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Author & Year Sleep Deprivation Cognitive Factors of Sleep Sleep

Aspect Deprivation
Sleep Deprivation There is a
and Cognition significant reduction
book (2022) in efforts and
motivational aspect
on people who are
sleep deprived.
People who are
sleep deprived at
night performed
worse than those
who take a normal
sleep at night.
Khurzham (2016) People who are
sleep deprived
tend to process
slower and
function worse
than those who
are not sleep

Feld et al. (2016) Because sleeping Sleep support

late affect the memory
students’ memory consolidation for
and negatively it improves the
impact the critical thinking
students academic and memory
performance. capacity of a
Sygaco (2021) People should
keep sleeping
with 8 hours to
10 hours of
sleep to balance
Toyong (2020) Lack of sleep can First using of
be harmful and Facebook and
even deadly. other social media
app at late at night.
Also making
assignments or

Neurosci (2020) The problem of

sleep deprivation in
society and how it
affects productivity
at work, as well as
one’s physical and
mental health.
Worley (2018) Lack of sleep can
have a direct impact
to your mood and
behavior, also we
tend to become a
lot more sensitive
socially and mostly
emotionally when
we are sleep
Triantafillou et al. Mood disturbances
(2019) are frequently seen
as the defining
signs of mental
health conditions
depression and
anxiety, which
cause sleep
disruptions and
poor sleep quality.

Bermundo Most of the

(2019), students do not get
enough of sleep
since the time
needed for sleep
among teenage
students is 8-10
Nacino & Being a sleep symptoms that
Serafines (2019) deprived can cause are related to
a person to be short reducing the
tempered and 79% ability of the
of the total students to think
respondents say critically and do
they are having a well to their
situation when they academic
are having a performances
inadequate sleep. are because of

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