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Dulay, Marielle A.




Make a reflection how would you describe your material self.

Looking into the mirror, I see more than just a reflection. My material self is
a beautiful tapestry woven with tangible threads that hold the stories of my life.
The gentle touch of auburn hair, reminiscent of fiery secrets and carefree beach
days, speaks of joy and adventure etched into my memory. My worn favourite
jacket is not just clothing, it's a cherished companion telling tales of spilled coffee
and paint splatters, each mark representing a moment in time. It's a second skin,
echoing stories of passions and dreams painted in vibrant hues.
The eclectic earrings adorning my ears are not mere accessories; they are
tiny talismans carrying stories of connection and love. Silver moons catching light
and vibrant feathers hinting at wanderlust narrate the varied experiences that have
shaped me. Yet, beyond the physical adornments, my material self is also defined
by calloused hands crafting, bare feet dancing, and a heart pulsating with hopes
and dreams. My smile, the crinkles around my eyes, the fiery spirit in my gaze, and
the laughter that spills like sunshine all contribute to the living, breathing tapestry
of who I am.
I am a canvas painted with contradictions, a symphony of stories interwoven
into my very being. This material self is a testament to the beauty and fragility of
being human. It's not just about appearance but the experiences, passions, and
connections that define me. As I continue evolving, embracing laughter, love, and
dreams, I understand that this material self is a constantly evolving masterpiece.
It's painted with experiences, dusted with dreams, and etched with the love that
breathes life into it. The fabric may wear and fade, but the stories it tells will
resonate, whispers of a woman who loved deeply, danced freely, and dreamt with
the stars as her guide.

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