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Exercise 1

It was a rainy day. The children could not go out to play. So Lucy, Zeny and
Perla stayed in the house. “ Let us cut out paper fruits for our store said,” said Lucy.
So the girls got their paper, scissors and crayons. Lucy cut out 5 apples. She
colored them red. Zeny cut out 6 mangoes. She colored them yellow. Perla cut out 4
guavas. She colored them green. Then they counted their paper fruits.“ Now we have
many pretty paper fruits for our store,” said Perla.

1. What kind of a day was it?

a. rainy b. sunny c. bright
2. How many girls are in our story?
a. two b. three c. four
3. Where did the girls stay?
a. in school b. in the yard c. in the house
4. What did Lucy cut out?
a. 4 guavas b. 5 apples c. 6 mangoes
5. What color where the apples?
a. red b. green c. yellow
6. What did Lucy cut out?
a. 4 guavas b. 5 apples c. 6 mangoes
7. What color were the mangoes?
a. red b. green c. yellow
8. Who cut out the four guavas?
a. Lucy b. Zeny c. Perla
9. How many paper fruits did they cut in all?
a. 10 b. 12 c. 15
10. Where will they put their paper fruits?
a. in their store b. in their house c. in their school

Exercise 2
Do you have an uncle living far away? Miriam has.His name is Max. Miriam calls him
Uncle Max. He lives in New York.
Last Christmas, Uncle Max sent Miriam a gift. It came in a big heavy box. Father
helped open the box.
Then they saw something very pretty. It was a big doll. It had round blue eyes and a
small red mouth. It had a blue lace dress and curly black hair. Miriam called it Curly. She
loved to play with it. What Miriam liked best was the way Curly walked. Miriam would hold
one of its hands and they walk together around the living room. Curly made Miriam happy.

1. Who is Curly?
a. a dog b. a doll c. a cat

2. Who gave Curly to Miriam?

a. Father b.Mother c. Uncle Max

3. Where does Uncle Max live?

a. Cebu b. Manila c. New York

4. On what occasion was Curly given?

a. Birthday b. Christmas c. graduation

5. Who helped Miriam open the box?

a. Father b. Mother c. Uncle Max

6. What words tell about the box?

a. big and light b. big and heavy c. small and light

7. What word tells about Curly’s mouth?

a. red b. pink c. yellow

8. What was Curly’s dress made of?

a. silk b. lace c. cotton

9. What words tell about her hair?

a. Curly b. brown c. straight

10. What can Curly do?

a. Talk b. sing c. walk

Exercise 3
Victor lives on a farm. He lives with his parents in a little nipa house.
Victor has an elder sister named Nora. Victor and Nora help their parents. They
help take care of their animals. They have a carabao, a horse, a goat and
somechickens. Father takes care of the horse. Victor takes care of the carabao.
Mother takes care of the chickens. Nora takes care of the goat. Their animals are
all fat and healthy. Each one takes care of his animals very well.

1. Where does Victor live?

a. in the city b. on a farm c. near the sea
2. Which word tells about their house?
a. nipa b. cement c. wooden
3. Who is Victor’s sister?
a. Nina b. Nora c. Nida
4. Who is older, Victor or Nora?
a. Nora b. Victor c. Does not tell
5. How many kinds of animals do they have?
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5
6. Which one do they have?
a. cow b. horse c. carabao
7. Who takes care of the horse?
a. Victor b. Father c. Mother
8. Who takes care of the carabao?
a. Nora b. Victor c. Father
9. Who takes care of the chickens?
a. Nora b. Victor c. Mother
10. Which one does Nora take care of?
a. goat b. chickens c. carabao

Exercise 4
Pedro and Jose came to school early. There were no other pupils in school yet.
“Look !” said Pedro. “ There is a handbag under the stairs. It is a girl’s handbag.”Jose got the
handbag. He opened it. There was a red pencil, a pink handkerchief and fifty pesos in it.“ Let
us look for the owner of this handbag said Pedro.Just then the school principal arrived.
“Good morning, Mr. Cruz. We found this bag under the stairs,” said Jose.Mr. Cruz
smiled and said, “Thank you, boys. I shall
help you find the owner.

