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Dear Mr.


I am writing to express my concern regarding the proposed implementation of a mandatory

school uniform policy at Cambridge school Dubai . While I understand that the intention behind
this policy may be to promote a sense of unity and discipline among students, I believe that there
are several compelling reasons why such a policy should not be enforced.

First and foremost, mandating school uniforms restricts students' freedom of expression and
individuality. As young individuals, students should be encouraged to express themselves
through their clothing choices, allowing them to showcase their unique personalities and
preferences. By imposing a uniform dress code, we risk stifling students' creativity and self-
expression, which are essential components of their personal development.

Furthermore, there is limited evidence to suggest that implementing a school uniform policy
leads to improvements in academic performance or behavior. A study conducted by the
University of Nevada, Reno, found that there is no significant correlation between school
uniforms and academic achievement. Instead, factors such as teacher quality, parental
involvement, and school resources have a more substantial impact on student outcomes.

Additionally, mandating school uniforms can place a financial burden on families, particularly
those from low-income backgrounds. Purchasing multiple sets of uniforms can be costly,
especially for families with multiple children attending the school. This financial strain may
result in students wearing ill-fitting or worn-out uniforms, which can lead to feelings of
embarrassment or insecurity.

Moreover, enforcing a uniform policy may inadvertently contribute to a culture of conformity

and compliance, rather than fostering critical thinking and independent decision-making skills
among students. Education should aim to cultivate individuals who are capable of thinking for
themselves and challenging conventional norms, rather than simply adhering to prescribed rules
and regulations.
In light of these considerations, I respectfully urge you to reconsider the proposed
implementation of a mandatory school uniform policy at [School Name]. Instead, I encourage
the exploration of alternative strategies to promote a positive school culture, such as fostering
open dialogue between students and faculty, implementing peer mentorship programs, and
organizing extracurricular activities that promote inclusivity and diversity.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my perspective on this matter. I am confident that by
engaging in meaningful discussions and collaborative decision-making, we can create a school
environment that prioritizes the holistic development and well-being of all students.

Pranaya baweja

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