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One Word
we have… Majid Raza Hashmi
- English
- Science
- Mathematics
- Social Science
- Computer Science
We use only a word to convey the meaning of a sentence
or phrase is called as One Word Substitution.
One who plays for money : Professional
# One Sentence / Phrase One Word
1 A person sent on a mission Emissary
2 A person who spends his money recklessly Spendthrift
3 A person who lives at the same time as another Contemporary
4 The dead body of a human being Corpse
5 A man who is womanish in his habits Effeminate
6 A person who is devoted to the welfare of woman Feminist
7 One who is all-powerful Omnipotent
8 One who is present everywhere Omnipresent
9 One who knows every thing Omniscient
10 One who has narrow religious views Bigot
# One Sentence / Phrase One Word
11 One who plays for pleasure Amateur
12 One who plays for money Professional
13 One who feeds on vegetable Vegetarian
14 One who eats human flesh Cannibal
15 One who is over-enthusiastic about some Religious principles or beliefs Fanatic
16 the dead body of an animal Carcass
17 one who knows many languages Polyglot
18 One who enjoys another person’s confidence Confidant
19 One who abstains alcoholic drink Teetotaler
20 A person who leaves his own country and goes to live in another Emigrant
# One Sentence / Phrase One Word
21 A person who comes to one country from another to settle Immigrant
22 One who leads others in any field Pioneer
23 One who commits the first act of attack Aggressor
24 One who speaks for others Spokesman
25 One who wastes money for luxury Extravagant
26 One who is unable to pay his debt Insolvent
27 One who undergoes the penalty of death for persistence in his faith Martyr
A person who takes advantage of every change for success, Sometimes
28 Opportunist
to other people’s disadvantage
29 A person who has a long experience for any occupation Veteran
30 A disease that causes death Fatal
# One Sentence / Phrase One Word
31 A chid brought up by persons who are not his/her its parents Foster-Child
32 A remedy for all kinds of diseases Panacea
33 Killed buy an electric current Electrocuted
An old story about great events and people in ancient times, which may
34 Legend
not be true
35 The first venture of a person Maiden
36 Animals which live both on land and in water Amphibians
37 Animals which live in flocks Gregarious
38 Animals which give milk and suckle their young one Mammals
39 An animal which lives on the flesh of others Carnivorous
40 Animals which live in water Aquatic
# One Sentence / Phrase One Word
41 Matter written by hand Manuscript
42 Words different in meaning but similar in sound Homonym
43 Anything which is no longer in use Obsolete
44 That which cannot be heard Inaudible
45 That which cannot be consumed by fire Incombustible
46 That which cannot be believed Incredible
47 That which cannot be doubted Indisputable
48 That which cannot be cured Incurable
49 That which cannot be corrected or reformed Incorrigible
50 That which can be easily set on fire Inflammable
# One Sentence / Phrase One Word
51 That which can be seen through Transparent
52 That which cannot be seen Invisible
53 That which cannot be changed Irrevocable
54 That which is not to the point Irrelevant
55 Incapable of being read Illegible
56 Incapable of being wounded Invulnerable
57 Incapable of being understood Unintelligible
58 Incapable of being practiced Impracticable
59 Fit to be chosen Eligible
60 That which cannot be seen through Opaque
# One Sentence / Phrase One Word
61 The science of speech sound Phonetics
62 The science of reasoning Logic
63 Related to the sun Solar
64 Related to the moon Lunar
65 A man who has more than one wife Polygamist
66 Property inherited from one’s father or ancestors Patrimony
67 Of unknown or unadmitted authorship Anonymous
68 An imaginary name assumed by an author for disguise Pseudonym
69 A woman who has more than one husband at time Polyandrist
70 An office for which no salary is paid Honorary
# One Sentence / Phrase One Word
71 The sum paid to a man for his labour Remuneration
72 Of one’s own free will Voluntary
73 All or one mind Unanimous
74 Occurring at the same time Simultaneous
75 Give tit for that Retaliate
76 One who walks on foot Pedestrian
77 One who is fond of entertaining guests Hospitable
78 On who is out to destroy all government, law and order Anarchist
79 One who is revengeful Vindictive
80 Forensic examination of a dead body Postmortem
# One Sentence / Phrase One Word
81 A person who has many love affairs without intending to marry Philanderer
82 A woman hater Misogynist
83 One who can use either hand with perfect ease Ambidextrous
84 The state of abstention from marriage Celibacy
85 Land that grows thins in abundance Fertile
86 Land that does not grow anything Barren
87 A disease that spreads over a large area Epidemic
88 A house which is visited by ghosts Haunted
Heavy frame with iron spikes dragged over ploughed land to break up
89 Harrow
;umps of earth
90 A place of rest and recuperation for the sick Sanatorium
# One Sentence / Phrase One Word
91 A tool for loosing the soil and removing weds Hoe
92 A structure erected in remembrance of a person or event Monument
93 A gambling den Casino
94 List or things to be done, business to be discussed by a committee Agenda
An imaginary place where ideally perfect social and political conditions
95 Utopia
are supposed to exist
96 Paradise or a place where one gets supreme delight and bliss Elysium
97 A hollow space in a wall for a statue Niche
98 The yellow part of an egg Yolk
99 The white part of an egg Albumen
100 The bony framework of the body Skeleton

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