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Travel Experiences:

Where did you go on your last trip? What did you do there?

How was your last holiday different from previous ones you've had?

Did you travel alone or with friends/family on your last trip? How was the experience?

Favorite Memories:

What was the most exciting thing you did on your last trip?

Share a memorable experience from a past holiday. What made it special?

Did you try any new foods or activities that you hadn't experienced before on your last trip?

Travel Challenges:

Did you face any difficulties during your last trip? How did you overcome them?

Was there a time during your last holiday when things didn't go as planned? How did you
handle the situation?

Planning and Preparation:

How did you plan your last trip? Did you book everything in advance or plan on the go?

What were the essential items you packed for your last holiday? Were there things you wish
you had brought along?

Comparing Past Trips:

Compare your last trip with a previous one. Which did you enjoy more, and why?

Have your travel preferences changed after your last trip compared to before?

Reflections on Past Trips:

What did you learn from your last travel experience?

Would you do anything differently if you could go back to your last trip?

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