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SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (STDs)  Rectal Pain and unusual sore

 A discharge from their penis

Sex  Burning sensation when peeing
 is about people enjoying and indulging in an  Pain & swelling in one or both testicles.
intimate session with their partner, which can
include foreplay, cuddling sessions, kissing,
- Yes, there is a cure in chlamydia which is by
hugging and penetration. taking medication. Chlamydia can usually be
effectively treated with antibiotics.
Sexually transmitted disease (STDs), or sexually - Persons with chlamydia should abstain from
transmitted infections (STIs), sexual activity for 7 days after single dose
 are infections that are passed from one person to antibiotics or until completion of a 7-day course
another through sexual contact. The contact is of antibiotics, to prevent spreading the infection
to partners.
usually vaginal, oral, or anal sex. But sometimes
they can spread through other intimate physical GENITAL HERPES
contact.  is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI).
 STIs don't always cause symptoms. It's possible The herpes simplex virus (HSV) causes genital
to contract sexually transmitted infections from herpes.
people who seem perfectly healthy and may not  can often be spread by skin-to-skin contact during
even know they have an infection. sexual activity.
 have no symptoms or have very mild symptoms.
 Oral  caused by two types of viruses – herpes simplex
 Blood virus type 1 (HSV-1) -often causes oral herpes,
 Vaginal and Seminal which can result in cold sores or fever blisters on
 Anal or around the mouth, and herpes simplex virus
type 2 (HSV-2). It is a chronic, lifelong viral
 Anal lining is thin and has no lubrication. It infection.
means, it can get slightly damaged by friction  Oral herpes caused by HSV-1 can spread from
during sex, making it more prone to infection. the mouth to the genitals through oral sex.
 bacteria, viruses, or parasites that cause
sexually transmitted diseases may pass from SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL HERPES
person to person in blood, semen, or vaginal  usually appear as one or more blisters on or
around the genitals, rectum, or mouth. This is
and other bodily fluids. The germs that
known as having an “outbreak”.
cause STDs hide in semen, blood, vaginal  Flu-like symptoms (e.g., fever, body aches, or
secretions, and sometimes saliva. swollen glands) also may occur during the first
 sharing contaminated needles, such as those outbreak.
used to inject drugs, or using contaminated  Pain or itching around genitals.
body piercing or tattooing equipment also  Painful urination
can transmit some infections, such as HIV,  Discharge from the vagina
hepatitis B, and hepatitis C.  Painful ulcers that form when blisters rupture and
1. You have more than one sex partner ooze or bleed
2. You have sex with someone who has had many
partners. TREATMENTS
3. You don't use a condom when having sex.  there are no cure in genital herpes, daily use of
4. You share needles when injecting intravenous antiviral medicines can prevent or shorten
drugs. outbreaks.
5. You trade sex for money or drugs.
WHY DO STD EXIST?  caused by infection with the Neisseria
gonorrhoeae bacterium.
Gonorrhea came from cattle to humans. Syphilis  N. gonorrhoeae infects the mucous membranes of
also came to humans from cattle or sheep many the reproductive tract, including the cervix,
centuries ago, possibly sexually. uterus, and fallopian tubes in women, and the
HIV, which humans got from the simian version urethra in women and men.
of the virus in chimpanzees.  N. gonorrhoeae can also infect the mucous
CHLAMYDIA membranes of the mouth, throat, eyes, and
 bacterial infectious disease rectum.
 can cause permanent damage to a woman’s  very common, especially among young people
reproductive system. ages 15-24 years.
 can make it difficult or impossible to get pregnant  most spread during vaginal, oral or anal sex.
later and can cause a potentially fatal ectopic  babies of infected mothers can be infected during
pregnancy (pregnancy that occurs outside the childbirth.
womb).  In babies, gonorrhea most commonly affects the
 You can get chlamydia by having vaginal, anal, eyes.
or oral sex with someone who has chlamydia.
CAUSES OF CHLAMYDIA  gonorrhea infection causes no symptoms.
 caused by the infection with Chlamydia Symptoms, however, can affect many sites in
trachomatis in women that can cause cervicitis, your body, but commonly appear in the genital
urethritis, and proctitis. tract.
 Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) is the  Many men with gonorrhea are asymptomatic.
cause of recent proctitis outbreaks among gay, When present, signs and symptoms of urethral
bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. infection in men include dysuria or a white,
yellow, or green urethral discharge that usually
SYMPTOMS OF CHLAMYDIA appears one to fourteen days after infection.
 Painful urination IN WOMEN
 Abnormal and smelly discharge in women 1. Painful or burning sensation when peeing.
2. Increased vaginal discharge  Take regular exercise
3. Vaginal bleeding between period  Eat healthy diet
IN MEN  Stop Smoking
A burning sensation when peeing.  Have yearly flu jabs to minimize the risk of
A white, yellow, or green discharge from the getting serious illnesses
3. Painful or swollen testicles SYPHILIS
 can cause serious health problems without
1. Anal itching
2. Soreness treatment
3. Bleeding  can get syphilis by direct contact with the syphilis
4. Painful bowel + movements sore during vaginal, anal, or oral sex.
 can spread from mother with syphilis into her
 Yes, the right treatment can cure gonorrhea. It is
important that you take all of the medicine your
healthcare provider gives you to cure your  bacterium "Treponema pallidum"
infection.  bacterium causes infection when it gets into
 Although medicine will stop the infection, it will broken skin or mucus membranes, usually of the
not undo any permanent damage caused by the genitals
disease.  (bacterium) a small, motile organism that is not
visualized by light microscopy and cannot be
 is a virus that attacks the body’s immune cultured in vitro
 If HIV is not treated, it can lead to AIDS Signs and Symptoms of Syphilis
(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). 1. PRIMARY STAGE
 There is currently no effective cure. Once  You may notice a single sore or multiple sores.
people get HIV, they have it for life. The sore is the location where syphilis entered
 But with proper medical care, HIV can be your body
controlled. People with HIV who get
effective HIV treatment can live long,
healthy lives and protect their partners.  You may have skin rashes and/or sores in your
 It's a fragile virus and does not survive mouth, vagina, or anus. Stage usually starts with
outside the body for long. a rash on one or more areas of your body
 The virus can enter your body through your 3. LATENT STAGE
mouth, anus, penis, vagina or broken  No visible signs or symptoms. Without treatment,
skin. It can’t get through your skin unless you can continue to have syphilis in your body
you have a cut or wound. Pregnant people
for years
with HIV can also give it to their babies.
 HIV infection in humans came from a type 4. TERTIARY STAGE
of chimpanzee in Central Africa  It can affect many different organ systems. These
 Simian immunodefieciency virus include the heart and blood vessels, and the brain
and nervous system
CAUSES OF HIV 3 Subtype of Syphilis
 HIV destroys CD4 T cells — white blood cells 1. Neurosyphilis
that play a large role in helping your body fight
disease. The fewer CD4 T cells you have, the
weaker your immune system becomes. -muscle weakness
 AIDS is caused by having too few immune cells -mental unstability
to fight off other illnesses. 2. Ocular syphilis
-eye pain or redness
SYMPTOMS -changes in vision (or possible to blindness)
Fever, Headache, Muscle aches and joint pain, -hearing loss
Rash, Sore throat and painful mouth sores,
Swollen lymph glands, mainly on the neck, -tinnitus
Diarrhea, Weight loss, Cough, Night sweats - dizziness or vertigo
(CHRONIC HIV) Syphilis is CURABLE with right prescription and
 most people doesn’t feel any symptoms however, antibiotic. However, treatment might not undo any damage
the HIV is still present in the body and in white the infection can cause.
blood cells.
 This stage can last for many years if you're
receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART).
3. SYMPTOMATIC HIV INFECTION  also called crabs
 virus continues to multiply and destroy your  tiny insects in genital areas
immune cells — the cells in your body that help  often found in pubic hair
fight off germs.  also found in chest, face, and eyelashes
 When AIDS occurs, your immune system has ● commonly spread during sexual activity
been severely damaged. You'll be more likely to ● spreads thru contact
develop diseases that wouldn't usually cause ● also get pubic lice from infested sheets, blankets,
illness in a person with a healthy immune system. towels or clothes.
Signs and Symptoms
● itching in genital parts, Legs, Chest, Armpits,
TREATMENTS Beard or mustache, Eyelashes or eyebrows, more
 Antiretroviral medicines are used to treat HIV. commonly in children
They work by stopping the virus replicating in
the body, allowing the immune system to repair
itself and preventing further damage.
Pubic lice is CURABLE with louse-killing lotion or gel 2. SECOND STAGE
