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CubeSat Security Attack Tree Analysis

Conference Paper · July 2021

DOI: 10.1109/SMC-IT51442.2021.00016

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3 authors, including:

Gregory Falco Arun Viswanathan

Cornell University California Institute of Technology


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CubeSat Security
Attack Tree Analysis
Gregory Falco Arun Viswanathan Andrew Santangelo
Department of Civil and Systems Engineering Jet Propulsion Laboratory sci Zone
Institute for Assured Autonomy California Institute of Technology Holland, USA
Johns Hopkins University Pasadena, USA andrew
Baltimore, USA

Abstract—Once a novelty, small satellites, often referred to as while not a CubeSat, the autonomous Mars helicopter designed
CubeSats, have become important tools for a variety of space and built by NASA JPL was powered by the Linux operating
activities ranging from exploration to defense. Their relative system [8]. Like the Mars helicopter, CubeSats use commercial
affordability and short development timeline have made them
attractive options to complement larger space vehicles, conduct off-the-shelf (COTS) sensors, software and chipsets that are
reconnaissance and other finite tasks. The specialized nature of installed and configured in predictable ways. Such consistency
many CubeSat missions do not make their security any less affords developers the ability to quickly and inexpensively
important as their missions could easily be matters of national build CubeSats, but there are hidden costs in exchange for the
security. This paper demonstrates the use of attack tree analysis relatively straightforward design process. The tradeoff, not at
to assess vulnerabilities of a CubeSat. First, we abstract and
build an architectural model of an operational CubeSat. We then all unlike the issue with internet of things (IoT) devices, is
create a series of attack trees for the abstracted architecture to that these inexpensive components and their standard commu-
illustrate a series of potential attack vectors for small satellites. nications mechanisms are not designed with security in mind
We conclude by discussing some strategies that could be employed [9].
to improve CubeSat resilience.
The current security posture of CubeSats offers opportuni-
Index Terms—CubeSat, Small Satellites, NanoSat, CubeSat
Security, Satellite Security, Space System Security, Attack Trees, ties for attackers to compromise their operations in a variety of
Space Cybersecurity, Mission Resilience ways. In this paper we begin by contextualising the security
challenge through previous space system security incidents,
I. I NTRODUCTION discussing potential attacker motivations for compromising
CubeSats, and describing a methodology for enumerating
CubeSats are cost-efficient, small space vehicles. In some attacks against CubeSats. We then describe three potential
cases they are engaged to augment the capabilities, oversight attacker goals for disrupting a CubeSat’s operations: denial of
or communications of larger space mission systems, as was the service (DoS), data tampering and disabling the CubeSat. Each
case with NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s (JPL) Mars Cube will be accompanied with a methodology for achieving the
One (MarCO) [1]. Other times they are used for early edu- attacker’s goal, represented using attack trees. The attacks are
cation projects to encourage emerging scientists [2]. Despite designed based on an abstracted CubeSat system architecture.
their small size, they often hold strategic mission importance. The CubeSat architecture is based on a real mission system
CubeSats are not toys. They must be engineered with safety that is currently operating in space.
and security in mind - as should be the case for any space
The security of space vehicles has increasingly become a
topic of technical and policy discussion [3]. While cybersecu- The industrial control systems (ICS) and critical infrastruc-
rity is not a new issue for space systems engaged in defense or ture security communities have long employed the “security
intelligence operations, the burgeoning ‘new space’ economy by obscurity” approach to securing their systems, which relies
has brought hundreds of new small satellites into orbit, without heavily on secrecy to protect assets from attackers [10].
regard for their security. Complicating security matters further While relatively successful as a strategy in the early years
is the lightly regulated landscape [4], [5] for launching such of ICS, it became significantly less effective as open, standard
assets. communication protocols came into use and the volume of
While most small satellites have different use cases and pay- connected devices increased. Space systems - especially in
loads, their components, system architecture and configuration civil space - have equally relied on security by obscurity in
is largely consistent. This is partially because of the growing past decades [11], but, similar to ICS, the proliferation of space
open-source documentation and associated communities for systems and their increased connectivity has and will continue
space system design and development [6], [7]. For example, to reduce the efficacy of this strategy.
Like ICS, most satellites suffer from constrained memory power of GNSS signals, interference is relatively common and
and processing power. This restricts space systems from us- can be caused unintentionally by amateur radio enthusiasts or
ing traditional security solutions such as antivirus tools or by adversaries using a range of devices (some sold over the
memory-intensive intrusion detection and prevention systems. internet on sites like eBay) [19]. Interference can result in
CubeSat space vehicles are even more memory and processing the inability to receive a signal (jamming) and is a functional
constrained than their typical satellite counterparts, making denial of service (DoS) attack.
many security products and solutions infeasible. Instead, their More concerning are GNSS spoofing attacks, which causes
security relies on the thoughtful design of their system archi- an operator to believe that a navigation device is accurately re-
tecture along with careful monitoring of the asset. flecting coordinates, however an attacker is tricking the device
Unlike currently deployed CubeSats, future P-LEO con- into displaying fake data. The first highly publicized spoofing
stellations will feature significant computing power as is the attack was against an RQ-170 Sentinel US surveillance drone
case for the La Jument constellation embedded with Lockheed in 2011. Iranian operatives were able to spoof its GPS signal
Martin’s SmartSat™ software-defined satellite architecture. and trick the drone into landing unharmed in Iranian territory
SmartSat™ will allow for applications to be run on the edge [20]. Such attacks have been made easier and achievable by
and facilitate dual tenancy [12]. Security will be equally, if script kiddies through the use of inexpensive software defined
not more, important given the increased attack surface and the radios such as the HackRF One [17]. The ease of spoofing and
potential for attackers to move laterally across applications. jamming have caused concern for military operators reliant on
With increased interest and investment in the militarization satellite communication signals. While discussed in academic
of space, senior U.S. military officials have explicitly described literature in 2000 [21], anti-spoofing and anti-jamming GPS
cyberattacks being the most likely space threat [13]. Such technology named M-Code only become operational at the end
attacks are far from science fiction. of 2020 [22].
3) Space Vehicle Attacks: While less common, cyberattacks
A. Space System Security Incidents can target satellites in orbit. ROSAT was perhaps one example
There has been a clear upward trend in cyberattacks against of such an attack, but if there is any doubt about ROSAT,
space systems over the past decades, ranging from ones there are other confirmed attacks of this nature. Described in
compromising ground control stations, to disrupting commu- the 2011 Report to Congress of the U.S.-China Economic and
nications signals to those targeting the satellite itself [14]. Security Review Commission, on October 20, 2007 and then
Among the earliest recorded cyberattack against space systems again on July 23, 2008, what is described as “interference” was
may have been in 1998 against the ROSAT X-Ray Satellite. experienced by Landsat-7, a U.S. Earth observation satellite
Shortly after a known cyber intrusion at the NASA Goddard for 12 minutes each time [23]. More seriously, the report
Space Flight Center where ROSAT source code was stored, the describes an attack against the Terra Earth observation satellite
