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2003. 09. 08. NYV0011C

Kérlek ne felejtsd el, hogy az anyagban előfordulhatnak hibák, tárgyi tévedések. Ha ilyet találtál, kérlek jelezd nekünk. Jó tanulást kíván a csap
Market models
There were 6 main types of modern capitalism in the last 50 years:
 Anglo-Saxon
 German
 French
 Swedish
 Austrian
 Japanese

They differ in the role of government. These models are still working with some modifications. Let’s see them one by one
The Anglo-Saxon Model
The Anglo-Saxon model is a neo-liberal model and is based on the laissez-fair principle. So in Britain and in the USA the
without limits. The state has only little influence on economy.
The German Model
In the German model prevails the “So viel Staat wie nötig, so wenig Statt wie möglich” principle, which means that the
interferes in such an extend as it is necessary.
The French Model
The French model is the model of indicative planning system. Indicative means that there are middle-distance propos
The Austrian Model

It’s the model, which is based on “negotiations”. It’s called the co-operative economic system, because the socia
(employers and employees) negotiate about important strategic key matters by excluding the state (government).
The Swedish Model
The Swedish model is similar to the Austrian model, but in Sweden there are open discussions between pressure groups.
The Japanese Model
The Japanese economic system is quite a mixed one. It’s characteristic was shaped by geographical and historical factors
it is based on an excellent education system, a big amount of capital, on research and the human factor.
It might be useful to inform yourselves about the basic economic theories, like keynesianism and monetarism.

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