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With the best compliments from EXTRA MILE Education & Training LEARN MORE For Teacher Training and study materials, contact: Class 10 Question Bank ENGLISH Book FIRST FLIGHT DIALOGUE BASED QUESTIONS Ans. - Lencho and his family ‘knew the implications the hailstorm would have on their lives. Write a conversation between Lencho and his wife as they watched the downpour turn to a hailstorm. [CBSE-QB, 2021] Lencho: The weather is getting worst now. I have an intuition something bad is going to happen. Wife: Yes, it has been raining hard for quite a long time. It will destroy our crop. Lencho: Look! Good Lord! It is hailing now. God save my corns! Wife —: Don’t worry. God won't let his children starve. Lencho: I see no hope! We are ruined! 'Q, The young seagull's parents wanted him to fly, like his brothers and sister. How could the young seagull's them. ‘Ans. Young seagull Brother 1 Young seagull Brother 2 Young seagull Sister Young seagull Sister Young seagull newly flying siblings (Brother 1, Brother 2 and Sister) have motivated him? Write a brief conversation among, WiCBSE-QB, 2021] Brother 1, I'm so hungry, kindly give me some food. I'm holding the food in my beak for you. But you will have to jump the ledge and take it. Iam scared! The sea below is so deep. I'll die. No, you won't. We birds learn flying only after jumping. See, how well I'm flying. Are you sure, I won't fall into the sea? Yes, Brother 2 is right. Would a sister ask her brother to suicide? I am your sister. I am just speechless at your fear. OK! I trust you. (The young seagull jumped off the ledge. He fell for hundred metres. Soon he began flying.) See! Didnt Itell you, you would fly? (feeling elated) WOW! Success is just behind the daring. Thanks sister! You are stressed and anxious since your Annual results are going to be announced soon. You decide to meet the school counsellor to share your anxiety and apprehensions. Write the dialogue between you and your school counsellor. You may begin like this: School Counsellor: Hello Anne, please sit down. You look very disturbed and irritated. What's the matter? You: Well, to be honest, we all are disturbed. But the irritation is because of the two boys sitting Dein ........eeseccneeseeeeeees School Counsellor: First of all, you need to relax. Ans. Take a deep breath. How do you feel we can deal with this situation rationally? Your easesseee avseensesnes euseonsees (continue) Bg ice: School counselor: Hello Anne, please sit down you look very disturbed and irritated. What's the matter? You: Well, to be honest, we all are disturbed. But the irritation is because of the two boys sitting behind me. They don’t allow me to concentrate on studies in class. Moreover they themselves did not study the whole year and now just when our Annual results are going to be announced soon they are worrying me by their negative thoughts. They are making bets. I’m really nervous. School counsellor: First of all, you need to relax. Take a deep breath. How do you feel we can deal with this situation rationally? You: Well, I had been working really very hard at home. In fact, I was well prepared for my Annual exams. I wanted to see my parents feeling proud on me. I was, even, very confident after my exams, that I'm going to pass with flying colours. But right now. I can’t bear the peer pressure. You know, the air around me is so uncertain and the teachers are quite unpredictable too. School counsellor: I think you are overthinking it. I thought you were a confident girl. Have faith in yourself, dear. Q.Pranjol and Rajvir ~~ Coorg and tries to convince Pranjol. Develop a conversation Ans. * There flows the river Kaveri and sitting by the river could be peaceful, (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2 i id Goa. Rajvir j, : . ination. They shortlist Coorg an vir is iscuss their next vacation destination. etween the two, based on your understand, ® By Glimpses of India. You may begin like this: Rajvir: Pranjol: . Rajvir Pranjol Rajvir Pranjol Rajvir Pranjol Rajvir Pranjol . f ith coft Hey Pranjol! I think we should be visiting Coorg, Its a beautiful place with coffee plantations. smell the aroma already! We visited a tea plantation last year, in Assam; I want to... EA icase-g¢ », Hey Pranjol! I think we should be visiting Coorg. It is a beautiful place with coffee plantatig, Tcan smell the aroma already! We visited a tea plantation last year, in Assam, I want to. : There is a lot more to do in Coorg than smelling the coffee! The place has rainforests, so te mega fauna will be worth watching. Not just this, Coorg provides opportunities to indulge, adventure