containing 1% permethrin or a mousse containing -happens about 2-6 weeks after 1st stage
pyrethrins and piperonyl butoxide -swollen, painful lymph nodes in pelvis and near rectum
● If left untreated, you can develop infections from 3. THIRD STAGE
scratching -usually occurs when LGV hasn't been properly treated
-could leave scars
Human papillomavirus (HPV) TREATMENT
● can cause genital warts or cancer -can be treatef for 3 weeks with antibiotics
● most common STI -use doxycyline, twice a day for 21 days
CAUSES -don't have sex while being under treatment
● virus usually enters through a cuts, abrasion, or
small tear in skin CHANCROID
● can get by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex (also • caused by the bacteria Haemophillus ducreyi
on skin-to-skin touching while doing sex) • painful necrotizing genital ulcers
● warts spreads and contagious • Left untreated, chancroid may facilitate the
transmission of HIV.
● can cause painless growths or lumps on genital ● ulcers
areas ● swollen painful lymph glands
● genital warts ● inguinal bubbles
● abnormal changes in cell (cancer may occur) CAUSES OF CHANCROID
● HPV types linked to cancer (high risk types) ● unprotected sexual contact or intercourse.
CANCER LINKED TO HIGH RISK HPV INCLUDES: ● multiple sexual partners.
-cervical cancer ● sexual contact or intercourse with a sex worker.
-anal cancer ● substance abuse,
-penile cancer ● rough intercourse, anal intercourse.
-vulval cancer SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
● occurs 4-10 days of exposure
TREATMENT ● ulcers becomes painful, also tenders. Becoming
● no treatment for HPV softer and has sores
● cleared by your body after 2 years ● painful lymps in groin
● 90% of HPV condition clears on its own
CHANCROID IS CURABLE using medication prescribed
Molluscum contagiosum by a medical provider
● caused by Molluscum contagiosum virus
● generally harmless and disappears on its own HEPATITIS
● usually are small and pit in the center (dimple- ● transmitted thru sexual contact
like) ● sex is a means of transmission of HBV by 15%
● Caused by a poxvirus (molluscum contagiosum ● most commonly linked by sexual transmission
virus). ● present in semen, body fluid, and blood
● usually a benign, mild skin disease characterized ● shared by unprotected sex
by lesions (growths) ● also shared thru needles or razors (also child
● can occur in face, arms, legs, neck, abdomen, or birth)
genitals ● route to transmissions is from blood and body
● spreads in skin-to-skin contact fluids
● spreads in sexual contact ● can be prevented by vaccine
● can be spread thru scratching or shaving CAUSES
SIGN AND SYMPTOMS ● by hepatitis B virus (HBV)
● lumps usually grows 2-3 months ● isn’t spreadable thru sneezing or coughing
● passed thru sex. Genital to genital SIGN AND SYMPTOMS
● virus is passed on through sex, the lumps tend to ● usually appear prior to 1-4 months
be found around the genital area. ● abdominal pain, dark urine, fever, joint pain, loss
TREATMENTS of appetite, nausea, vomiting, weakness/fatigue,
● physical removal of lesions jaundice (yellowing or whitening of skins)
● cryotherapy (freezing using nitrogen) TREATMENTS
● laser therapy ● vaccines. Two injections. 3-4 months range
● healthy immune system can get rid of the virus
Lymphogranuloma venereum ● caused by parasite
● caused by 3 strains of Chlamydia trachomatis ● foul smelling vaginal discharge, genital itching,
● if acquired thru anal sex, may proceed to severe or problem in urination
proctitis ● no pre signs on men
● bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis ● by one-celled protozoa specifically called
● types of bacteria called L1, L2, and L3 Trichomonas vaginalis
● Your risk of getting LGV may be increased by: ● parasites passes during anal, oral, or vaginal sex
chemsex. having group sex. ● 4-28 days incubation of parasites
-may have sore on mouth or on throat ● foul smelling vaginal discharge
-blisters in genital ● genital redness, buring, itching
● pain with urination or sex Basal Body Temperature
● discomfort near stomach area ● The woman must take her temperature early
In men, every morning before any activity, and if she
● itching of dick notices that there is a slight decrease and then an
● burning during urination or ejaculation increase in her temperature, this is a sign that she
● discharge from penis has ovulated.
TREATMENT ● BBT falls at 0.5°F before the day of ovulation
● both partners should be treated at the same time and during ovulation, it rises to a full degree
● usage of condom is advisable because of progesterone and maintains its level
● antibiotics treatment, twice a day ranges from 5 throughout the menstrual cycle, and this is the
to 7 days basis for the method.
● The basal body temperature is the woman's
HOW DO STD DIAGNOSED? temperature at rest.