1. What time of the day was it?

a. noon b. morning c. afternoon

2. Who are the boys in the story?

a. Juan and Jose b. Pedro and Jose c. Pedro and Juan

3. What did the boys find?

a. a box b. a book c. a handbag

4. Where was the handbag found?

a. Under the tree b. under the stairs c.under the building

5. What kind of a handbag was it?

a. A girl’s handbag b. a man’s handbag c. a teacher;s handbag

6. Which word tells about the pencil?

a. red b. pink c. blue

7. Which word tells about the handkerchief? red, pink, white

a. red b. pink c. white

8. How much money was in the handbag?

a. fifteen pesos b. twenty pesos c. fifty pesos

9. Who is Mr. Cruz?

a. The clerk b. the teacher c. the school principal

10. What kind of boys are Jose and Pedro?

a. Kind b. polite c. honest

Exercise 5
Celso was eating bananas one evening. He threw the peelings out of the window. The
next morning, Celso got ready for school. He did not want to be late for school. He walked
fast.“Ouch!” Celso cried as he stepped on some banana peelings. Down he fell. His clothes
became dirty. His books dropped.“Are you hurt?” Mother asked running to him.
“No, Mother, I am not hurt,” Celso said as he got up. He looked at the banana
peelings.“Somebody did not use the garbage can,” Mother said.
“I threw these peelings last night, Mother. Next time, I will use the garbage can,” said Celso.

1. What did Celso eat?

a. bananas b. mangoes c. oranges
2. When did he eat the fruit?
a. last night b. that morning c. last week

3. When did he throw the peeling?

a. Into the basket b. out of the window c. into the garbage can

4. Where was Celso going?

a. to church b. to market c. to school

5. What sentence tells that Celso did not want to be late?

a. He walked fast. b. He walk slowly c. He played on the way

6. Who stepped on the banana peelings?

a. Father b. Mother c. Celso

7. Who saw Celso fall?

a. Father b. Mother c. Sister

8. Who did not use the garbage can?

a. Mother b. Celso c. Sister

9. Was Celso hurt?

a. Yes b. No c. Does not tell

10.Which word tells about Celso?

a. polite b. kind c. truthful

Exercise 6
At five o’clock in the afternoon, the train arrives in Naga City. The train carries the
newspapers from Manila.Alfredo, a Grade Four pupil, sells newspapers after class in the
afternoon. He sells for two hours. At seven o’clock, he goes home. He has time to study his
Alfredo earns one hundred pesos a day. He wants to give his money to Mother. But
Mother told him to put his money in his piggy bank. Alfredo’s parents are not poor.They can
give him money he needs, but
Alfredo wants to sell newspapers. He wants to earn his
own money.

1. Where does Alfredo live?

a. in Manila b. in Naga City c. on a farm
2. What time does the train arrive in Naga City?
a. four o’clock b. five o’clock c. six o’ clock
3. What carries the newspapers to Naga City?
a. a car b. a truck c. a train
4. Where do the newspapers come from?
a. Manila b. Cebu City c. Pasay City
5. What does Alfredo do?
a. sells fruits b. sells candies c. sells newspapers
6. How long does Alfredo sell newspapers?
a. one hour b. two hours c. three hours
7. How much does he earn a day?
a. fifty pesos b. seventy -five pesos c. one hundred pesos

8. What does he do with the money?

a. give it to his mother b. buys cakes and candies c. keeps it in his piggy bank

9. What kind of a boy is Alfredo?

a. Clean b. polite c. industrious

10. Are his parents poor?

a. Yes b. No c. Does not tell

Exercise 7
One morning, Miss Luna said to her Grade 3 class,“ I got a letter from Teresa’s
mother. Teresa cannot come to school. She is sick. The doctor told her to stay in bed for a
few days. What shall we do for Teresa?”
“ Let us visit her this afternoon,” said Linda.“ Yes, let us visit her,” said the other
children.That afternoon, the children went to visit Teresa. The girls brought her some fruits.
The boys brought her a can of biscuits. Miss Luna brought her some roses.Teresa was
sleeping when they arrived. Soon, she
woke up. She was happy to see her teacher and classmates.

