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Natural resources of Azerbaijan

Oil and natural gas- Although Azerbaijan is rich in various types of natural
resources, currently oil and gas resources are considered the most important. The
territory of Azerbaijan is one of the oldest oil-producing regions in the world. This
factor is at the root of many wars fought in these lands with rich oil and gas
deposits. 2/3 of the territory of Azerbaijan is rich in oil and gas deposits. Thus,
recently two large oil fields ("Shahdeniz" and "Umid") were discovered. 4
production wells have been drilled on the "Shahdeniz" platform and one of them is
working. 9 wells were drilled using the floating drilling rig of the "Umid" field. The
exploration well was drilled by the State Oil Company (SOCAR) on the Umid-1
platform. The largest number of oil and gas deposits are located on the Absheron
Peninsula, in the shelf zone of the Caspian Sea, in the Baku and Absheron
archipelagos. In addition, the southeastern Shirvan, Central Aran, Gobustan,
Jeyranchol, Acinohur, and Siyazan zones are also rich in oil.The combustible
minerals of the country are oil,gas, shale, peat, etc. Of these, the oil and gas
industry occupies an important place. Oil isextracted both from land deposits and
from deposits in the Caspian Sea. Even in B.C. In VII-VI centuries, oil was
produced in Absheron and transported to many countries. By 1985, about1.2 bln.
tons of oil (25% from offshore oil fields) were produced.