US-German satellite turned its solar panels towards the sun, on June 20, 2008 and October 22, 2008 where the attacker
frying the sensors and rendering the satellite inoperable [15]. achieved all steps to command and control the satellite for at
While details of what actually happened are contested [16], least 2 and 9 minutes respectively [23]. These attacks were
the failure epitomizes the appeal of cyberattacks against space thought to be achieved by China given the attack techniques
assets because they can easily look like naturally occurring were consistent with Chinese military writings on the topic
failures [17]. [23]. As technology for communicating with satellites be-
1) Ground Station Attacks: The NASA Goddard Space comes more accessible and less expensive, it is conceivable
Flight Center was certainly not the last ground station or that these attacks will become increasingly common [17].
NASA center to be hacked. In April 2018, NASA JPL was Notably, the above examples are not specific to CubeSats.
attacked via an unauthorized and unsecured Raspberry Pi Details regarding attacks against satellite systems are often
device that was connected to the JPL network [18]. The lack hidden from public view so it is not surprising that private
of segmentation of the JPL network gateway allowed the owners of CubeSats or military operations using CubeSats
attacker to perform lateral movement and collect data from have not publicized attacks against their assets. However, at
mission systems [18]. While it is not clear if the theft of AIAA ASCEND 2020, we ran an attack demonstration on
this data had direct impact on any mission operations, as a an operational CubeSat to demonstrate the security challenges
result of the attack, NASA Johnson Space Center disconnected with these systems [24]. Based on this demonstration, it is
their systems in May 2018 from JPLs network gateway until reasonable that the attacks described above are achievable and
November 2018, for fear that missions run out of Johnson applicable for CubeSats.
Space Center may also be attacked [18].
2) Communication Signal Attacks: Communication chan- B. CubeSat Overview
nels between ground stations and satellites are also frequently According to, a database that tracks the sta-
subject to attack through both jamming and spoofing [14]. tus of launched nanosatellites (another term for small satel-
Jamming attacks against satellite signals have been around lites/CubeSats), as of January 1, 2021 there were 801 nanosats
for decades - most commonly discussed in the context of in orbit [25]. Their popularity is largely a function of their low
global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) [19]. Given the low cost and high value. Cost estimates to build CubeSats range
between $25,000-40,000 for components and about $40,000 beneath which are called branches. Each branch contains a
for launch services [26]. Given ride-sharing agreements for series of leaf nodes which are actions required to achieve the
rocket launches, launch costs will likely continue to decrease sub-goals and ultimately the attack goal. Leaf nodes that must
in coming years. Some companies such as bluShift Aerospace be performed together to achieve a sub-goal are joined by an
which is powered by biofuel, even discuss the prospects of arc representing “AND” logic, whereas leaf nodes representing
highly customized launches just for CubeSats [27]. separate choices to achieve a sub-goal are not joined thereby
1) Proliferated Low Earth Orbit (P-LEO) CubeSats: As representing “OR” logic.
described previously, there is a proliferation of small satellites Attack trees are a derivation of fault tree analysis, an
being launched into LEO - in fact, it is so common that the approach used in the aerospace community to determine faults
term proliferated low earth orbit or P-LEO is widely used. P- in complex systems. Fault trees were developed in 1962 at Bell
LEO specifically refers to large constellations of small satel- Telephone Laboratories while devising a method to determine
lites. Some P-LEO like the DARPA Blackjack program, are failure modes and risks for intercontinental ballistic missiles
designed for multiple uses, ranging from distributed processing (ICBMs) [33], [34].
for military applications to providing networking capabilities While highly useful for a cursory risk assessment, attack
[28]. In the commercial sector, P-LEO companies like Planet trees have been criticized for being static and subjective [35].
Labs focuses on Earth monitoring and imagery [29]. To reduce the subjectivity of attack trees, researchers have
As P-LEO constellations are launched, there will be in- standardized their components, which facilitates comparison
creased concern of both physical and RF collision and in- across different systems, their scalability across many systems
terception. While the operating landscape of space is vast, and the automation of attack trees using AI planning logic
with each incremental CubeSat that is part of a P-LEO [36]. Figure 1 depicts a template for building an attack tree as
constellation, the attack surface of the constellation increases described. There are, however, many structural permutations
making it easier for attackers to target and compromise [17]. In of attack trees that would be entirely acceptable and useful for
some P-LEO as is the case for Project Blackjack, the satellites security evaluations.
function and network autonomously, which adds additional The proposed attack methodology encourages the use of
complexity to the system. On top of existing security issues existing security frameworks and taxonomies to enable con-
with space systems, autonomous space systems have distinct, sistency and completeness [36]. It also assumes a multi-stage
additional security considerations [30]. process is required to achieve the attacker goal, following the
stages of attack as described by Lockheed Martin’s Cyber
C. Security Assessments Kill Chain [37]. Given the inherent complexity of CubeSats,
To identify security challenges for various systems, re- a multi-stage process to achieve an attacker’s objective is
searchers build threat models that outline an attacker’s goals realistic.
and subsequent approach for disrupting a system. A method
for assessing security risks for a given system architecture is III. C UBE S AT S YSTEM A RCHITECTURE
attack tree analysis. For purposes of this study, we abstracted a CubeSat system
Such threat models have been developed previously for architecture from an operational mission system. Below we
space systems [31], but none have focused on CubeSats. describe the abstracted CubeSat architecture we worked with
The primary difference between previously completed space in the context of a generic CubeSat system depicted in Figure
system security assessments and our own is that CubeSat 2. There are three aspects of any CubeSat mission system -
space vehicles have less attack surface, given their resource the ground station, the communication signal and associated
constraints and fewer components attached to the satellite bus. infrastructure and the CubeSat space vehicle.
This limits the options that attackers have to compromise
the device. Further, the low-power nature of CubeSats results A. Ground Station
in their greater susceptibility to attacks that would drain a The ground station is responsible for satellite operations and
CubeSat’s power, rendering it useless. While subtle differences support. This ranges from issuing controls to the CubeSat,
may exist, threat models for a CubeSat and a larger satellite’s monitoring weather and atmospheric conditions relating to
ground station would be similar given they could ostensibly launch and providing support services to the CubeSat by
use the same systems. A CubeSat’s threat model may be way of data collection, management and storage. The ground
considered to be more generalizable to other satellite architec- station is historically where data centers and servers relating
tures given their components consist of the basic requirements to the operations of the CubeSat are housed along with the
for operations. In effect, CubeSats reflect the least common operator’s terminal. An operator’s command terminal may
denominator components across space systems; hence the consist of a desktop computer, a web-browser and a user
value of conducting threat assessments on such systems. interface (UI) where communications from the satellite are
1) Attack Tree Analysis: Attack tree analysis was first viewed.
published in 1999 [32] as an approach to enumerate various Historically, satellites were operated primarily from the
attack pathways to achieve an attack goal. The attack goal is operator’s terminal, but with the advent of cloud-based ground
stipulated at the top of the tree and sub-goals are enumerated stations-as-a-service offered by Amazon Web Services and
Figure 1. Attack Tree Analysis Methodology.