Blood test -using blood Cervical Mucus Method

Urine test - urine sample ● The fertile days of a woman according to this
Fluid test -mostly genital fluid samples method is as long as the cervical mucus is
copious and watery and a day after it. Therefore,
Screening she must avoid coitus during these days.
-does on people without symptoms ● The cervical mucus must exhibit the property of
spinnbarkeit, wherein it can be stretched up until
PREVENTION at least 1 inch and feels slippery.
-practice safe sex ● To check if the woman is ovulating, the cervical
-no to multiple partners mucus must be copious, thin, and watery.
-use natural and artificial contraceptives ● When used typically, it has a fail rate of 25%.
● The basis of this method is the changes in the
cervical mucus during ovulation.

Natural and Artificial Contraceptives

Symptothermal Method
● The symptothermal method is simply a
combination of the BBT method and the cervical
● is the intentional prevention of pregnancy by
mucus method. The woman takes her temperature
artificial or natural means.
every morning before getting up and also takes
note of any changes in her cervical mucus every
• Natural Contraception
• Artificial Contraception
● She abstains from coitus 3 days after a rise in her
temperature or on the fourth day after the peak of
Natural Family Planning
a mucus change.
● The natural family planning methods do not
● Symptothermal method has an ideal failure rate
include any chemical or foreign body
of 2%.
introduction into the human body. Most people
who are very conscious of their religious beliefs
Ovulation Detection
are more inclined to use the natural way of birth
● The ovulation detection method is an over-the-
control. Some want to use natural methods
counter kit that can predict ovulation through the
because it is more cost effective.
surge of luteinizing hormone that happens 12 to
Natural Family Planning
24 hours before ovulation.
● Abstinence
● The kit requires the urine specimen of the woman
● Calendar Method
to detect the LH.
● Basal Body Temperature
● The kit is 98% to 99% accurate and is fast
● Cervical Mucus Method
becoming the method of choice by women.
● Symptothermal Method
● Ovulation Detection
Coitus Interruptus
● Coitus Interruptus
● This is one of the oldest methods of
contraception. Removal of penis from the vagina
before ejaculation occurs
● Only 100% method of birth control
● NOT a sufficient method of birth control by itself
● Abstinence is when partners do not engage in
Effectiveness rate is 80% (very unpredictable in
sexual intercourse
teens, wide variation)
● Communication between partners is important for
● 1 of 5 women practicing withdrawal become
those practicing abstinence to be successful
● Very difficult for a male to 'control'
Calendar Method
● Also called as the rhythm method, this natural
Artificial Methods
method of family planning involves refraining
from coitus during the days that the woman is
● Oral Contraceptives
● (Birth Control Pill)
● According to the menstrual cycle, 3 or 4 days
● Transdermal Patch
before and 3 or 4 days after ovulation, the woman
● Vaginal Ring
is likely to conceive.
● Implants (Norplant I & II)
The process in calculating for the woman's safe days is
● Hormonal Injections
achieved when the woman records her menstrual cycle for
● Intrauterine Device
six months.
● Chemical Barriers
● Diaphragm Norplant I
● Cervical Cap Six capsules
● Male Condoms Five years
● Female Condoms
Norplant II
Birth Control Pills Two capsules
● Pills can be taken to prevent pregnancy Three years
● Pills are safe and effective when taken properly
● Pills are over 99% effective (Hormonal Injection) Depo-Provera
● Women must have a pap smear to get a
prescription for birth control pills ● 99.7% effective preventing pregnancy
How does the pill work? ● No daily pills to remember!
• Stops ovulation ● Birth control shot given once every three months
• Thins uterine lining to prevent pregnancy
• Thickens cervical mucus
Positive Benefits of Birth Control Pills How does the shot work?
✓ Prevents pregnancy -Stops ovulation
✓ Eases menstrual cramps -Stops menstrual cycles!!
-Thickens cervical mucus
✓ Shortens period
✓ Regulates period
✓ Decreases incidence of ovarian cysts -Extremely irregular menstrual bleeding and spotting for 3-
✓ Prevents ovarian and uterine cancer 6 months!
✓ Decreases acne was -NO PERIOD after 3-6 months
Side-effects -Weight change
• Breast tenderness -Breast tenderness
• Nausea -Mood change
• Moodiness
• Increase in headaches
•Spotting *Norplant Considerations
-Should be considered long term birth control
Taking the Pill -Requires no upkeep
•Once a day at the same time everyday -Extremely effective in pregnancy prevention > 99%
•Use condoms for first month Use condoms when on
antibiotics Emergency Contraception
•Use condoms for 1 week if you miss a pill or take one late -Emergency contraception pills can reduce the chance of a
•The pill offers no protection from STD's pregnancy by 75% if taken within 72 hours of unprotected
Transdermal Patch
● The transdermal patch has a combination of both *Emergency Contraception (ECP)
estrogen and progesterone in a form of a patch. • Must be taken within 72 hours of the act of unprotected
● For three weeks, the woman should apply one intercourse or failure of contraception method
patch every week on the following areas: upper • Must receive ECP from a physician •75-84% effective in
outer arm, upper torso, abdomen, or buttocks. reducing pregnancy
● At the fourth week, no patch is applied because
the menstrual flow would then occur. *California pharmacies can prescribe without a doctor!
● The area where the patch is applied should be (1/1/02)
clean, dry, free from any applications. And
without any redness or irritation ECP
• Floods the ovaries with high amount of hormone and
Vaginal Ring prevents ovulation
● The vaginal ring releases a combination of • Alters the environment of the uterus, making it disruptive
estrogen and progesterone and surrounds the to the egg and sperm
cervix. • Two sets of pills taken exactly 12 hours apart
● This silicon ring is inserted vaginally and remains
there for 3 weeks, then removed on the fourth BARRIER METHODS
week as menstrual flow would occur. •Spermicides
● The woman becomes fertile as soon as the ring is • Male Condom
removed. •Female Condom
● The vaginal ring has the same effectivity rate as •Diaphragm
the oral contraceptives • Cervical Cap


