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ESSAY ep of Utiliza un registro académico - neutral/formal. No estas escribiendo para un debes escribir tus ideas de forma clara, usando razones o ejemplos. GENERAL TIPS Homework must be done (by students) everyday v Impersonal Passives - It is believed / said / reported / thought Modal Verbs - might (probabilidad), ought to=should, could .. Conditionals - If schools had been more prepared, online education would have been easier for teachers and students. STRUCTURE OPINION ESSAY INTRODUCTION ‘simplemente introduce el tema de forma miy general para situar al Lecter. Puedes expresar (MUY BREVEMENTE) tu opinién no des ninguna idea. ain. Paracraru| 1 PARAGRAPH. t IDEA 4 2 PARAGRAPH. {pea 2 2 PARAGRAPH { ea 8 5 de todo lo que hes expuesto o haz una valoracién general No te Limites a mencionar Las eas, Da al menos una razén + ejemplo 0 bien ‘contrasta con otro punto de vista, También puedes explicar una contecvencia DESARROLLA usando Los conectores. FOR and AGAINST ESSAY / ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES ESSAY INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH | snplemente introdvce ol tema de forma muy general para situar al Lecter. Puedes expresar (MY BREVEMENTE) tu opinién. No des ninguna idea atin PARAGRAPH t ADVANTAGES 2 PARAGRAPH t DISADVANTAGES 2 PARAGRAPH Puedes patcenarts par ura de Las posturas o bien hacer balance de todo Lo (tes OPINION + CONCLUSION expuesto Language Toolbox i INTRODUCTION. + Nowadays, itis well known that... + Most of us are well aw. + Nowadays, people shar ‘TO START EACH PARAGRAPH + To begin with, / Fistly, First ofall, + Secondly, + Finally, / Last + Inconclusion, /To sum up, rot least, TO SUPPORT YOUR IDEAS It goes without saying that + Itis undeniable t + Itis common knowledge that . + Experts in the field agree that . ‘+ According to teachers/doctors/scientists/experts + Forinstance, For example, /such as (como por ej USEFUL PHRASES TO DEVELOP YouR IDEAS, to realise that. (la gente no se da cuenta de qu social media has a real impact on their students’ lives, + Were parents/educators/citizens to do something, the situation would improve (-si los ieran algo, la situacién mejoraria). to + infinitive - It is necessary for parents torespect their padres/los educadores/ciudadanos + Itis necessary for children. *+ People are expected to + infinitive - Teenagers are expected to study too many subjects and that might lead to stress. + There is no point in+ ing - There is no point in teaching using traditional methods anymore. believed/said/thought -cree/dice/piensa que...) -It is believed that this problem is vis not as serious as it CONCLUSION ‘In conelusion,/To sum up, + Inmy view, / To my mind, ‘+ The advantages strongly outweigh the negative points/disadvantages + Although (topic) has some disadvantages, there are advantages to keep in mind as wel. - To sum up, taking health, socal interactions and money into account, although living in the countryside has some disadvantages, there are advantages to keep in mind as well CONECTORES QUE TE VENDRAN GENIAL ‘Aunque tienes més conectores con ejemplos y explicacién en la seccién Extra Boost! te dejo unos ppocos aqui para recordarte la IMPORTANCIA de unir bien tus ideas en tus Essay para asegurarte puntos y escribir un texto mejor desarrollado. To add information + Moreover, / Furthermore, (-In addition) ‘ur planet. Despite this/ being aware of it, some people stil do not separate waste and keep using plastic bags on a daily bass. * On the other hand, /In contrast Cause and Effect * For this reason/ Due to this fact, / Because of this,..- Hunting is not regulated in many areas. For this reason Due to this fac, / Because of this, many species are endangered. + Therefore/Consequently - Learning a new language requires time and effort. Consequently, / Therefore, itis impossible to be fluent in just a few months Purpose + In order to (=para) - It is important to have a break in order to be an effective worker. ‘You have been speaking about foreign languages in your English class. Your teacher has cosked you to write an essay. Use 140-190 wards, Wihy is it important to leorn @ foreign language? Notes Write about: 1 Travelling 2+ Career choices 3. Your own idee ‘Most of us are well aware that being fluent in a second language has many advantages not only professionally, but also when travelling or even when watching TV. To begin with, itis undeniable that speaking the native language of the country you are Visiting on holiday will make the experience much more enjoyable. For instance, if you are able to understand locals, you might even make friends and you will undoubtedly learn ‘more about their culture and traditions. Secondly, it is common knowledge that many empl ‘communicate in more than one language, espe he job consists of dealing international customers. As a result, being bilingual could certainly be an advantage over ‘other potential employees. Last but not least, enjoying films or books in their original version is also a positive point to keep in mind. Since we have easy access to foreign productions, understanding them with ‘ease will make them far more interesting and gripping. ‘To sum up, although itis a stow and hard process, speaking a second language has many benefits, and it should be encouraged from an early age. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES ESSAY You hava been speaking about online education in your English class. Your teacher has osked you to describe its advantaces and disadvantages in an essay. Use 140-190 words. Is online education positive for students? Explain advantages and disadvantages of this type of educction and include your personal opinion Nowadays, itis well known that online platforms and new technologies are used by teachers and students all over the world on a daily basis. (On the one hand, online Learning has many advantages. Firstly, lessons are taken and taugtt from home. For this reason, many pupils have pointed out that they save money and time since they do not need to commute and the tuition fees are usually lower, Moreover, students develop their digital competences and therefore they will be more prepared for their future. (On the other hand, drawbacks should also be mentioned. To begin with, social interaction is more limited unless the instructor sets pair or group tasks to promote it. Asa result, ‘communication skills might not be properly developed and this is an essential ability in many jobs. Furthermore, experts agree that using devices for many hours can lead to health issues such as eye strain and headaches. In conclusion, from my point of view, the advantages strongly outweigh the negative points and students and educators should get used to this new way of learning because it ishere to stay. TASK 1 You have been speaking about gootal media in your Englih class. Your teacher has asked you to write an eeay. Use 140-190 wo ight be harmful for teenagers. De you agree? Notes 3. Your own ideo TASK 2 You have been speaking about friendship in your English closs. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay, Use 140-190 words. Nowadays itis dificult t keep and make friends. Do you agree? Notes Write about 1 Busy lifestyle 2- Being clays honest 3: Your own ideo TASK 3 ‘You have been speaking about career choices in your English class. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay. Use 140-190 words. Having a fulflirg job is more important than earning a big salary. What do you think? Note: 2- Type of wor 3. Your own idea Task [Dy insen ot tant 05 paragraph [Dinas ented every arte ea Toys sateen tro heathens [Tenens nat 0 rasen/enampleontrast [i insee st ted cotrastins [Dinas ded vara grammar Linas wt repeated words TASK 4 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES ESSAY You have been speaking about shopping online in your English class. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay. Use 140-190 words. Is online shopping a good optien? Explain its advantages and disadvantages and include your personal opinion. ask + [Ei naee paragraphs [1 rave mentored 28 advantages | have mentioned 2:5 dtadvantages [1 ted smouars te spn the paragraphs [Led semectrs Unk my ens enon den nas resanexanpla/ontrast 1 nave nt ted conrnctint [nave sted arid grammar sent ented word

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