1. Who is Miss Luna?

a. a nurse b. a mother c. a teacher

2. What did she get one morning?

a. a letter b. a telegram c. a newspaper

3. Who sent a letter?

a. Teresa b. Teresa’s mother c. Teresa’s father
4. Why was Teresa absent?
a. She was sick b. She was busy c. She was away

5. Did a doctor treat her?

a. Yes b. No c. Does not tell

6. What did the children do?

a. They visited her b. They Sent flowers c. They sent her a letter

7. What did the girls bring?

a. Milk b. fruits c. flowers

8. What did the boys bring?

a. fruits b. roses c. biscuits

9. Who brought some roses?

a. the girls b. the boys c. Miss Luna

10.When did they visit Teresa?

a. morning b. afternoon c. evening

Exercise 8
One rainy afternoon, Juan did not go straight home from school. He had his
raincoat on, so he did not get wet. Then he saw a kitten trembling in the grass.He stopped
and looked at it. It began to mew very softly.Juan was sorry for the kitten. He picked it up
and put it under his raincoat. He brought it home. He put it near the stove with fire. The
kitten looked at Juan and said,
“ Mew,mew.” It wanted to say, “Thank you.” From that time on,the kitten became his
pet. He loved his pet very much.

1. What time of the day was it?

a. morning b. noon c. afternoon
2. What kind of afternoon was it?
a. rainy b. sunny c.cloudy
3. Where was Juan going?
a. home b. to school c. to church
4. What was Juan wearing?
a. a hat b. a sweater c. a raincoat
5. What did Juan see on the way?
a. dog b. kitten c. chick
6. How did the kitten feel?
a. Hot b. cold c. warm
7. What did Juan feel for the kitten?
a. pity b. gladness c. happiness
8. Where did he bring it?
a. home b. school c. in the shade

9. Where did he put the kitten?

a. near the fire b. on the table c. near the bed

10.Did the kitten like to stay near the fire?

a. Yes b. No c. Does not tell

Exercise 9

The coconut is a tall palm tree. It has no branches.The trunk is strong. It makes a good
post. We get oil from the ripe coconut milk. The young coconut meat is good to eat. It is
good for making candies and salad.
Doormats are made out of the coconut husk. The long coconut leaves are woven into baskets.
Brooms are made from the midribs of the long leaves. Coconut shells are made into buttons,
coconut shell banks, ash trays and many others. The stalk of the leaves is good for fuel. How
useful the coconut is! Every part of it can be used.

1. What word tells about the coconut tree?

a. short b. tall c. small

2. Does the coconut tree have branches?

a. Yes b. No c. Does not tell

3. What part of the coconut tree is good for a post?

a. trunk b.roots c. fruit

4. From where can we get oil?

a.from coconut husk b. from ripe coconut milk c. from young coconut meat

5. Which is good to eat?

a. coconut husk b. coconut shell c. coconut meat

6. What part is made into doormats?

a. shell b. husk c. midribs

7. What can be made from the midribs?

a. buttons b. brooms c. candies

8. What part is woven into baskets?

a. husk c. leaves

9. Which part can be made into buttons?

a. husk b. shell c. midribs

10. What is the use of the stalk of the leaves?

a. for fuel b. for post c. for food

Exercise 10
Lino went with mother to market. They bought some vegetables.Mother said, “I was
able to buy only some with my money. Vegetables cost much now.”Lino was sorry for
Mother. They did not have much money. So he said, “Let’s plant vegetables in our backyard.
Then we will not have to buy them in the market.”So Lino planted three plots of tomatoes,
two plots of eggplants and a plot of pechay. He had some amargoso climbing on the bamboo
fence. Lino worked in his garden after class every afternoon. He grew more vegetables than
they could eat. Mother sold some of them in the market.

