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qe 1 44 24 22 23 24 34 Sedu comb County had recently been told ithad qa seen told it had nothing to f blishes the tim fear but fear it quote estal 1 when the stor ‘ear but fear ‘Teidential inauguration of Franklin D Roo neue @ famous quote from the questions Scout Finch lives in a small town called Maycomb, Alaba , Alabama. Who are the members of her household? Scout, her brother, Jem, and their father, Atticus How old was Scout when her mother died? Two years old When does most of Chapter 1 take place? The summer before Scout's first year of schoo! How old are Scout and Jem when the story begins? Nearly six years old and nearly ten years old, respectively Who is the family cook? Calpumia What were the neighbourhood boundaries where Jem and Scout could play, and why? Mrs Henry Lafayette Dubose’s house (two doors to the north of the Finch home), and the Radley place (three doors south), because it was within calling distance of Calpurnia One day, Scout and her brother find a boy in their neighbour's collard patch. What did they hope to see when they looked to see what made the noise? They hoped to see Miss Rachel Haverfora's dog's puppies Whom did they find in the collard patch? Dill Harris Where is Dill from? Meridian, Mississippi What caused Jem to "eye [Dill] with the beginning of respect"? He had seen the film Dracula Dill gets the idea to get Boo Radley to come out. Deseribe the Radley house The house was low, with a deep front porch and green shutters, Itwas once white, now the same slate grey as the yard around it It has rain-rotted shingles that drooped over the eaves of the veranda Oak trees kept the sun away, making it dark The remains of a picket fence drunkenly guarded the front. yard The front yard was full of weeds Ithad no screen doors page cc 2022 Page ds.ofto4 Powered by CamScanner 3.2 41 4.2 43 44 Radley and the Radley house? e's windows 00 What are some rumours in town about Ei athed on them He goes out at night and peeps I” P ma 6 bre When people's azaleas died, It's cay fh Any stealthy minor crimes were his fau' sehold pets He mutilated people's chickens and lan i Pecans from the Radley yard would kil oa hams and got up to mischief Boo Radley joined a gang with the CunnIng No scrapbook He stabbed his father with a pair of scissors "s door. Dill dares Jem to knock on the Radley house © What do the boys bet? 1 ift books Dill's copy of The Gray Ghost against two of Jem's Tom Swift he bet? i to agree to tl . How does Dill finally get Jem to ag} das people in Maycomb He says people in Meridian aren't as scare What does Dill change the bet to? Jem doesn't have to knock on the door, only touch the wall What do the three kids see as they are running away, and what does it mean? They see a shutter inside the Radley house move, which means someone may have been watching them Powered by 9 CamScanner

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