sports like river rafting, rappelling, mountain biking, to name a few. That sounds interesting, but I would prefer some serene moments too, away from this pes. pandemic hustle-bustle. Ohi! The answer is Coorg again! Oh, come on! You can’t be serious... Believe me, I am. Coorg is the place. It has beautiful natural walking trails and the Brahmagis hills offer a panoramic view. I read that the place has the largest Tibetan settlement, so the environment will reflect peace and spirituality, 'm sure. How to say, you've presented a fine case in favour of Coorg and convinced me. Lets plano leave for Coorg next Wednesday! The dialogues should be based on understanding of the chapter. There should be arguments from Pranjl showing he requires more to get convinced. Rajvir, being an explorer must be able to give an interesting accourt about Coorg to convince Pranjol. The persuasive element using examples from text descriptions need to be showcased. Apart from the above, the following could be added: Coorg is culturally rich, the people there are brave and their hospitality is great. Some people in Coorg are the only ones allowed to keep firearms without license. It will be fun meeting such brave hearts. Rainforests can be visited for flora and fauna. ing Q. is - humans. Assume they both meet e. Mijbil and the Tiger, both were looked after by ach other in the zoo and have a conversation about their lifestyle and feelings. Write this conversation as per ; of Mijbil the Otter and A Tiger inthe 20 nae You may begin like this Tiger: Thanks for visiting me, though I don't usually like visitors. Mijbil: Oh? I would love visitors, I think. (CBSE SQP 2022-23) . Tiger: Thanks for visiting me, though I don’t usually like visitors. Mijbil: Oh? I would love visitors, I think. Tiger: I’m unhappy in captivity and I truly cannot forgive human beings for my captivated state. Mijbil: But I’m happy about my life with my owner as his pet. I get to play and go for walks with my loving owner. Tiger: I have known through my experience that humans are selfish beings. They put us under their custody for their entertainment. I wish they'd know the value of peaceful co-existence. Mijbil: But I enjoy meals and company of ae owner. I feel that my existence 1s peaceful an secured in the company of my owner. Per ar would be scared to be out in the wild and wouldn know how to survive. : _ eat the end of the c Tiger: Our likings are different. I only long to be free in my natural habitat. Perhaps I wouldn’t wish to be tamed as a pet as I get disturbed by the human activity. Travelling teaches us many life lessons and enriches us with experiences. You and your classmate have a discussion on this statement and your love for travel. Write the dialogue. You may begin like this... Friend: I think travelling is one of the best ways to explore not just the world; around you but also helps you introspect about life itself. You: Friend: Travelling enriches us with so many varied experiences. You: [CBSE-QB, 2021] Ans. Friend You Friend You You Friend You I think travelling is one of the best ag to explore not just the world aroun you, but also helps you to introspect about lifestyle. Yes, you are right. It also improves social and communication skills. Travelling enriches us with so many | varied experiences. Absolutely, one gets original and creative thoughts. One gets out of his comfort zone. You learn the most in uncomfortable and unfamiliar situations, you know how to act | and respond to people and yout surroundings. Travelling also broadens your hori and enhances your tolerance uncertainty. It was really a great experience ta to you. ZOns tor Ikinj a are These advantages of travelling ™ incredible, Thank you. What advice might “chatterbox” Anne (Frank) have for the quietly imaginative Amanda? Present this 4, conversation between the two. Anne: Gosh! You do run off into some strange worlds, don't you? Amanda: (nods) Well... [do @ [CBSE OB, a 4s Anne ‘Amanda : (nods) Well... Anne Gosh! You do run offinto some strange worlds, don’t you? Ido. : Is there anything wrong with you? Amanda : No, I just want to be left alone. I want Anne to be on my own. : Are you crazy? Children pine to be with their parents, friends and neighbours? Think of those orphans who have never enjoyed the love of caring mother and loving father. Amanda :1 don't know. But I don’t like my Anne mom consistently nagging me for my mistakes, I'm fed up of being watched by my parents continuously, T want to enjoy my freedom. I'm frequently scolded for eating too many chocolates as this may cause pimples. +I do understand that this constant nagging has made you so sad that now you have