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PMG 321 Module 7 Final Paper

PMG 321 Module 7 Final Paper

Amanda Eghtedari

Arizona State University

PMG 321: Project Leadership

Professor Ben Pandya

April 27, 2023

PMG 321 Module 7 Final Paper

Project management is a critical function within any organization, as it enables

companies to complete complex projects efficiently, on time, and within budget. It involves the

planning, execution, and monitoring of a project, from start to finish, to ensure that it meets the

specified goals and objectives. While the fundamental principles of project management remain

the same, the specific methods, tools, and techniques used may vary depending on the industry,

the size of the project, and the organizational culture. For instance, software development

projects may use Agile methodologies, while construction projects may use Waterfall

methodologies. Project managers must also be flexible and adaptable in their approach to project

management. They need to be able to adjust their plans and strategies based on changing

circumstances, such as unexpected delays, resource constraints, or new requirements. Ultimately,

the success of a project depends on the effectiveness of the project management approach used.

A well-planned and executed project can lead to increased profitability, improved efficiency, and

better customer satisfaction.

Project management involves the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques

to achieve specific project objectives. Effective project management requires a clear

understanding of project management principles and practices, as well as the ability to apply

them in different scenarios. In this paper, I will reflect on my project management skills and

knowledge since taking the Mind Tools quiz, and how the Harvard Simulation scenarios have

further developed my approach to project management. I will also provide advice for someone

preparing to start the Harvard Project Management Simulation for the first time.
PMG 321 Module 7 Final Paper

Part One:
Growth in Project Management Skills and Leadership

Since taking the Mind Tools quiz, I have identified areas of growth in my project

management skills and leadership, including Scheduling: I have gained a better understanding of

the importance of creating a realistic project schedule and the need to adjust it as project

requirements change. Scope management: I have learned to define project scope clearly and to

manage changes to the scope effectively to avoid scope creep. Communication styles: I have

realized the importance of effective communication in project management, including the need to

tailor communication styles to different stakeholders. Leadership: I have learned to lead by

example and to create a positive team culture by fostering collaboration, empowering team

members, and recognizing their contributions. I’ve made some significant progress in my project

management and leadership skills. Being able to identify areas for growth and taking steps to

improve is a crucial part of personal and professional development. Now that I’ve identified

these areas, I can focus on developing my skills further. One way to do this is to seek out training

or educational resources related to project management, such as courses or workshops. I also

want to consider finding a mentor or coach who can provide guidance and support me as I work

to improve these skills. In addition to formal training and support, there are also practical steps I

know I can take to strengthen my project management and leadership abilities. For example, I

can practice creating and managing project schedules, communicate clearly and regularly with

stakeholders, and work to build strong relationships with my team members. Remember that

developing my project management and leadership skills is an ongoing process, and it takes time
PMG 321 Module 7 Final Paper

and effort to see meaningful improvements. But by staying committed to my growth and taking

action to improve, I can become a more effective and successful project manager and leader.

Personal Approach to Project Management

My personal approach to project management is to prioritize the following areas:

Planning: I prioritize planning to ensure that project requirements are clear, resources are

available, and schedules are realistic. Communication: I prioritize communication to ensure that

stakeholders are informed about project status, risks, and changes to the project plan. Teamwork:

I prioritize teamwork to ensure that team members are motivated, engaged, and working towards

a common goal. My biggest challenge is managing trade-offs between project scope, resources,

and schedule. I find it difficult to balance these levers while still achieving project objectives.

I’ve prioritized planning, communication, and teamwork in my project management approach.

These are all essential areas that contribute to successful project outcomes. Regarding my biggest

challenge of managing trade-offs between project scope, resources, and schedule, it's important

to recognize that these are interconnected and interdependent aspects of a project. When changes

are made in one area, it often has an impact on the others. One approach to managing these trade-

offs is to establish clear priorities and goals for the project at the outset. This can help guide

decision-making when trade-offs need to be made. It's also important to involve key stakeholders

in these decisions and to communicate the trade-offs clearly to the project team and other

stakeholders. Another approach is to use project management tools and techniques, such as risk

management and change control processes, to identify and manage potential risks and changes to

the project plan. These tools can help assess the potential impact of changes on project scope,

resources, and schedule and make informed decisions about how to proceed. Finally, it's

important to remain flexible and adaptable throughout the project. Recognize that unexpected
PMG 321 Module 7 Final Paper

events and changes may occur and be prepared to adjust plans and priorities as needed to keep

the project on track. By staying focused on the project objectives and involving key stakeholders

in decision-making, I can effectively manage trade-offs and achieve project success.

Professional Relevance of Project Management Skills

The project management skills I have learned are relevant to various industries, including

Government jobs: Project management skills are essential in government jobs, where projects are

often complex, require collaboration between different departments, and involve multiple

stakeholders. Education: Project management skills can be useful in education to manage

projects such as curriculum development, school events, and research projects. Non-profit sector:

Project management skills are essential in the non-profit sector to manage projects such as

fundraising campaigns, community outreach, and volunteer programs. The Harvard Simulation

scenarios have provided me with a better understanding of how project management skills can be

applied in different industries and scenarios, such as managing a crisis, leading a team, and

managing project risks. I have recognized the versatility of project management skills and how

they can be applied to various industries, including government, education, and non-profit

sectors. As I have mentioned, project management skills are crucial for handling complex

projects involving multiple stakeholders and departments. In the education sector, project

management skills can help in the smooth management of curriculum development, school

events, and research projects. In the non-profit sector, these skills are essential in managing

fundraising campaigns, community outreach, and volunteer programs. The Harvard Simulation

scenarios have provided me with valuable insights and experience in managing different aspects

of a project, such as leading a team, managing project risks, and handling crises. It is crucial to
PMG 321 Module 7 Final Paper

have a deep understanding of project management skills, as it can help me in my professional life

and give me an edge in the job market.

