patterns of craving that often lead to “sickness”.

The Middle Path, advocated by the Buddha, offers a balanced approach to

life, avoiding extremes of self-pleasure and self-punishment. In a society often
characterised by the excess and constant pursuit of worldly pleasure, this principle
invites a reevaluation of priorities. As I contemplated the Middle Path, I found
myself questioning societal norms and personal habits, seeking a more harmonious
and mindful way of living. From balancing my life with time management, to
having time for worldly-pleasures such as video games while being able to focus on
my academic study as a H.U.M.S.S. student.

Buddhism's teachings on impermanence and the concept of non-self challenge

conventional perceptions of identity and existence. Through meditation and
introspection, I explored the impermanence of all things, discovering a profound
sense of liberation in accepting the transient nature of life. The notion of non-self,
the connection life shares , fostered a sense of compassion and empathy, breaking
down barriers of ego and fostering a perception of the human experience.

The practice of mindfulness and meditation emerged as integral components

of my exploration of Buddhism. The simple act of being fully present in the moment,
observing thoughts without attachment or judgement, became a metamorphic
exercise. The stillness cultivated through meditation provided a sanctuary for self-
reflection and inner peace, fostering a heightened awareness of the present.

Central to Buddhism is the cultivation of compassion and loving-kindness. As

I struggle to extend my humanity to others, I found that this practice had a
reciprocal effect on my own fortune. The connection of all sentient beings to one
another became a faith, promoting a sense of duty for the welfare of others and
fostering a more altruistic outlook on life.
My journey into Buddhism has been a rich tapestry of self-discovery,
mindfulness, and compassion. The philosophical teachings of Buddha have lay upon
me a roadmap for navigating the complexities of life with a sense of purpose and
inner peace. As I continue to reflect on these teachings, I am reminded that the
path to enlightenment is a continuous journey; one that unfolds with each mindful
step and each moment of compassionate awareness. For Buddhism has modified my
perspective on life, what used to be a world of abundance of pleasure to balance in
one's path to enlightenment.

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