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Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5

Pilihan Ganda

1. I am ......... a book
a. Read b. Reading c. Reads

2. A : Do you mind wrapping up this bag?

B : .........
A : Thank you
B : Don’t mention it
a. Sure b. Sorry, I can’t c. Sorry, I’m very busy now

3. (+) He is reading a Biography book

(₋) .........
a. He is not reading a Biography book
b. He is not read a Biography book
c. He doesn’t reading a Biography book

4. A : What’s wrong with them?

B : They have ......... (sakit gigi)
a. Sore eye b. Headache c. Toothaches

5. An orange contains .........

a. Vitamin A b. Calcium c. Vitamin C

6. good – is – for – Tomato – skin – our

a.Tomato is good for our skin
b. Skin is good for our tomato
c. Our skin is good for tomato

7. A : I have a toothache
B : You ......... see the dentist
a. Have not to b. Has to c. Should

8. A : I don’t have a driving license

B : You ......... drive a car
a. Have not to b. Shouldn’t c. Should

9. How______ books do you read?

a. Many b. Much c. Some

10. I ......... at the swimming pool yesterday.

a. Swimming b. Swim c. Swam

11. They ......... to the library yesterday.

a. Went b. Go c. Going

12. She ......... a new shirt yesterday.

a. Bought b. Buy c. Buying

13. Sandi has hurt ......... in the accident.

a. Herself b. Himself c. Myself

14. I ......... be a doctor than a nurse.

a. Prefer b. Would Rather c. Prefer to

15. I work in an office. I type letters and answer the phone.

a. Doctor b. Mailman c. Secretary


1. I ......... teacher to secretary


2. We ......... (see/saw) an accident yesterday


3. A : What’s wrong with her?

B : She......... headache

4. It is stormy today.
You ......... close all the windows tightly

5. She use a bandage by .........


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