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- The difference between migration and immigration is that the migration is referred for the movement from
one region to another; and immigration is referred to relocation to a country.
- Benefits: Those benefits are the same of their country, but they had to move from there because of the need
of job.
- Challenges: the language (they need to learn it), people (they have to meet new people and make new
relationships), the racism from people and from the country labor standars. For example, they aren’t
allowed to work on certain jobs like law enforcement, government work; they can’t buy property in certain
areas of Oakland either, because of racial prejudice.
- …
- …

- The purpose of the text is to explain the situation of a family who have had to immigrate to another country
because of the need of a new job and other opportunities for the family. The text talks about how these
family adapts to the new country and explains that they are happier there, although the hard time produced
by all the changes. It also shows the discrimination from the new country to the immigrate family, and their
problems for searching some types to jobs. There are ones that they just must not work on because it is
- The intended audience is for all type of people that are thinking about moving on from a country to another,
or for people that just want to know information about immigration to United States.
- The context is the Depression and the financial situation of the country.

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