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An educational fable

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2003 Phys. Educ. 38 360


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An educational fable
As Figaro said, a book-keeper was grow cos lettuce. As the maximum
needed but they appointed a dancer. value of a cosine is for a sharp edge
Sinjor Trendi was a very good or point pupils were taught that a
dancer but he knew no mathemat- cos is ‘a measure of sharpness’.
ics. He was appointed Supremo Thus it could be maintained that
for Education in the kingdom of eight-year-olds can easily under-
Phantasmagoria with instructions stand cosines, since every child
to reform education in maths. Con- has sometime been pricked with a
sultants were asked to name those thorn or a hypodermic needle.
concepts in maths that were most When Sr Trendi was told that
important. The Supremo was too the maximum value of a cosine is
virtuous to considers sins and secs, unity he had an inspiration. In
whilst logs were regarded as old- compliment to the King, Cosimo
fashioned in a country that had cut the Magniloquent, he ordered that
down its forests. Eventually Sr the number ‘one’ should be
Trendi decided that the cosine renamed ‘cosimo’, since nobody
would be used as a unifying prin- could be sharper than the sover-
ciple in education, to be taught to eign. The Supremo was elevated
all children from the age of eight. to the peerage as Count Trendi.
In Phantasmagorian English The Count soon gained inter-
‘cause’ is pronounced ‘cos’ so national fame for his advanced
children were taught that cosines views. The Academy of Culture
were the causes of everything. of the Republic of Dementia
From the word ‘cosmos’ it was awarded him their gold medal.
deduced that half the universe con- For the presentation Count Trendi
The Supremo was too sisted of cos. Thus children were embarked on the inaugural flight
virtuous to considers sins assumed to come to school of the Royal Phantasmagorian
and secs, whilst logs were already having experience of Aircurves. The aircraft was nav-
regarded as old-fashioned cosines, so all education could be igated by the first graduate of the
based on this experience. new educational system.
in a country that had cut
Reactionary teachers asserted Nothing has ever been heard of
down its forests. that before one can understand the ’plane or its occupants since.
cosines one must master angles
and ratios. But ‘angle’ is easily As a lecturer in physics education
confused with ‘angel’and so was and subsequently in retirement
banned under the regulations John Warren has been a regular
relating to religious education, contributor to Physics Education
and since Horatio Nelson once since it was first published in
destroyed the Phantasmagorian 1966. He is well known for his
fleet, ‘ratio’ was condemned as strong opposition to any water-
unpatriotic. Educational journals ing down of good physics.
refused to publish articles and let-
ters from old-fashioned teachers. John Warren
Schools were ordered to Wembley, London
improve children’s experience of
cosines. All school gardens had to

360 P H YSI C S E D U C AT I O N July 2003

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