Microsoft Azure, the operator may log into their service IV. C UBE S AT ATTACK T REES
provider and control or offer data to the CubeSat from the Given the system architecture presented, we selected a
cloud. A cloud-based ground station is increasingly common series of attack goals relevant to the CubeSat. Each attack
for CubeSat missions. The CubeSat we worked with “pushes” goal selected intended to target different components of the
and “pulls” data to and from the ground. The ground terminals CubeSat.
cannot push data to the satellite. First, we describe an attacker’s goal and their process for
preventing users from accessing CubeSat data. We describe a
B. Communication Signal and Supporting Infrastructure
denial of service attack against the CubeSat, representing an
Regardless of whether the control system is pushing data attack against the system that enables communications.
to the CubeSat or the CubeSat is requesting data from the The second goal and associated attack method we describe
control center, the ground station relays commands via a is tampering with sensitive CubeSat sensor data stored in a
network router to a satellite dish transceiver. The transceiver database. We characterize this as an attack on the ground
then communicates with the CubeSat’s radio network at a station’s servers.
pre-determined time during the transceivers alignment with Finally, we describe an attacker’s goal of causing the
the CubeSat’s orbit. The transceiver may additionally require CubeSat to pull a “kill radio” command from the ground
communication with a satellite network to communicate to the station, thereby rendering the CubeSat useless. This would be
CubeSat. The satellite transceiver infrastructure for CubeSats a direct attack against the space vehicle.
is generally rented using a time-sharing system. Such a time- The attack trees are described in sequence starting with the
sharing system is used extensively for cloud-based CubeSat attack tree for the communications and ending with the attack
communications, where there are limited transceivers for a tree for the space vehicle. Some of the information collected
wide range of operators. by an attacker after completing one tree can be used in the
process of completing a subsequent attack goal on a different
C. Space Vehicle part of the CubeSat system. The attack trees described are not
When the transceiver is aligned with the CubeSat’s orbit, a necessarily the easiest attacks to complete, but are informative.
communications signal will be sent to the CubeSat’s antenna
radio network. The CubeSat’s radio network will download A. Denial of Service
the signal into a database onboard the space vehicle where it To achieve a denial of service attack as the “goal”, we
will be parsed and analyzed depending on the functionality followed the attack tree methodology described above that
of the CubeSat and the purpose of the communication. The guides the attack tree development process using a series of
CubeSat we studied had several basic components including a questions that cover: the stage of the cyber kill chain; the
GPS radio, an attitude determination and control system and a attack surface targeted; the action on the attack surface; and
series of Earth observing sensors. Commands processed by this the method used to achieve the action. The starting assumption
satellite primarily related to determining which data should be for purposes of the exercise is that the attacker knows the
sensed, captured and delivered back to the ground station. domain name of the CubeSat provider. Moving through the
Figure 2. A Notional CubeSat System Architecture.