Beneficial ore deposits

Minerals in the form of ores (iron, aluminum, chromite, gold, silver, copper, lead,
zinc- cobalt, molybdenum ores, etc.) mainly form various types of deposits in the
mountainous areas of the republic. Rich in iron ores, Dashkasan, southern
Dashkasan and Demir deposits are industrially important. The industrial reserve of
Dashkasan iron ore group deposits is 250 mln. tone. The Dashkasan iron ore deposit
located in the Caucasus region ranks second in the world after China in terms of
reserves.Industrially important cobalt ore deposits are known in Dashkasan ore
district. Here, cobalt ores were formed both independently (Upper Dashkasan
deposit) and together with skarn-magnetite ores.
Gold deposits and manifestations are mainly in the Lesser Caucasus: Soyüdü, Kyzylbulag,
Dag Kasaman, Veynali, Gosha, Gadabey, Chovdar; Shekardara, Pyazbaşı, Agyurt,
Bashkend deposits are spread in Nakhchivan MR. In these deposits, industrially important
silver, copper, etc. there are mixtures. At present, numerous manifestations of gold (Tulallar,
Kepaz, Dabalt, Küngutchay, Kaleki, Unus, etc.) have been discovered. Scattered gold
deposits discovered in Alinjachay and Kurekchay basins were evaluated, preliminary
reserves were calculated and their industrial importance was determined. Chromite deposits
and manifestations (Goydara, Kazimbinesi, Ipek, Khataveng, etc.) are located mainly in
Kalbajar and Lachin regions. Small manganese deposits and its manifestations are known in
Somkheti-Aghdam (Mollajalilli, Dash Salahli, etc.) of the Lesser Caucasus, Vandam (Muchu,
Balakenchay) and Araz (Bichenak, Alahi) structural- formation zones of the Greater
Caucasus.Copper ores in the territory of Azerbaijan are copper-copper and copper-porphyry.
The mineral composition of ores of copper-copper formation mainly consists of pyrite and
chalcopyrite. Sphalerite and galena are common in the ore. In addition to copper, copper-
porphyry-forming ores contain molybdenum and small amounts of precious metals. The ores
of both formations are located in derivative quartzites in the Gadabay ore district. Copper-
porphyry mineralization is more widespread. Apart from the Garadagh and Kharkhar
deposits (Gadabay ore district), there are also many manifestations of copper-porphyry
mineralization in this district. A copper deposit with the same name is also known in the
Gadabey district. There are copper- porphyry deposits (Demirli and Khanchinchay) in the
Mehmana ore district. A number of copper-zinc deposits and deposits (Chikhikh-Sagator,
Mazymchay, Garabchay, etc.) are known in the Lower Jurassic Terrigen deposits on the
southern slope of the Greater Caucasus.Copper-porphyry mineralization in the territory of
Nakhchivan MR is mainly located in the exo- and endocontact zone of the Mehri-Ordubad
granitoid batholith (Diakhchay, Goygöl, Goydag, etc.). Apart from these, Khalkhal copper-
cobalt, Goygol, Ağrıdag copper, Nashirvaz, Kilit-Ketam copper-cobalt, Nagirvaz copper-
polymetallic manifestations are known.The largest aluminum ore (alunite) deposit is in
Dashkasan district (Zeylik alunite deposit). Alunite manifestations are also known in Shamkir
and Ordubad regions.
Minerals of non-ore origin
Minerals of non-ore origin play an important role in the overall balance of mineral
resources of Azerbaijan. More than 300 different types of non-ore and
construction material deposits, which form the mineral-raw material base of the
construction industry, have been discovered (Yusifov E. et al., 2004). This group
includes rock salt, gypsum, anhydrite, late, bentonite clays, building materials,
pyrite, barite, semi-precious and colored stones, dolomite, Icelandic spar, etc.
includes. Dashduz deposits are located in Nakhchivan MR (Nehram, Duzdag,
Pusyan). The deposits are in Miocene sandstone, clay, limestone, marl
sediments. Gypsum, anhydrite deposits in Goran region in the area of Manash
villages of Upper Aghjakend. The total reserves of Chalk sediments and
homogeneously obtained and separate stocks are 65-70 mln. constitutes a
ton.Many deposits and manifestations of bentonite clays (Gobustan, Goranboy,
Sheki, etc.) are known. The largest deposit was made in Gazakh (Daş Salahli
district). Based on the deposit, it is formed by the action of hydrothermal solutions
on Santonian volcanics, and the industrial reserve is 84,553 thousand tons.
Construction materials are built on the Republic of Azerbaijan. 295,836 thousand
tons of sawstone deposits (Garadag, Guzdak, Dovletyarli, Dilagarda, Shahbulag,
Naftalan, Mardakan, Dash Salahli, Zayam, etc.), facing stone reserves (Gulbakht,
Dashkasan, Shahtakhti, Gulabli, Musaqkoy, etc.) 23,951 thousand is m³. There
are deposits of raw materials suitable for cement production (Shahgaya
limestone, Garadag clay, etc.) in the Garadag area. Bricks, ceramics and clay
deposits used in drilling are exploited. A limestone deposit suitable for flux and
carbide production with a reserve of 8.3 thousand m³ is provided in the territory of
Siyazan region.The healing mud and waters of the lakes in Absheron, the healing
oil of Naftala, and the salt caves of Nakhchivan belong to the balneological
resources of our republic.
The Burning Mountain (Yanar dag)
The burning mountain is an unknown origin historical monument located in the
Absheron Peninsula, near Baku, on the coast of the Caspian Sea, in the village of
Mahammedi, occurred as a result of the released natural gas at the foot of the
mountain.Yanar dag in Azerbaijan The location is 27 km away from the city center of
Baku, and about 2 km away from the village center, on the left side of the Mahammedi-
Digah highway. The flame in this area has resulted from the burning of natural gas
flowing to the surface from the underground oil and gas storage layers through cracks
that were caused by volcanic-tectonic movements and processes. Sometimes, the
height of the flame reaches 10–15 meters.By the Decree of the Azerbaijani President
dated May 2, 2007, the territory of the "Burning Mountain" was declared to be state-
cultural and nature preservation. The territory of this area is 64.55 hectares. This area
includes the "Wolf's lair", two cemeteries with age of thousand years and an ancient
mosque, Gothursu fount, Ali Stone, Kardashi, Girmaki valley and Yanar dag.

