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Dear Ms.


My name is Ms. Berry and we have decided to send you our

wishes for the world this year. My wish is for everyone to have
a year filled with love and joy!

This wish is important because everyone deserves to be happy

and feel loved. People all around the world experience unjust
and difficult things everyday. These people deserve to find
peace, and have a joyful year surrounded by their loved ones.

While this may seem like a huge task, I will help make this wish
come true by reminding myself and others to be kind to one
another. Also, I will share my love and appreciation for others
through my words and actions. For example, I will spend quality
time with my loved ones and make sure I say “Thank you” to
those that I appreciate in my life.

I hope you will join me in making this wish come true this year!
As I have wished for the rest of the world, I hope you have a
wonderful year filled with smiles, laughter and love.

Ms. Berry
Wish Ideas:
I wish for everyone to have access to warm and filling

I wish for everyone to be healthy, physically and mentally.

I wish for everyone to have a warm place to spend their


I wish for everyone to have a peaceful year without any

violence or conflict.

I wish for everyone to be surrounded by those who love and

appreciate them.

I wish for homeless people to be safe, have access to a

comfy bed and a warm meal.

I wish for the wars and violence around the world to end.

I wish for my family to spend more quality time together,

have fun and be happy.

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