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The following tables form part of a database

held in a relational DBMS:- Hotel (hotelNo,...

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The following tables form part of a database held in a relational DBMS:-

Hotel (hotelNo, hotelName, city)

Room (roomNo, hotelNo, type, price)

Booking (hotelNo, guestNo, dateFrom, dateTo, roomNo)

Guest (guestNo, guestName, guestAddress)

Hotel contains hotel details and hotelNo is the primary key;

Room contains room details for each hotel and (roomNo, hotelNo) forms the
primary key;

Booking contains details of the bookings and (hotelNo, guestNo, dateFrom)

forms the primary key;


Guest contains guest details and guestNo is the primary key.

Produce some sample tables for these relations that observe the relational
integrity rules. Suggest some general constraints that would be appropriate for
this schema.

A constraint is a set of rules that are applied to a column or combination of
columns. Constraints help prevent human errors while entering data into the
database, deleting tables, if there are any dependencies of data from another
table on that table. They also help preserve data integrity based on the business
rules set by the application. Database constraints help ensure data integrity
without the need to write an external program.

Answer and Explanation:

First, we need to create the sample tables:






PRIMARY KEY (RoomNO, HotelNo),


insert into room values (501, 'fb01', 'single', $19);

insert into room values (601, 'fb01', 'double', $29);

create a table named hotel :



HOTELNO varchar (10),

HOTELNAME varchar (20),

CITY varchar (20),


insert into hotel values ('fb01', 'white', 'London');

insert into hotel values ('fb02', 'fairfax', 'USA');

create table guest (

guestNo numeric (5),

guestName varchar (20),

guestAddress varchar (50),

primary key (guestNo)

insert into visitor values (1001, 'babitha, '11815, VA');

insert into guest values (1002, 'sandeep', '9451, MD');

create table booking (

hotelno varchar (10),

guestNo numeric (5),

dateFrom date,

dateTo date,

roomNo numeric (5),

primary key (hotelno, guestNo, dateFrom),

foreign key (roomno, hotelno) REFERENCES room (roomno, hotelno),

foreign key (guestno) REFERENCES guest(guestno)

insert into booking values ('fb01', 1001, '11-03-16', '11-15-16', 501);

insert into booking values ('fb01', 1002, '12-03-16', '12-15-16', 601);

After creating the sample tables and inserting data, we obtain:

Sample Data

Some general constraints are:


SELECT*FROM booking WHERE dateto is NULL;

Primary and Foreign keys are the constraints. Room is related to Hotel through
the HOTELNo. Therefore, the HOTELNo in Room should either be null or contain
the number of an existing hotel in the Hotel relation. In this case study, it would
probably be unacceptable to have a HOTELNo in Room with a null value.

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