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Julian’s Interlude

You chose the moon as your boon from Sharindlar so in keeping with my plan to give one in-combat
benefit and one out-of-combat benefit as part of this blessing Julian now has the following permanent
benefits as a result of his choice:
Out-of-combat – You are now proficient with the Insight skill, if you were already proficient treat it as if
you had expertise in that skill (double your proficient bonus).

In-combat – When the moon is out and visible you operate as if under the constant effect of a See
Invisibility spell. Must be outdoors and under the visible moon for this effect to operate.

“As you make your choice a moonstone separates from the whirling helix surrounding Moira and shoots
directly at you, contacting you before being absorbed into your being. Drowsiness overwhelms you and
you drift off to sleep, and when you wake you find yourself within a guest chamber in the Halls of Mercy.
Situated on the nightstand next to your bed is a note from Moira Stargem. The note tells you that your
friends are all safe having been taken care of similarly to yourself after the events of the previous
evening. The note goes on to say that a celebratory gala is being held at the temple three days from now
in honor of your rescue of Rillian and his reunion with his love, Gwyniath Fairfoot. She comments that
she has heard you are a particularly talented musician and she would like to meet with you to discuss
some ideas she has for that evening’s entertainment if you have the time. In the meanwhile, she offers
the hospitality of her temple for as long as you all stay here in Khurza-Dun. She awaits word of a good
time to meet with you to discuss the upcoming gala and potentially your performance as said event.

Anytime within the next couple days works for scheduling a meeting, but if you are up to performing at
this gala you might want to do some rehearsing. In the letter Moira also notes that her plans in meeting
with you involve a potential collaborative performance which you know is a great honor for such an
esteemed personage within Dwarf society to offer to perform publicly at such an elite function with a
relatively unknown human such as yourself. You are told over the next couple days that this gala event
will be well attended by the movers and shakers of the capital city, offering you a real opportunity to
perform in front of the elite of Khurtack society.

If there are any purchases you want to make or anything you want to do during the next couple days let
me know, and respond back when you get a chance to continue your individual story.”

Story Highlights for Julian

 At the gala Julian should get the chance to make some performance checks and if he does well,
he will be approached by an emissary from Lord Wulgar Grimfang requesting an audience with
Julian. At the audience Wulgar will make him an offer of lucrative employment that might
actually lead to greater fame and a chance to go back to his home city of Twainbridge. The job is
to be the Grimfang’s “gift” at the wedding of the Tzelky family’s daughter with Nigul Ouromov
the Captain of the Twainbridge City Watch. His gift would be his skill in performance. Julian is
going to get to be a wedding singer!
 He’ll be given a letter of introduction to the Tzelky’s and in that letter it will be shared that Julian
is not only a talented musician but also a skilled adventurer. The Tzelky’s will talk to Julian about
playing at the wedding but also about investigating the possibility that an assassination attempt
will be made on Warden Ouromov at the wedding.

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