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Plan your Work, Work your Plan !

"Cause you make yourself what you are today, and only to yourself do
you have to prove it, so come on lets move it" - Special Ed - Come On Let's
Move It

The legendary paiter annd artist Keith Haring is considered a genius by his peers. Nowadays
we only see the random commercial artwork of Haring on socks, or fashion bags and T-Shirts
but he was much more. Keith Haring was a modern day icon and natural talent, what made
him special was that he was able to create murals without preparatory sketches. He was able
to visualize and then make that dream into a reality.

We're not all blessed with the enormous talent of a Keith Haring. A great advantage to the
creation and solidification of an outstanding mindset in sales, is having a great plan to follow.
Reliance on something other than sheer hope is essential in business and that reliance has to
be on something real.

Knowing is much better than wondering and logically in sales we cannot rely upon sending
an email out into cyberspace and hoping for an answer, when in fact a telephone call would
alleviate and dispel all doubt, which in turn frees up our mental capacity and also our time to

1) Qualify the "no"

2) Move on to other, brighter prospects

Sounds simple right ? It really is but in the present sales environment this is what's
happening. It's time to get back to basics and therefore back to the plan ! Plan your sales day
and endeavors, while utilizing the ever present "fearless" mindset and you will become
unstoppable. What's the plan ? Here is a sample 5 steps that I put to use on a daily basis:

1) Introduction and opening act

2) Compelling statement

3) "Buy in" to your visual plan

4) The interview - Fact Finding (Is there a fit worth pursuing?)

5) Visionary collaboration (It takes two to tango)

Easy steps which work for a number of occasions and business appointments be it client
visits, calls or conference elevator pitches. In sales, we are required to know our game, and
the best of us stay on top of ours...stay fearless and keep it moving !

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