Part Two:

Advice on Preparing to Start the Harvard Project Management Simulation for the First Time

How to manage the three most visible levers of project management scope. By defining

the project scope clearly and involving stakeholders in scope management to avoid scope creep.

For resources, identifying and allocating resources efficiently, considering the availability of

resources and their impact on project objectives. For managing the schedule, create a realistic

project schedule and adjust it as project requirements change, considering the impact of changes

on project resources and scope. Identifying the critical trends or patterns in the different

scenario’s collaboration is essential for project success. Collaborating with team members,

stakeholders, and experts to leverage their knowledge and expertise. Communication is key.

Communicating effectively with stakeholders ensures that they are informed about project status,

risks, and changes to the project plan. Planning is critical as well. To plan carefully to ensure that

project requirements are clear, resources are available, and schedules are realistic.

Personal "Model" of the causal Relationships that exist within projects clear project

requirements lead to a clear project scope, which leads to efficient resource allocation, which

leads to a realistic project schedule. Effective communication and collaboration among team

members and stakeholders support successful project implementation, while effective risk

management and change control ensure that the project stays on track. Finally, effective

leadership, team motivation, and recognition of team members' contributions help to create a

positive team culture and ensure project success.

PMG 321 Module 7 Final Paper

My personal "model" of the causal relationships within projects is an excellent

framework for understanding the critical elements that contribute to project success. Here are

some additional insights that the reader may find useful:

 Project requirements should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-

bound (SMART). SMART requirements help to ensure that the project scope is clear and

well-defined, which, in turn, helps to prevent scope creep and improve resource


 Resource allocation should be based on a realistic assessment of available resources,

including human, financial, and technical resources. It is essential to balance resource

allocation with project objectives and stakeholder expectations to ensure that resources

are used effectively.

 A realistic project schedule should consider factors such as resource availability, risk

management, and change control. It is also important to allow for some flexibility in the

schedule to accommodate unexpected events or changes in project requirements.

 Effective communication and collaboration require active listening, clear and concise

messaging, and regular updates to stakeholders. It is also essential to build trust among

team members and stakeholders to foster a collaborative and productive project


 Risk management and change control are critical elements of project success. It is

essential to identify potential risks early in the project lifecycle and to develop strategies

to mitigate or avoid them. Change control should also be implemented to ensure that
PMG 321 Module 7 Final Paper

changes to project requirements are properly evaluated, approved, and communicated to

all stakeholders.

 Finally, effective leadership is essential to project success. Leaders should provide clear

direction, motivate team members, and recognize and reward individual and team

achievements. A positive team culture can also help to foster innovation, creativity, and a

shared sense of purpose, which are all critical to project success.

Overall, my personal "model" of the causal relationships within projects provides an excellent

framework for understanding the critical elements that contribute to project success. By focusing

on clear project requirements, efficient resource allocation, realistic project schedules, effective

communication and collaboration, risk management and change control, and effective leadership,

you can help ensure that your projects are successful and deliver value to stakeholders.
PMG 321 Module 7 Final Paper

Tips for Success in the Simulation

1. Read the instructions carefully: Make sure you understand the rules and objectives of the

simulation before you start.

2. Use the resources available: Take advantage of the information provided in the simulation

and consult the experts and stakeholders to help you make informed decisions.

3. Plan carefully: Take the time to plan and prioritize project activities, resources, and


4. Communicate effectively: Keep stakeholders informed about project status, risks, and

changes to the project plan.

5. Manage risks and changes: Anticipate potential risks and develop contingency plans to

manage them. Manage changes to the project plan effectively to avoid scope creep.

6. Foster teamwork and collaboration: Foster a positive team culture and collaborate with

team members, stakeholders, and experts to leverage their knowledge and expertise.

7. Evaluate performance: Monitor project performance regularly and adjust the project plan

as needed to ensure project success.

In summary, the Harvard Project Management Simulation is a valuable tool for developing

project management skills and applying them in a realistic scenario. By reviewing project

management principles, familiarizing yourself with the simulation, practicing project

management skills, building a team, and being open to learning, I can prepare effectively for the

simulation and make the most of the experience.

PMG 321 Module 7 Final Paper

In conclusion, project management skills are essential for success in various industries

and scenarios. The Harvard Project Management Simulation provides an opportunity to apply

project management principles and practices in different scenarios and industries. By prioritizing

planning, communication, and teamwork and managing trade-offs between project scope,

resources, and schedule, project managers can achieve project objectives and create a positive

team culture. To succeed in the simulation, project managers should read the instructions

carefully, use the resources available, plan carefully, communicate effectively, manage risks and

changes, foster teamwork, and collaboration, and evaluate project performance regularly.
PMG 321 Module 7 Final Paper


Harvard Business Publishing Education. (n.d.). Retrieved April 26, 2023, from

Rollings, M. (2023, April 18). 17 Best Project Management Blogs & Influencers in 2022. Hive.
Retrieved April 26, 2023, from

Harvard Business Review Press. (2012). Hbr Guide to Project Management.

Essentials, H. B. (2004). Managing projects large and small. The Fundamental Skills for
Delivering on Budget and on Time.

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