attack tree methodology from the top left to bottom right, we be a method to diffuse the limited power available on the
answered each question posed in the context of the attack goal space vehicle. Another approach to denying service could be
- denying communications to the end user. achieved more simply by either jamming the communications
For example, Figure 3 should be read as follows: to achieve signal or flooding the communications network. A jamming
a “denial of service” (attack goal), the attacker begins with attack could have been represented on our attack tree by
“reconnaissance”, which should be completed on the “web adding an “OR” logic branch that provided another option
interface”, where an attacker should “collect and analyze under the “Execute” stage, but was omitted to streamline the
information” by using tools like “Shodan”. Completing the figure.
“reconnaissance” branch of the attack tree yields outcomes Determining what the attacker is optimizing for during the
including knowledge of: the target IP address, what services attack is essential when designing attack trees. In this case,
are running on the system, and usernames and email addresses the attack tree optimizes for maximum information gathering,
for a user. With this knowledge, the attacker can proceed to whereas if the attack tree aimed to optimize for speed, a
the next branch of the tree which begins with “weaponiza- jamming attack would have been preferable. While a jamming
tion” and continue to work their way through the attack tree attack would be easier to accomplish, it would not have yielded
methodology in this way. the same reconnaissance insight that will enable the next attack
Executing each branch of the tree as described, attackers
will reach the final stage of the attack to “execute” commands B. Data Tampering Attack
by accessing the “administrative panel”, “performing actions The attack tree for the data tampering attack is shown in
via the UI” and “changing the configuration settings” along Figure 4. In the course of conducting a denial of service, the
with “deleting items on the CubeSat” to deny service to attacker performed reconnaissance thereby learning about the
operators. The two kill chain stages that are shaded in the CubeSat system’s assets. They also would have collected the
attack tree are not necessary to complete the attacker’s goal. username and password of a user after a successful phishing
Ultimately, the attack goal of denying service to users of attack. These insights can be used for the next attack goal:
the CubeSat can be achieved in multiple ways, where only tampering with data collected from the CubeSat stored at the
one method is described in our attack tree. The approach ground station.
depicted in Figure 3 involves compromising the space vehicle Given the attacker’s existing knowledge of the credentials,
where a command log is represented to the operator via a UI. the data tampering attack is streamlined, hence the shaded
In this case, the ambition of the attacker is not to flood the stages of reconnaissance, weaponization and deliver. Control
communication channel, but to back up the CubeSat command and maintain are also excluded stages as they are not necessary
queue with unnecessary processes, functionally blocking the for the data tampering goal. The attack tree focuses on the
execution of actually necessary commands for the CubeSat’s stages of exploit and execute, starting with the user and
function. This could either delay time-critical commands or administrative interface as the attack surface. Four actions
Figure 3. Attack tree for a denial-of-service attack on a CubeSat.

