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In (di, di dalam)
On (di, di atas)
At (di)
Under (di bawah)
Between (di antara)
Below (di bawah)
Above (di atas)
In front of (di depan)
Beside (di samping)
Behind (di belakang)
Among (di antara)
Inside (di dalam)
Near (di dekat)
Next to (di sebelah)
3. The wine is ... the bottle.

a. in
1. You can sit ... that chair. Nobody is sitting
b. on
c. at
a. in front of
Jawaban: a
b. on
c. above
4. Pass me the dictionary, it's ... the
Jawaban: b
a. in
2. The police car came first. The president
b. on
was in the car ... it.
c. at
a. behind
Jawaban: b
b. on
c. under

Jawaban: a

5. Jessica is ... work.

Jawaban: b
6. London is ... England. 12. Nadia will be ... the car now.

a. in a. in
b. on b. on
c. at c. at

Jawaban: a Jawaban: b

7. You have something ... your face. 13. There are a lot of magnets ... the fridge.

a. in a. in
b. on b. on
c. at c. at

Jawaban: b Jawaban: b

8. Turn left ... the traffic lights. 14. She lives ... Los Angeles.

a. in a. in
b. on b. on
c. at c. at

Jawaban: c Jawaban: a

9. She was listening to classical music ... the 15. James is ... a taxi. He's coming.
a. in
a. in b. on
b. on c. at
c. at
Jawaban: a
10. She has a house ... the river.
16. I'll meet you ... the airport.
a. in
b. on a. in
c. at b. on
c. at
Jawaban: b
Jawaban: c

11. The answer is ... the bottom of the page.

a. in
b. on
c. at

Jawaban: c

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