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Regular exercise and active hobbies not only preserve your muscle mass and keep you nimble, but
also offer a host of other health benefits that improve your enjoyment of life.

Get active in short bursts…A study involving a group of healthy but sedentary middle-aged people
found that a 30-minute session in which periods of more intense exercise (in this case cycling) were
alternated with periods of gentle exercise three times a week reduced insulin sensitivity (a factor in
diabetes) by 35 percent within just two weeks. This routine could appeal to those who find it hard to
stick to the standard recommendation of 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week. Ask
your Fitness trainer for guidance on a suitable exercise program.

Regular exercise and active hobbies can help preserve muscle mass, reduce insulin sensitivity, and
improve overall health. A 2021 study found that alternating intense exercise with gentle exercise can
reduce insulin sensitivity by 35% within two weeks. Weight-lifting, yoga, Pilates, and strength
training classes can help maintain muscle strength as you age. Inactivity causes age-related muscle
loss, so preserving muscle mass and staying active can help you look, feel, and behave younger for
longer. Strength training can be done twice a week, using simple household objects like tinned
goods. Using weights can also help you look and feel younger.

Managing Aging with Balance and Exercise

 Regular exercise can protect eyesight, with a study showing that hot and sweaty individuals
are 70% less likely to develop 'wet' age-related muscular degeneration.
 Standing up straight with shoulder down and chest expanded can boost emotional and
mental resilience and reduce stress hormone cortisol levels.
 Walking faster than about 5km/h can reduce the risk of early death in men over 70,
according to a study from the University of Sydney.
 Have a Balanced Diet, Sleep enough, and finally Think and act like young.

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