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Pointer to Function and

C prog
Pointer to Structure Pointer to structure holds the add of the entire structure.

It is used to create complex data structures such as linked lists, trees, graphs
and so on.

The members of the structure can be accessed using a special operator called
as an arrow operator ( ->).
Declaration Following is the declaration for pointers to structures in C programming −

struct structname *ptr;


struct student *sptr ;

Example Program

struct student
{ printf ("details of the student are");
int sno;
char sname[30];
printf ("Number = %d", st ->sno);
float marks;
Int main ( ) printf ("name = %s ", st->sname);
struct student s; printf ("marks =%f ", st ->marks);
struct student *st;
st = &s;
printf("enter sno, sname, marks:"); Return 0;
scanf ("%d%s%f", & s.sno, s.sname, &s. marks);

Let us run the above program that will produce the following result −

enter sno, sname, marks:1 Lucky 98

details of the student are:
Number = 1
name = Lucky
marks =98.000000
Function pointers in C are variables that can store the
memory address of functions and can be used in a program to
create a function call to functions pointed by them
In C, like normal data pointers (int *, char *, etc), we can
have pointers to functions.

Following is a simple example that shows declaration and

function call using function pointer.
#include <stdio.h>
void fun(int a)
printf("Value of a is %d\n", a);

int main()

void (*fun_ptr)(int) = &fun;

/* The above line is equivalent of following two

void (*fun_ptr)(int);
fun_ptr = &fun;

// Invoking fun() using fun_ptr

Value of a is 10
return 0;
Following are some interesting facts about function

1) Unlike normal pointers, a function pointer points to

code, not data. Typically a function pointer stores the start
of executable code.

2) Unlike normal pointers, we do not allocate de-allocate

memory using function pointers.

3) A function’s name can also be used to get functions’

address. For example, in the below program, we have
removed address operator ‘&’ in assignment. We have
also changed function call by removing *, the program still
#include <stdio.h>
void fun(int a)
printf("Value of a is %d\n", a);

int main()
void (*fun_ptr)(int) = fun; // & removed

return 0;

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