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ALP I- 11

● Mariel Feril
● Gianfranco Cordova

The murder of Dee Dee Blanchard

In the captivating case of Gypsy Rose, a well-known criminal story that
unfolded in recent years, a tale of deception, manipulation, and tragic
consequences emerged.
Gypsy lived in Missouri with only her mother. Her father Rod Blanchard left
the house because of Dee Dee's strange behavior. She became obsessed
with the health of her daughter.
Dee Dee Blanchard had made Gypsy and others believe that Gypsy had
several chronic illnesses and disabilities. Medical interventions harm her
health. She couldn't walk, talk, use the internet or meet people.
However, through the internet and in secret, Gypsy Rose met her ex-partner
Nick. He was a child with psychological disorders.
Gypsy found out that she had no illnesses and felt betrayed by her mother.

Dee Dee Blanchard had subjected her daughter to years of medical abuse,
fabricating illnesses and disabilities to gain sympathy, attention, and financial
support. This web of deceit eventually culminated in a shocking act of
violence, as Gypsy Rose orchestrated the murder of her mother, with the help
of her then-boyfriend, Nicholas Godejohn. The case garnered significant
media attention, raising questions about the limits of parental control, the
vulnerabilities of those within the healthcare system, and the impact of long-
term abuse on an individual's psyche.

Had the Gypsy Rose case unfolded differently, alternative outcomes might
have been possible.
1.If professionals had recognized the signs of Munchausen syndrome by
proxy earlier, Gypsy Rose's suffering may have been alleviated, and her
mother could have received the necessary intervention and support.
2.Lack of communication and collaboration between healthcare professionals,
allowing Dee Dee Blanchard to deceive multiple physicians and specialists.
3.Social services and law enforcement could have prevented the escalation
of abuse and allowed Gypsy Rose to live a life free of manipulation and harm.
4.If Gypsy Rose had access to psychological support, she could have found
non-violent ways to deal with her situation and seek help

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