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Wonders of Beyond

Ever wondered what it is in the life outside? A life that is far from the ground we are standing on right
now, it is like a dream, yet science has shown us that there are more beings outside our world that are more for us
to comprehend and to be discovered soon. Beyond our Mother Earth lies an endless vacuum that is still expanding
to this day, still generating stars, and is still proving us that there are more for us humans to explore. Space, in the
context of astronomy and cosmology, refers to the vast, seemingly infinite expanse that exists beyond Earth's
atmosphere. It is the three-dimensional arena in which all celestial objects exist. Fun fact about space: it is not
completely empty; it contains a very low density of particles, including atoms and molecules. However, these
particles are so spread out that the space between them is effectively a near-perfect vacuum.

Then another question comes to mind: how do we explore it? That’s right, rocket ships! More or less
there are still lots of work in progress the humanity have to go through to go beyond the unknown darkness that
had always piqued our interests. Although, we humans have discovered the surfaces of the moon and the mars.
Another fun fact: Mars has the largest volcano and canyon in our solar system. The volcano is called Olympus
Mons, and it is about 13.6 miles (22 kilometers) high, making it nearly three times the height of Mount Everest, the
tallest mountain on Earth. And to top it off, Mars experiences intense dust storms that can engulf the entire planet.
These storms can last for weeks or even months, covering the surface in a thick veil of dust. Now imagine that’s
how much trouble that gives us if we lived there. Space is infinitely exhilarating.

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