even stopped to imagine yourself as someone else. But my dear, have faith in your parents. They want you to grow up as a responsible adult: They bear a great responsibility. It is their duty to teach you the rules of social conduct. I think, you need to talk to them regarding this. Ans. . Custard was discriminated against, bullied and made fun of. Such behaviour often has a disastrous impact on the victims and etches a permanent scar on their minds. Write opinions of Wanda and Nelson Mandela on this issue. Wanda: In my personal opinion, Sacmsecmerensessesvecseasenstassatet (continue) Nelson Mandela: I strongly believe that............cceeeeeeeee ee (continue) [CBSE QB, 2020-21] Wanda: In my personal opinion, a person who is bullied regularly or has been bullied before, suffers huge mental trauma and physical trauma. Some people lose their mental steadiness due to these bullies. They also lose their confidence after getting bullied. They also lose their confidence after getting bullied either temporarily or permanently. Moreover, if the person who is bullying other people succeeds in doing so, then he will get confident and continue bullying people. 51; cases should be reported immediately. Nelson Mandela: I strongly believe that the people who are victim of bullying learn to handle these situations independently if they receive proper assistance. Therefore, a person should be taught to retaliate against the bully, and at the same time, they should be taught not to bully on the weaker people to show them the power. The oppressor should not suppress, and the victim should protest against this. a \ Natalya and Lomov argued about the ownersh: Q of Oxen Meadows and the superiority o¢ ta respective dogs in the play, The Proposal. Imagine yourself as the playwright of the Phy Based on your understanding of the Personalj traits of Natalya and Lomov, write a dialogue based on an imaginary event, showcasing another argument between them. (CBSE SQP 27; Ans. Natalya : Oh my God! Did I hear you right when you called my mother ‘hump backed’? Lomov : Yes, Of course! “She was hump- backed. Natalya : And what do you have to say about your family? It’s so mean of you talking like that. Your head is swirling, you're seeing stars in front of your eyes and even then you're talking ill of my family! : Don’t start another fight. Never mind about me, I'll be all right in some Ha but your mother wasn’t able to any thing about it. : You are getting on my nerves! Lomov. Another word and I will throw Y° Out of the house. | : a : It is the only thing I can expect a | such an ill-mannered lady like °° Hugh! Lomov Natalya Lomoy Q. Anew secret agent has asked Ausable’s opinion on the traits they should be looking for in a person Ans, —s — filling in his shoes. Create a conversation between Ausable and the new agent about indispensable traits that a secret agent must have. [CBSE-QB, 2021| New agent: Monsieur Ausable, you have been famous as a committed employee in our department. I have also heard a lot about your quick wittedness, intelligence and hard work. But when I saw you I was really surprised to see your simple way of living. Please guide me by throwing some light on the traits a secret agent must have. Ausable: Well! Being a secret agent in real life may not match the glamorous and flashy images from movies and television. Spying is often a low-key, tireless and thankless endeavour. However, it is certainly not for those who lack commitment or the joint of heart. One needs to develop a number of practical and risk averse characteristics for spying. As a spy, you need to have keen senses and develop them further through training in aspects like how to collect and evaluate vital information. Also, you must have a natural adaptable and high functioning ability to interact with others. While doing so, it is essential that you keep your composure and be able to work independently. You see appearances are deceptive. You need to have a clever mind and be witty to become a successful secret agent. Ans. Richard’s mother had been invited to a talk show after Richard’s graduation from Harvard with the highest honours. You attended that talk show. Write the most memorable thing she spoke and what you think it reveals about her. [CBSE-QB, 2021] A TALK SHOW Emcee / Host : Well! Miss Ebright, how does it feel now when your son, Richard was given award for the young scientist as the highest honour at International Science Fair? Mother : It feels great! I mean it. My son was always a special child who loved to experiment with existing things. His extreme curious nature and love for all forms of life led to this discovery. Emcee / Host : Do you treat