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For this progression, I will be researching how the armed conflict in Guatemala affects the future

generations of Mayan children. I'll address how it's important to understand how the Guatemalan war
affected indigenous children's lives and how those effects continue to this day.

I have always believed that the government exists to help their country and people. I've discovered that
the government frequently disregards particular groups of individuals. Indigenous people are a part of the
group. The majority of indigenous children in Guatemala were left in difficult circumstances following
the war as a result of the government's failure to provide them with assistance. The majority of the help
went to areas with higher population densities and little went to rural and indigenous regions.

After doing thorough research, I have come across that indigenous children were either left alone to fend
for themselves or were sold in other countries. Many of them are still living in poverty today without any
family and trauma they are forced to live with. I endorse the necessities of indigenous children because it
is cruel that they aren't receiving the assistance and justice that they require in order to leave these
confined situations.

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