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ayir2022, 1:53 How to Convert List to Singin Pybon? Here are the 6 Ways to Know | Simglleam simplilearn ‘Software Development Articles Ebooks Free Practice Tests © On-demand Webinars ‘Video Tutorials _—_Live Webinars Home Resources Software Development How to Convert List to String in Python? How to Convert List to String in Python? By Ravikiran AS Last updated on Oct 20, 2022 1200185 4 eS Table of Contents What Is a List in Python? By clicking “OK", you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance Settings site navigation, analyze site usage, and improve marketing. Find out more hips Aww tutotaliis-4o-sting-n-pythonti~text=To convert a Ist toa string%42C use Python Listand retum tas ou ans 21072022, 11:53 How to Convert Liste String in Python? Here are the 6 Ways to Know | Simplleam Python is one of the most popular programming languages today, and in this tutorial, we will learn various ways to change a list to a string. Apart from this, we will also discuss nuances of Python, including what is a list in python, what is a string, and more. Let's start. What Is a List in Python? Allist in python is an ordered sequence that can hold a variety of object types, such as, integer, character or float. A list in python is equivalent to an array in other programming languages. It is represented using square brackets, and a comma() is used to separate two objects present in the list. Python Training Course Learn Data Operations in Python EXPLORE COURSE A list and an array in other programming languages differ in the way that an array only stores a similar data type, meaning that an array is homogeneous in nature, but a list in python can store different data types at a time, and therefore it can either be homogeneous or heterogeneous. Below are some examples of homogeneous and heterogeneous lists in python: Homogenous List In [ J]: |Jist=["a’,"b’,"c'] By clicking “OK’, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance Settings site navigation, analyze site usage, and improve marketing. Find out more 0k hitpshwo.simpllearn.comtutorialsipython tutoralist4-sting-n-pythont~ To convert Ist toa sting%2C use Python Listand retum tas ou... 2/13, 2/10/2022, 11:53 How to Convert Liste String in Python? Here are the 6 Ways to Know | Simplleam Heterogeneous Lists: In [15 list=[1,"dog”,2.2,"a"] Accessing an Item From the List In [19]: | list=[1,"dog",2.2,"2"] In (20): | print(list[1}) dog An item from the list can be accessed by referring to its index in the list. The indexing of elements in the list starts from 0. Let's take an example of the list we created in the last step To access an element from the list, we pass the index of that element in the print function. As mentioned earlier, that indexing starts from 0, so when index [1] is passed, it gives the result as "dog". Similarly, if we pass the index, say [2], it will give the output 2.2 Free Course: Python for Beginners Master the fundamentals of Python ENROLL NOW By clicking “OK", you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and improve marketing. Find out more oK tps www. simpllean.comfutorialsipthon-tutralis1o-sting-n-pytion~toxt=To convert a Ist toa siing%2C use Python Listand retum tas ou... 313 21072022, 11:53 How to Convert Liste String in Python? Here are the 6 Ways to Know | Simplleam main difference between the two. A sequence is a data type composed of multiple elements of the same data type, such as integer, float, character, etc. This means that a string is a subset of sequence data type, containing all elements as characters Here is an example of string in python and how to print it. In [23]: a = “simplilearn” In [24]: print(a) simplilearn For declaring a string, we assign a variable to the string. Here, a is a variable assigned to the string simplilearn. An element of a string can be accessed in the same way as we saw in the case of a list. The indexing of elements in a string also starts from 0 How to Convert a List to String in Python + Using Join Function The join function is one of the simplest methods to convert a list to a string in python. The main point to keep in mind while using this function is that the join function can convert only those lists into string that contains only string as its elements. Refer to the example below. In [26]: | list=[*hello’, ‘we' ‘are’ , ‘learning’, ‘python’] In [27]: | print (List) By clicking “OK", you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance Settings site navigation, analyze site usage, and improve marketing. Find out more OK itpswww.simplean.comfutorialsipython-tutralis1o-sting-n-pytont=~toxt=To convert a Ist toa siing%2C use Python Listand retum tas ou... 413 21072022, 11:53 How to Convert Liste String in Python? Here are the 6 Ways to Know | Simplleam Here, all the elements in the list are individual string, so we can use the join function directly. Note that each element in the new string is delimited with