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 Your first task for this question is to construct ONE table showing the total amounts (in

grams) of protein, fat and carbohydrate in each meal you ate (e.g. breakfast, lunch,
dinner). You can add together the values for any extra snacks or drinks so you can
include a single value for all snacks in your table. Your table must include the overall
totals (in grams) of fat, protein and carbohydrate for the whole 24 hour period. You will
be awarded marks for a well-designed table with an appropriate title and clearly laid out
and labelled rows and columns. (10 marks)
 b.Your second task is to copy and paste the pie chart you created in Activity 5.2 into your
TMA 02 document. In activity 5.2 you calculated the amount of energy consumed in
kilojoules for each of the three nutrients. Your pie chart should show the amount of
energy (in kilojoules) provided by the total fat, protein and carbohydrate during the 24
hours in which you kept your food diary. On your pie chart, include the energy value for
each segment and an appropriate title. (8 marks)
o (IMPORTANT, if you are using Excel in the Microsoft Office 365 student
package, please make sure you download the full Microsoft Office 365
package onto your computer. Do not attempt to use the web/online
version of Excel because it has limited functionality and won’t work with
the activity instructions)
 c.Your third task is a calculation in which you will use your pie chart value for the total energy
provided by fat (in kilojoules) from part (b). It is advisable to check your energy
calculation by hand before you start this question to ensure the value provided by the
spreadsheet is correct. For this question, look back at the mathematical equations you
worked with in Topic 2 Section 5.1.5 Estimating energy expenditure on physical activity,
and use them to work out the following. If swimming uses an average of 6.5 kJ kg -1 h-
(kilojoules of energy per kg of your body weight per hour), how much time (in hours
not minutes) would you have to spend swimming to expend all the energy provided by
the fat you consumed during the 24 hours in which you kept your food diary (the energy
value for fat in your pie chart)?

Note that to do this calculation you will also need to know your own weight in kilograms
(to the nearest whole number). Show all your workings, give your answer as a decimal
number to two decimal places and don’t forget to include units in your calculation. (5

 d.In this answer you will revisit Section 5.2.3 to compare pie charts of the typical diets in
Hungary with the recommended daily intake in the UK Eatwell guide. You should
provide a well-structured, scientific piece of written text in your own words of not more
than 250 words. Your answer should address the following points:
o i.Compared with the Eatwell Guide, which three food categories are over-
represented in the typical Hungarian diet? Include some values to support
your statements.
o ii.Compared with the Eatwell Guide, which two food categories are under-
represented in the typical Hungarian diet. Include some values to support
your statements.
o iii.State three negative health consequences of this difference in diet
between the Eatwell recommendations for a healthy diet and the typical
Hungarian diet. You should include at least one consequence of
consuming too much of a particular food category and at least one
consequence of consuming too little of a particular food category.
You should answer the question in your own words from your knowledge of the module materials;
you are not expected to use material from outside SDK100 in your answer. Put the number of words
you used at the end of your answer.

You will be awarded 10 marks for the content of your answer and 2 marks for presenting your
answer in a clear, coherent and concise way (Topic 2 Section 5.3) using well-constructed sentences
and staying within the 250 word limit. (12 marks)

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