The Mud Volcanos

Azerbaijan is known as a unique and classic development zone of mud volcanoes on
the Earth. The 344 of the 2000 widely known mud volcanoes on the Earth are located
in the east of Azerbaijan and in the Caspian Sea boundary. Most of the mud
volcanoes are spread over Baku and the Absheron Peninsula, and some of them have
been formed as a natural monument.Mud volcanoes play an important role in placing
exploration wells of oil and gas fields without extra surveying costs. Additionally, mud
volcano clays are considered to be useful and important minerals. Also, volcanic mud
is successfully used in the treatment of many diseases - nervous system, skin and
bone joints. At the same time, volcanoes are important in terms of prediction of events
such as seismic events and earthquakes.
Water resources
Water reservoirs
There are 61 reservoirs (each of them has capacity of 1 mln m3) available in Azerbaijan.
The total volume of water reservoirs is 21.5 km3. Water reservoirs are built on the
riverbed as well as beyond it (in a distance from river). Most reservoirs are regulated
according to seasons and used for irrigation purposes.The largest Mingachevir reservoir
of the republic started to be operated in 1953 and it is operated in a multi-year regime,
the flow of the Kur River is completely regulated in its downstream and overfloods are
The river system of the Republic has more than 8350 rivers, 2 of them are the lengths of
more than 500 km, the length of the 22 rivers are between 101 and 500 km, the length
of the 324 rivers are between 11 and 100 km, and the length of majority rivers is less
than 10 km.The river system of the Republic consists of the Kur River and its branches,
as well as rivers directed into the Caspian Sea.Kur River is the main water source and
artery of Azerbaijan. The flowing path of river goes through Turkey, Georgia and
Azerbaijan. The cumulative area of the river is 188,000 square km, which of 58,000
square km or 31% of the area belongs to Azerbaijan. After passing the Georgian border,
the Kur river's flowrate in the Girag Kasaman settlement is 270 m3 / s or 8.52 km3.
Whereas, in the Kur-Salyan station the average perennial flowrate is 445 m3 / s or
14.04 km3.The Araz River, the second largest river in the Republic and the right branch
of the Kur River flow path starts from Turkey territory, as well as it is a border river
between Turkey and Armenia, Turkey and Azerbaijan and Iran and Azerbaijan. The
cumulative area of the Araz River is 102,000 km2, where the 18,740 km2 or 18% of the
river area belongs to Azerbaijan. Average annual flowrate of Araz River through
Novruzlu (Saatli) settlement is 121 m3 / s or 3.82 km3.The river system of the republic
consists of three groups: transboundary, border and local rivers. The transboundary
(flowing through two or several countries) rivers include Kur, Ganikh (Alazan), Gabrirri
(Iori), Khrami, Arpachay and others. Border rivers (which are in border between two or
more countries) include Araz, Samur, Bolgarchay and others.
Cumulative 450 lakes with a total area of 395 km2 were identified in
Azerbaijan, where 10 lakes have area over 10 km2.The largest lake of the
Republic is Sarısu lake, located in the Kur-Araz lowland (water area 65.7
km2, volume of water is 59.1 million m3). The highest mountainous lake in
the Republic is Tufangöl (area 0.01 km2, volume 0.11 million m3) located
in the basin of Damiraparanchay and at a height of 3277 m. One of the
most attractive lakes of the Republic is the famous Lake Goygol. The lake
was formed in the middle stream of Aghsuchay after strong earthquake in

Natural Reserve
The Goy-gol State Reserve which is the first protection area in Azerbaijan was
established in 1925. The Gizilagac and Zagatala Reserves in 1929, and the
Hirkan Reserve was established in 1936. So, four reserves have been functioning
until 1958. The process of reserve establishments has actively continued from
1958 to 1990. Altiagac State Reserve was established in 1990. As well as
Shahbuz in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in 2003, Eldar Shamı in 2004,
Mud Volcanoes group in Baku and Absheron Peninsula in 2007, and Korchay
State Reserve in 2008. At the same time, the Reserve of Turyanchay, Pirgulu,
Ilisu, Gara-Yaz, Ismayilli in 2003 and Zagatala State Reserves in 2008 were
being expanded.Natural Reserves include fish resources of the Caspian Sea,
rivers, water reservoirs, mainly the various species of animals spread in the
mountainous areas, reptiles in the plains (especially the Caucasian viper, which
has a very valuable poison), many birds and so on.

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