a single space. Now, there may be a case when a list will contain elements of data type other than string. In this case, The join function can not be used directly. For a case like this, str() function will first be used to convert the other data type into a string and then further, the join function will be applied. Refer to the example given below to understand clearly. In [30]: | list=[1,2,3,4,5,6] In [32]: ' '.join(str(e) for e in list) out[32]: 123456" + Traversal of a List Function In this example, firstly we declare a list that has to be converted to a string. Then an empty string has to be initialized to store the elements. After that, each element of the list is traversed using a for loop, and for every index, the element would be added to the initialized string. At the end, the string will be printed using the print() function. In [60]: list=[*how’, ‘are’, "you",* In [61]: | mystring= In [62]: for x in lisi mystring In [63]: print(mystring) how are you ? * Using map() Function By clicking “OK", you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and improve marketing. Find out more oK tps. simplearn.comftutoriasipython-tutotalist1o-sting-n-pytiondé~text=To convert a Ist toa stving*%2C use Python List.and retum tas ou sits zarsor20z, 189 How to Conver Lito Sting in Pyinon? Hare arth 6 Way o Know | Smpleam 2. Ifthe list is heterogenous The map() function will accept 2 arguments; 1. str() function; that will convert the given data type into the string data type. 2. An iterable sequence; each and every element in the sequence will be called by str() function. The string values will be returned through an iterator. At the end, the join() function is used to combine all the values returned by the str() function *hello’ , "how", ‘are’, 'you','?",1,2,3] In [64]: list In [65]: mystring=" *.join(map(str,list)) In [66]: print(mystring) hello how are you ?123 Webinar: An Overview of Job Guarantee Programs Get Job-Ready With Our Intense Bo teamps REGISTER NOW * List Comprehension List comprehension in python generates a list of elements from an existing list. It then employs the for loop to traverse the iterable objects in an element-wise pattern. 1 EAL Aaa tte hematin ha Hae By clicking “OK", you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance Settings site navigation, analyze site usage, and improve marketing. Find out more oK To convert lst toa sting%2C use Python Listand retum tas ou... 6/13, hitpshwo.simpllearn.comtutorialsipython tutoralist4-sting-n-pythont~ 21072022, 11:53 How to Convert Liste String in Python? Here are the 6 Ways to Know | Simplleam In [71]: start_list=[ ‘using’ , “list', ‘comprehension’ ] string=' ‘.join([str(item) for item in start_list]) print("converting list to string \n*) print(string) converting list to string using list comprehension + Iterating Through the List In this method, Assign a list and traverse each element and add each into an empty string using for loop The code in python is as given below instr= [Hello,, How, ‘are’, you, 'doing?] emptystr # passing ina string for iin instr: emptystr += i+" print(emptystr) The output will be - Hello How are you doing? * Using function that traverse each element of the list and keep adding new element for every index in empty string using for loop By clicking “OK", you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and improve marketing. Find out more oK tps convert a Ist toa siing%2C use Python Listand retum tas ou... 7/13 21072022, 11:53 How to Convert Liste String in Python? Here are the 6 Ways to Know | Simplleam emptystr=" # string traversal using for loop for ele in instr: emptystr += ele instr = [Hello,, 'How, ‘are’, ‘you’, 'doing?] print(listToString(instr)) The output will be - Hello How are you doing? The article explains two of the data types Listand String in Python language and some ways of converting List to String in Python programming language. All methods have code that has readability and functions that are used often to convert List into String. It is important to understand each of the functions and its use, the syntax used and the developer should have hands-on experience with the expected effect on output using these functions. In all these methods iteration is used to move from one element to the next element in a list and then add each of the elements and convert them as a single string In case you wish to master the A to Z of Python, enroll in our Python Certification Training today! And in case you have any questions regarding the tutorial, drop a comment below and our experts will help you out. Find our Python Training Online Classroom training classes in top cities: Name Date Place By clicking “OK", you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and improve marketing. Find out more oK hitpshwo.simpllearn.comtutorialsipython tutoralist4-sting-n-pythont~ To convert lst toa sting%2C use Python Listand retum tas ou... 8/13,

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