1. Where did Mother and Lino go?

a. church b. school c. market

2. What did they buy?

a. fish b. meat c. vegetables

3. Which word tells about the vegetables?

a. very cheap b. cost much c. very many

4. Where did Lino plant vegetables?

a. in school b. on the farm c. in the backyard

5. How many plots of tomatoes did he plant?

a. two b.three c. four

6. How many plots were planted to eggplants?

a. one b. two c. three

7. How many plots were planted to pechay?

a. one b. two c. three
8. How many plots did he have in all?
a. four b. five c. six

9. What vegetables were climbing on the fence?

a. beans b. squash c. amargosos

10. Why did mother sell some vegetables?

a. She had no money
b. She did not like vegetables
c. They had more than they could eat

Exercise 11

The moon was big and bright. The children played in the moonlight.
They played Hide and Seek. Mario hid behind the acacia tree. Andres hid behind some
bushes. Isabel hid behind a pile of hollow blocks. Rita is behind some banana plants.
Edmund looked around but saw no one. Just then someone moved behind the bushes.
Edmund ran to see who it was and found Andres. “One, two, three!” he said. “Now you are
‘it’, Andres.” The children played and played. How happy they were!

1. What part of the day was it?

a. night b. morning c. afternoon
2. Where did the children play?
a. in the rain b. in the sunshine c. in the moonlight
3. What game did the children play?
a. Hide and Seek b. Jump the Spine c. Cat and Mouse
4. Who was the first it?
a. Mario b. Andres c. Edmund
5. Who hid behind the acacia tree?
a. Mario b. Isabel c. Andres
6. Who hid behind some bushes?
a. Rita b. Isabel c. Andres
7. Who hid behind some hollow blocks?
a. Rita b. Isabel c. Andres
8. Who hid behind some banana plants?
a. Rita b. Mario c. Isabel
9. Who was the next it?
a. Mario b. Andres c. Edmund
10. How did the children feel?
a. tired b. happy c. sleepy

Exercise 12


It was recess time. Pedro and Ramon went to buy cakes. Then they sat near the gate.
They began to eat their cakes. Just then Oscar ran against Ramon. Ramon’s cake fell to the
ground.“Look what did you do with my cake,” Ramon said.“ I am sorry, Ramon. I did not
mean to knock your cake down,” said Oscar.“ Why did you not look where you are going?
asked Ramon? .“ Tony ran after me and I did not look where I was going, “ said
Oscar.Ramon was angry. He was about to box Oscar.“ Never mind,” said Pedro. “Oscar did
not mean to knock your cake down, Ramon . I still have my cake.Let us divide it.

1. What time was it?

a. noon time b. recess time c. time to go home
2. What did Ramon and Pedro buy?
a. cakes b. banana c. ice cream
3. Where did they sit?
a. near the stairs b. near the door c. near the gate
4. Who ran against Ramon?
a. Tony b. Pedro c. Oscar
5. What happened to Ramon’s cake?
a. It fell down b. Oscar got it c. Ramon ate it
6. Who ran after Oscar?
a. Tony b. Pedro c. Ramon
7. Who was angry?
a. Pedro b. Oscar c. Ramon
8. What was Ramon about to do?
a. cry b.go home c. box Oscar

9. What did Pedro do?

a. He went away
b. He boxed Oscar
c. He gave ramon some cake
10.Which boy would you like for a friend?
a. Pedro b. Oscar c. Ramon
Grade 3

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