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Instruction: Answer the following questions in brief and provide examples if necessary.

1. There is an idea that a specific behavior can only be acquired, learnt or taught through
drilling, imitation and repetition of tasks along with positive or negative feedback of the
teacher or facilitator. Which type of theory is suitable with that statement? Mention and
explain the theory in brief. (score 15)
2. What are some internal factors that influence the successful of SLA learning? Mention
and explain in brief.
Which one is more useful to get the success of SLA learning between introvert and self-
esteem? Why? (score 20)
3. Please write a research topic/title regarding the following factors of FLA/SLA:
a. Age
b. Personality
c. Learning Style
d. Learning Strategy
(score 10)
4. What are the differences between risk takers and self-esteem learners? How are the
teachers suggest the learners with those types to choose their learning strategies? Explain
in brief and support your answer with the theory. (score 20)
5. How do children develop their morphology? How are the vocabulary mastery of
holophrastic children? Please describe in brief and give examples.
6. How does intercultural affect SLA? What are the aspects of intercultural that benefit the
second language learners? Mention and explain in brief.

Wish all your best of luck

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