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24 – Online Class

Text C: The Khyber Mail to Lahore Junction

Answer the following questions and upload your answers on Managebac.

1. Why did Rashid want the writer to take a look at his tooth?
2. What is Paul Theroux’s profession?
3. How did the writer normally react when people nagged him with questions?
4. What two pieces of advice did Rashid receive?
5. According to Rashid, why would the writer be comfortable in the Khyber Mail?
6. Who were the occupants of the other two compartments?
7. Why was the writer disappointed that the trip was ‘only twelve hours’ to Lahore?
8. What should the writer do if he wished to have company?
9. Give one example of the difference between:
a) The train passenger and the ship traveller.
b) The train passenger and the plane traveller.
10. Give two examples why people find travelling in a sleeping car (train) so attractive?
11. According to the time-table, what time should the Khyber Mail reach Karachi?
12. At what time will they, in fact, reach Karachi, according to Rashid? What explanation does he
give for the delay?
13. Who woke the writer at six and why does he do this?
14. Describe the writer’s breakfast.
15. List five scenes that the writer sees while he looks out of the window.
16. Explain the meaning of each word or phrase below, as used in Text C:
a) Aches
b) Nagging
c) Evasive
d) Far-fetched
e) Adjoining
f) Drop-leaf table
g) Well-upholstered
h) Stroll
i) Sociability
j) Features
k) Swell
l) Notion
m) Diner
n) Residence
o) Turban
p) Sprawled
q) Snapped up the shade
r) Stagnant pools
s) Herons
t) Startled
u) Travelogue
v) Submerged ploughs
w) Bullocks

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