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Part 1:

The name of the nurse that I chose is Olufemi Ekisola. Action was taken against her on

10/27/2022. There were no additional dates listed. The status of his license is probation. He lost

medications and accused a resident of stealing the medications. He was accused of elder abuse

after raising his voice and cursing at the resident. During the meeting his license was not

discussed while we were present. He had previously accepted his suspension. However, upon

discussion we found they motioned to not reconsider. His case was reexamined and he was


Part 3:

I thought it was interesting how much of a legal proceeding it felt like. It was very

official and sounded almost like a court case. Everyone present had lots of paperwork and was

clearly trying to make each thing correct within their specific due process. The process was very

specific with many steps. The conversation was very mature on the board’s about each topic. You

can tell each member of the board is very knowledgeable.

Part 4:

Upon talking to my classmate Dana we found it very interesting that the first disciplinary

meeting dragged on for so long and felt slightly like an argument on the person being

disciplined. We discussed how the process was complex and how many issues brought before the

board were very complicated. Between each member having their own area of expertise and

having many experienced nurses all considering this group of people is very knowledgeable

especially when put together. Hearing about all of the different situations such as medication

errors, falsifying records, HIPPA violations, refusal of testing, and substance abuse is very

interesting. It is an important reminder of what can go wrong. It is important to consider how

pivotal our role is in a patient's health and how important it is that we hold ourselves to a high


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