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Group Members:

• Affan Asykhari

• M. Aufar

• Selvy Cahaya Altiska

• Sriwidari Herlia

• Syawaludin
M. Aufar:
hello everyone, good morning, let me introduce Group Five with the Members. My name is
M. Aufar, this is Affan, Syawal, Wida, and Selvy. And the purpose of all of us standing here is
to tell you how or steps to make donuts. First of all, we will tell you the Ingredients.


• 300 gr of Flour high protein

• 75 gr of Sugar

• 1 Egg


• 110-120ml of full cream liquid milk or water

• 50 gr of margarine

• 5 gr of Yeast instant

• 3-4 tablespoons of warn water

• 1 pack of glaze

How to make Donuts:

M. Aufar:

1. First, mix half the liquid milk (50 ml) with sugar, stir until dissolved. Then add the eggs,

stir until evenly mixed.

2. Second, pour the mixture into the flour while stirring, add the remaining liquid milk

little by little into the mixture. Stir until the mixture is flat and smooth.


3. After that, Cover the dough with a clean napkin. Leave it for 3-8 hours.

4. Then, add margarine and yeast mixed with warm water until it becomes a dough. Stir

until the mixture is even and smooth.


5. Round the dough, cover with a clean cloth, let it rise until it doubles in size.

6. Deflate the dough, weigh it (50 gr) into a ball, make a hole in the middle.

7. Leave the dough until it rises slightly (15 minutes).

8. Fry over medium low heat, flip once just to form like a white ring.


9. When it is cooked, remove from heat and drain, let it until the oil drops.

10. Prepare the glaze that has been melted, then dip the donuts one by one into the glaze,
when they have been dipped, sprinkle milo powder on top.

11. Prepare a clean plate and arrange the donuts neatly

12. Finally, its ready to be serve

That's all our presentation about how to make donuts, thank you for those who have listened

our explanation and we also want to apologize if we made a mistake.

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