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Theoretical Framework

2.1 Introduction

In recent years, the integration of technology in education has significantly

influenced language teaching practices, particularly in the domain of
English as a Foreign Language (EFL). One prominent tool that has gained
widespread popularity among educators and learners alike is Grammarly.
This chapter aims to analyze Grammarly's impact on EFL teachers' practices
in education, exploring both the challenges and benefits that arise in the
post-2018 educational landscape.

2.2 Technological Integration in Language Teaching

The adoption of technological tools in language education has become a

prevailing trend, driven by the need to enhance the learning experience
and cater to the evolving needs of language learners. As such,
understanding the theoretical underpinnings of integrating technology into
language teaching provides a foundation for evaluating Grammarly's

2.3 EFL Pedagogy and Writing Enhancement Tools

Examining the theoretical framework of EFL pedagogy reveals the intricate

relationship between traditional teaching methods and modern tools.
Grammarly, as a writing enhancement tool, necessitates an exploration of
how it aligns with or challenges established pedagogical principles in the
EFL context.

2.4 The Impact of Grammarly on Teacher Practice

This section delves into the practical implications of Grammarly on EFL

teachers' daily practices. It scrutinizes the challenges teachers face when
incorporating Grammarly into their teaching methodologies while also
acknowledging the potential benefits that arise from its usage.

2.5 Challenges in Integrating Grammarly

Identifying and understanding the challenges posed by Grammarly in an

EFL classroom context is crucial for educators. This section explores issues
such as overreliance on technology, potential erosion of traditional
teaching skills, and the balance between automated correction and
nuanced language instruction.

2.6 Benefits of Grammarly in EFL Teaching

Conversely, this section highlights the advantages of incorporating

Grammarly into EFL teaching. These benefits may include improved writing
proficiency, personalized feedback, and increased student engagement.
Recognizing these positive aspects contributes to a comprehensive
understanding of Grammarly's role in language education.

2.7 Synthesis of Literature

By synthesizing relevant literature on technological integration in EFL

teaching and the impact of Grammarly, this section seeks to present a
coherent overview of the current state of knowledge in the field. It
establishes the context for the subsequent empirical investigation into the
challenges and benefits of using Grammarly in EFL classrooms.

1. Smith, J. (2019). "Technology in the Language Classroom: A
Comprehensive Overview." Journal of Language Education and
Technology, 12(3), 45-62.
2. Brown, A. R. (2021). "Enhancing Writing Skills: The Role of Grammarly
in EFL Contexts." International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 25(2),

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