● Implants are placed in the body filled with • Prevents pregnancy blocks the egg and sperm from
hormone that prevents pregnancy meeting
● Physically inserted in simple 15 minute •Barrier methods have higher failure rates than hormonal
outpatient procedure methods due to design and human error
● Plastic capsules the size of paper matchsticks SPERMICIDES
inserted under the skin in the arm ● Chemicals kill sperm in the vagina
● 99.95% effectiveness rate Different forms:

-Some work instantly, others require pre- insertion

-Only 76% effective (used alone), should be used in
combination with another method i.e., condoms

• Most common and effective barrier method when used
• Latex and Polyurethane should only be used in the
prevention of pregnancy and spread of STI's (including
Surgical Methods
• Perfect effectiveness rate = 97% • Procedure performed on a man or a woman permanently
•Typical effectiveness rate = 88% sterilizes
-Latex and polyurethane condoms are available • Female Tubal Ligation
-Combining condoms with spermicides raises effectiveness • Male = Vasectomy
levels to 99%
FEMALE CONDOM -Failure rates vary by procedure, from 0.8%-3.7%
-Made as an alternative to male condoms -Fallopian tubes are cut, tied, cauterized, prevents eggs
-Polyurethane from reaching sperm
-Physically inserted in the vagina -May experience heavier periods
• Perfect rate = 95% -Surgical procedure performed on a woman
•Typical rate = 79%
✓Woman can use female condom if partner refuses VASECTOMY
• Male sterilization procedure
DIAPRAGHM •Ligation of Vas Deferens tube
● Perfect Effectiveness Rate = 94% • No-scalpel technique available
● Typical Effectiveness Rate = 80% •Faster and easier recovery than a tubal ligation
● Latex barrier placed inside vagina during •Failure rate = 0.1%, more effective than female
intercourse sterilization
● Fitted by physician
● Spermicidal jelly before insertion SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT...
● Inserted up to 18 hours before intercourse and -Couples who use no birth control have a 85% chance of a
can be left in for a total of 24 hours pregnancy within the first year.

● Latex barrier inserted in vagina before
● "Caps" around cervix with suction
● Fill with spermicidal jelly prior to use
● Can be left in body for up to a total of 48 hours
● Must be left in place six hours after sexual
● Perfect effectiveness rate = 91%
● Typical effectiveness rate = 80%


-Extremely effective without using hormones > 97 %
• Must be in monogamous relationship
• A Natural childbirth required to use IUD
• Must be on period during insertion
•T-shaped object placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy

Copper T
-10 years
-99.2% effective
-Copper on IUD acts as spermicide, IUD blocks egg from
-Must check string before sex and after shedding of uterine

• 1 year
•98% effective
•T shaped plastic that releases hormones over a one year
time frame
• Thickens mucus, blocking egg
• Check string before sex & after shedding of uterine lining.

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