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questions 1 a4 12 i) 14 15 The children find many new treasures in the knothole of the tree in thi in this chapter. ‘What five things do they find? A ball of twine Two soap figures that look like Jem and Scout ‘A pack of gum A spelling bee medal ‘A broken pocket watch What do the children decide to do to say thank you for the gifts? They write a letter and plan to put it in the tree What does Nathan Radley do to the knothole? He cements over it Why does he say he did it? Because the tree was dying How does Jem feel about Nathan Radley's actions? Itmakes him sad 2, That winter, Maycomb gets struck with freezing weather. 24 What does Mr Avery say caused the bad weather? Misbehaving children 2.2 Whatis Scout's reaction when she sees that it is snowing? She screams and says the world is ending 23 What message does Eula May (the telephone operator) give everyone? School is cancelled because of the snow 24 There isn't enough snow for a snowman. How do the Finch children get around that? They make a snowman out of dirt, then cover it with snow from their yard and Miss Maudie's 25 Which two people does the snowman resemble? ‘Mr Avery and Miss Maudie 3. Atticus wakes Scout in the middle of the night because someone's house is on fire. 31 Whose house is it? Miss Maudie 32 Where are Scout and Jem told to stand? i: Outside the Radley place 33° Why is the fire truck slow to respond? Ithad frozen in the cold weather Sedupage oc 2022 car) Page 27 of 101 Powered by CamScanner 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Where does the second fire truck com: Abbottsville je from? What do the men of Maycomb do to help Miss Mat They carry out her furniture Why does Atticus think Scout disobeyed him and did Scout has an unfamiliar blanket around her shoulders What was Miss Maudie worried about most during the That her neighbours’ houses would catch fire Powered by (3 CamScanner

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