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Key Partners, Suppliers and Relationships.

1. Local print suppliers: Establishing strong relationships with local print suppliers ensures
a steady and reliable source of toners, ink, paper and other printing supplies. These
suppliers are selected based on reliability, quality of the products being offered, ability to
offer competitive pricing to keep printing services cost effective for customers.
2. Technology Suppliers and Providers: Having a competent supplier that provides access to
cutting edge printing and design equipment, tools and software. By keeping up to date
with technology, we can enhance efficiency, speed and quality of the products being
provided and providing a better customer experience.
3. University Administration: Having a relationship with the university administration is
essential for obtaining necessary permissions, licenses, permits to operate on campus.
Maintaining compliance with the university and active communication allows us to stay
informed about campus events, initiatives and changes in policies and procedures that
may impact the business.
4. Student Organizations: Partnering with the campus community provides opportunities for
promotional collaboration and beneficial initiatives. By offering special discounts or
assisting with events organized by student groups, we can increase brand awareness and
visibility among students and establish ourselves as a trusted service provider within the
5. Graphic Designers: working with talented graphic designers allows us to offer a wide
range of design services to students. These designers are selected based on their
experience, expertise and ability to deliver high quality design services that meets the
diverse needs of students and their needs.
6. Strategic Partnerships: Establishing strategic partnerships with campus entities such as
academic departments, student unions can provide access to a larger customer base and
opportunities for cross promotion. These are selected based on alignment with the target
market and shared goals of the campus community.

These partners were selected to support the goals of the business by providing high quality
printing and design services to students and staff while maintaining a sense of community and
collaboration within the campus. By leveraging these partnerships we can effectively and
efficiently meet the needs of our customers, drive growth and contribute to the campus.

The key Tactical partner could be the local print suppliers. They play a critical role in providing
essential materials such as toner, ink and paper necessary for daily use. These suppliers are vital
because they directly impact the quality, cost and reliability of the service being provided. By
maintaining a strong relationship with the local supply chain, the business can ensure a steady
supply of materials, negotiate pricing and address any supply chain challenges that may arise.
The strategic partners can include
1. University Administration: Working with the university can be strategic, as it provides
opportunities for the business to align it services with the university’s goals and
objectives. The partnership can involve participating in campus events, supporting
campaigns, and leveraging their resources for mutual benefit.
2. Student Organization: Partnering with student organizations allows the business to ger
involved into various student communities and leverage their influence to promote
services. These partnerships can include sponsoring events, offering exclusive discounts
to members and working on projects that is beneficial to both parties
3. Campus Entities: Establishing partnerships with academic departments, student unions,
and campus publications can open a door to a larger audience and enhance the brand
visibility within the community. This can be done by co-hosting workshops, participating
in campus publications and collaborating with campus initiatives.
4. Local Businesses: Partnering with local businesses can be a strategic move especially if
they cater to the same target demographic or offer the same services. These partnerships
can include cross promotion, joint marketing campaigns and shared resources to
maximize reach within the community.

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