him in a special way now that he has become so famous ? Mother : For me, he is my same child with normal needs and wants. Richard has always been a very polite child right from his childhood. He has never been too demanding. All he ever wanted was to left alone to himself. So, that he is into his world of science and surroundings. Emcee / Host : Do you love him ? Mother : Yes, | do. As a mother he is very dear to me. Being the only child he is all the more closer to me than anyone else. For him, his world revolves around me Emcee / Host : He graduated from Harvard University with greatest honours. What is your reaction? Mother : Well! he very rightly deserves it. He has worked hard for it because of his tremendous efforts, he has won over all obstacles to reach where he is today. One of your friends has to attend a class party at his / her school and wants to purchase the most expensive clothes and shows. He/ She feels that this would make hiny/ her stand out in the crowd. You receive a call from your friend seeking advice on this matter. Write down that telephonic conversation between your friend and yourself. You may begin this way: Friend: Hey, I want an honest opinion from you. Will you please help me? YOUE w.sessssssssessscssesscsssssesecsecsecsesncesessenssnsessnsensonensssereeseesens Friend: So, there’s this class party I have to attend. It's a big deal! You: . o seseee [CBSE-QB, 2021] You : Frankly, the ideal way to live is being as simple as possible. Buying a costly dress doesn’t mean you would look the best in the party. One can look pretty even in a simple attire. So, go for something very normal in best colours. Friend : Just suggest something........... You : May be a saree. It makes a woman look beautiful in all situations in all times. So,;why don’t you go for it. There are a number of varieties like to choose from. Friend : That's a good idea. Let me just try it. You are the best adviser when it comes to suggest something Thanks any ways. You and your friend have a conversation about prevalent discrimination between boys and girls, even today. Write the dialogue. You may begin like this: Friend: I don’t think discrimination in terms of gender is a thing of the past. You: Ans. Friend: Hmmm. Yes, I agree, though we are in the 21st century it still continues in a blatant manner in many parts of the country. YOU: ....cseeesesecscecccnsceseseseseeee [CBSE-QB, 2021] You: Very true it is prevalent even today. After so much of heated debates, still the condition is same in every corner of the country. We, as Indians, have still not got rid of this age old system. Friend: Have you ever faced it in your life? You: Many times, being a girl child in my family and that too belonging to a Rajput community, I have faced it many times. Friend: Can you give one instance, when you felt it? You: Well! During my grown years, I always felt that my brother was given special treatment. I wanted to study Genetic Engineering but my father refused saying that he needs to give my brother a chance to study engineering. He could not afford our academic expenses. Friend: Did you fight it? You : Yes, in a very hard way. I studied Chemistry honours in college and topped became a lecturer in college. Friend: Wow! That's great You : Thanks Q. Justasa love for outer appearances is not true love, love for the sake of money is not true love either. Pen down a dialogue exchange between Anne | Gregory and any character from “The Proposal” where Anne tries to explain how loving others simply for who they are is the most important virtue that everyone must possess. Ans. Anne : Dear, loving others simply for who they are is the most important virtue that everyone must possess. When we lose sight of what's most important - loving one unconditionally - We lose sight of our goals and dreams and being happy and healthy. But, I can’t agree with you. Money is motivation. You can pun a smile on the people around you. Without money you can’t do that. If one is not rich then he is at a risk of getting depressed. His social reputation is at risk too. Money is a barrier from being happy to being sad. Money is more important than love. ‘Anne : I can’t believe it. I strongly feel thay money can never bring happiness. One can buy an expensive bed with money but sound slee can’t be bought. Love can do it. Ultimately, to live a fulfilling and happy life, first and foremost, requires that you love all that you are and trust that life loves you in return. 536 EXTRA MILE Education & Training X-tra Mile Help Desk X-tra Mile is extending its services to all the educational institutions in India. 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