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W 年级 Born A Crime Ch 16 Questions

1. It is known that Bongani is a popular boy. What cemented his status as sort of the leader and
protect of the township kids?
He beat up one of the more infamous bullies in the school.

2. P205 “Once you go past the minibus rank, you’re in Alex proper.” What’s Trevor’s first
impression on Alex?
There is an electricity. It is a hive of constant human activity.

3. While walking in the streets in Alex, Trevor had what kind of feeling?
There is every smell you can imagine. All kinds of sounds wash over you.
Within chaos, there was order, system, a social hierarchy based on where you live.P206 2nd.

4. What is the only way Trevor knows about how to make money?
Sell pirated CDs. P207

5.When people say”Oh, you are a cheese boy.” What does that mean?
You are not really hood because your family had enough money to buy cheese.

6.Why was unemployment rate lower in South Africa during apartheid?

There was slavery—that’s how everyone was employed. P208

7. In the hood, what kind of people are a part of your world?


8. P212 the last paragraph “But the hood taught me that everyone has different notions of right
and wrong….and what level of crime they’re willing to participate in.”Then Trevor mentioned his
mother’s example. Briefly describe what happened to his mom.

Once Trevor went back home and noticed 200 frozen buger patties. Trevor’s mom said she got all
these at a great discount. But they know mom bought these patties from a stealer.

9. In Alex, girls, especially pretty girls are “well treated”. How do their moms treat their
The moms are protective. There are girls who got locked up. P215

10. What are cops’ impression of people who are from Alex?

Dogs from Alex. You come here and you rob people and you rape women and you hijack cars.
Bunch of fucking hoodlums. P223.

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