are enumerated to achieve the entire goal across exploit and attack methodology describes the steps required in sequence
execute where each has subsequent instructions to achieve the where ultimately six actions enable the attacker to disable the
associated actions. The actions include: CubeSat. These actions include:
1) Login to the database server; 1) Collect and analyze information: find documentation
2) Steal admin credentials to the database; about the CubeSat, determine how to request commands
3) Gain access to the database admin interface; and and find template scripts to issue the command;
4) Modify database tables. 2) Develop client application: craft a malicious script to
Addressing each relevant stage of the kill chain and the execute the kill command based on the template found;
associated questions throughout the tree will lead to the attack 3) Upload malicious application to server: login remotely
goal’s completion - data tampering, achieved by “changing using the stolen user credentials and upload the mali-
data logged in the flight database”. cious kill radio script to the ground station server;
4) Gain access to the database admin interface: login to
C. Disabling the CubeSat the admin interface for the CubeSat space vehicle from
the ground station using the stolen credentials;
The final attack goal is to disable the CubeSat by killing 5) Add command to upload application: add command
the radio on the CubeSat space vehicle (see Figure 5. to pre-scheduled database table for CubeSat to pull
The attack tree begins with the assumption that the attacker malicious script uploaded
knows the following information after successfully achieving 6) CubeSat pulls the kill command: CubeSat pulls mali-
the previous attack goals: knowledge of assets to attack, cious script and executes kill radio command.
username and password of phished user an admin credentials After the CubeSat executes the kill radio command, the
to the ground station. Also, given this information, the attacker CubeSat is rendered useless to the ground as it can no longer
would have insight to the unique CubeSat configuration where communicate sensor data collected nor can it retrieve new
an operator cannot push commands from the ground station, commands. Some commands the CubeSat would pull are vital
but instead commands must be pulled by the CubeSat. This to its survival. For example, commands relating to attitude
presents unique challenges as an attacker who seeks to disable determination and control would no longer be pulled, which
the CubeSat given the attacker will need to issue the kill could cause the CubeSat to eventually deorbit.
command from the CubeSat itself.
The attacker still must begin with the reconnaissance stage V. D ISCUSSION
of the kill chain, also necessarily achieving weaponization, As with any security evaluation, attack trees are not a perfect
deliver, exploit and execute. As with the other attack goals, the method to assess CubeSat security risks. There are several
Figure 4. Attack tree for tampering data received from a CubeSat.

limitations to attack tree’s use amidst their benefits. Also, when considering their CubeSat’s security posture. Despite
attack trees offer a starting point to discuss opportunities to their small size, CubeSats are still prone to cyber risks and
improve system defense and resilience. developers should be cognizant of these during the design,
launch and operation phases of a CubeSat’s lifecycle.
A. Attack Tree Findings and Limitations
Not all CubeSats would be rendered useless after such B. CubeSat Resilience Considerations
attacks - especially if they had autonomous network con- CubeSats are developed and launched to achieve a specific
figuration capabilities such as the P-LEO Project Blackjack mission. The mission may be one relating to education, dis-
constellation. Attack trees are not broadly applicable - an covering new science, or even military applications. Therefore,
attack tree for one CubeSat is not likely to be accurate for mission success is critical for CubeSats - necessitating that
another that has different configurations or capabilities. Attack cyber risk management approaches for CubeSats should all
trees do however offer insights to classes of risks for assets. support mission resilience in light of an attack.
Importantly, the attack trees described above are not com- The attacks described against CubeSat system communica-
prehensive and do not reflect all potential attack vectors to tions, ground stations and space vehicles all had credential
achieve the stated CubeSat attack goals. They also do not compromise as a common denominator. Given each attack
represent the wide variety of potential goals an attacker may would have hindered the CubeSat’s mission, it is prudent to
pursue. The three attack goals described are a small sampling recommend robust credential management techniques includ-
of the creative destruction an attacker can unleash on a ing dual-factor authentication for CubeSat system resilience.
CubeSat system. The attacks discussed in this paper do not This would enable an extra layer of challenges for an attacker
necessarily reflect an increased likelihood for them to occur to break should credentials be easily discovered or stolen.
over other attacks. Another common attack feature was the single-point-of-
The attack trees discussed provide the space system com- failure for how the CubeSat communicated with the op-
munity with thoughtful attack plans that could be informative erator. To improve mission resilience, installing a backup
Figure 5. Attack tree for disabling the CubeSat.

radio antenna (perhaps of a different make and model to a sampling of the security risks faced by these systems.
add heterogeneity) and employing a separate transceiver to Future work requires the dynamic assessment of CubeSat
engage with the backup radio antenna could be valuable. This threat models using automated tools such as AI planners so
will certainly add cost to the cubesat, but the extra $5,000 that operators can generate security evaluations before launch,
could save the roughly $80,000 in cumulative expenses from without extensive human resource requirements. Identifying
components and launch fees. the attack vectors that can be used to compromise CubeSat
A lower cost solution to minimize the single-point-of-failure systems will help to inform the CubeSat community of cyber
challenge is to segment the components of the CubeSat so that risks - thereby encouraging developers to design satellites for
they are not all reliant on the same bus. Thereby, should one set mission resilience.
of CubeSat features be compromised, the segmented counter-
part can continue to function properly, potentially preserving ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
the mission. A portion of this research was carried out at the Jet Propul-
While it is not possible to install traditional antivirus soft- sion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a
ware on CubeSats, system health monitors that may already contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
be employed on the satellite could double as security anomaly tration (80NM0018D0004). A portion of this research was
detectors. For example, internal thermometers that judge the funded by the National Science Foundation and the Icelandic
health of components could equally be engaged to determine Fulbright Commission.
if the CPU is overheating due to extraneous processing caused
by an attacker running a botnet on the system. This may not R EFERENCES
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