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Journal of Cleaner Production 319 (2021) 128549

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A conceptual merging of circular economy, degrowth and conviviality

design approaches applied to renewable energy technology
Natalie Ralph, Associate Investigator
ARC (Australian Research Council) Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science, and Honorary Fellow, Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalization,
Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University, 221 Burwood Highway, Melbourne, Victoria, 3125, Australia


Handling editor: Kathleen Aviso This article explores design criteria for renewable energy (RE) technology that align with Circular Economy (CE)
strategies, while considering social dimensions and enabling independence from the economic growth impera­
Keywords: tive. Technologies addressed are solar photovoltaic panels, wind turbines and lithium-ion batteries. A literature
Circular economy review of CE and Degrowth fields culminates in a 45 CE strategies framework being merged with two ‘convivial
technology’ design tools, identified in Degrowth literature, creating a ‘CE-Conviviality design tool’. This tool
facilitates a CE-conviviality criteria comparison, finding weaknesses in CE design approaches; and four contri­
Renewable energy
Design butions from conviviality – power distribution, equity and autonomy; localization; relatedness; and sufficiency.
Conviviality These contributions are applied to RE technology and their circular systems; identifying RE designers’ strategies
for action to foster growth independence and social wellbeing. The article calls for balance between design for
internationalized/industrial technology and localized, convivial technologies - and end-of-life systems. Designers
can promote: technology distributed through open-source technology, adaptable to multiple contexts; ‘related­
ness’ - bolstering social wellbeing; and low-tech and sufficiency-based business models - the ultimate balance to
international/industrial supply chains. Long-term, designers can collaborate internationally/nationally with
policy and supply chain stakeholders to design technology for ‘local’ production/maintenance in specific
geographical areas (e.g. countries), according to locally available materials or expanding CE systems; reducing
reliance on monopolistic international supply chains.

1. Introduction strategies (Geissdoerfer et al., 2017, p.765). Further, the CE is firmly

based in the neoliberal capitalist economic growth paradigm; priori­
Disseminating renewable energy (RE) technologies is proposed as a tizing growth and gross domestic product (GDP) as the measure of social
strategy to mitigate climate change and environmental degradation. progress (Raworth, 2017). Challenges arising from positioning the CE
Concurrently, as the Circular Economy (CE) develops, stakeholders and related technological innovation within the ideologies of consum­
along the RE technology supply chain are exploring ways to align erism and growth, including ‘green consumerism’, are “underplayed”
technology to CE strategies. The current linear economy of ‘produce- despite it being unknown if the CE can meet global human needs within
consume-dispose’ depletes resources and creates waste and greenhouse planetary boundaries (Schröder et al., 2019, p.190; Kerschner and
gas emissions. The CE aims at a ‘closed loop’ of resource and energy use; Ehlers, 2016).
reducing or eradicating resource inputs, waste and emissions along the This article therefore explores alternative technology design criteria
supply chain (Geissdoerfer et al., 2017). complementary to CE strategies, but which more deeply engage social
Current CE approaches however, prioritize the technological, eco­ dimensions while avoiding reliance on perpetual economic growth. The
nomic and business aspects of constructing the CE. This creates eco­ article specifically focuses on solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and wind
nomic benefits but narrow definitions of social outcomes such as the turbines and accompanying lithium-ion batteries (batteries) applied to
generation of jobs and businesses. In scholarship and practice, CE “is enable energy storage. A key aim is to present a framework for appli­
virtually silent on the social dimension” (Murray et al., 2017, p.376; cation by RE technology designers to conceptualize wider systemic im­
Moreau et al., 2017; Schröder et al., 2019), restricting understanding of pacts (socio-political, economic and environmental) materializing from
the CE’s contribution to social wellbeing and deprioritizing social design across the supply chain of a technology and its related CE

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Received 15 December 2020; Received in revised form 15 July 2021; Accepted 4 August 2021
Available online 5 August 2021
0959-6526/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Ralph Journal of Cleaner Production 319 (2021) 128549

systems. The article is primarily targeted at RE technology designers and e.g. recycling), sustainability, RE, battery/solar/wind, social and polit­
researchers (‘RE designers’) such as academic materials scientists and ical. This sought a tool and platform of analysis from which CE design
battery scientists. However, discussing circular supply chains, it is also approaches could be compared with conviviality criteria. From this,
relevant to RE technology manufacturers, related CE businesses (e.g. Kalmykova et al.‘s (2018, pp.193, 196) ‘CE Strategies Database’ was
recyclers), sales and installers, energy system planners and related identified as a comprehensive framework to utilize as a foundation for
policymakers. this article’s analysis. It includes 45 CE strategies applied across the
The article first outlines CE theory and practice to identify concepts, supply chain, which the authors identify from their literature review and
challenges, strategies and design methodologies, highlighting links to over 100 CE cases.1 The authors provide analysis of the strategies and
RE technology. Next, to identify design criteria which align with CE their implementation internationally. CE strategies are focused on in this
strategies yet are agnostic regarding economic growth and alert to social article rather than individual CE- and eco-design tools or criteria.
wellbeing aspects, the article explores Degrowth theory and design tools Analysis of the latter demonstrated that none provided a broad foun­
for technology. In Degrowth scholarship, Illich’s (1973) theory of dation from which to compare conviviality criteria with CE design goals
‘conviviality’ is identified as a useful approach for developing technol­ as well as Kalmykova et al.’s (2018) identified strategies. Copious CE
ogy design criteria (for alternative Degrowth design criteria, see Ker­ and eco-design tools and criteria exist; none offer an overall picture.
schner et al., 2018). Briefly, conviviality indicates human satisfaction of However, CE- and eco-design tools are discussed, and referenced to
needs through individual skills, learning and creativity, and autonomy guide designers to tools where required.
from industrialization and commoditization (Illich, 1973; Deriu, 2015; Exploration of Degrowth scholarship identified two convivial tech­
Samerski, 2018). Convivial technologies: nology design tools as providing practical, relevant criteria. Lizarralde
and Tyl (2018) present their ‘Design for Conviviality’ tool, analyzing
“tend to support sufficiency and creativity; favour labour intensive
bicycle industry case studies. Vetter (2018) applies her ‘Matrix for
and open source technology; are broadly affordable, durable and
Convivial Technology’ (Matrix) to grassroots technologies such as small
repairable; empower the community and are incompatible with
Piggot wind turbines and composting toilets. Together, these tools
‘social engineering’ (Samerski, 2018), support traditional knowledge
provide ‘convivial technology’ criteria, with slightly varying perspec­
and local skills and promote decentralised small scale local produc­
tives. Merged with Kalmykova et al.‘s CE strategies, they form a unique
tion and local supply chains” (Kerschner et al., 2018, p.1628).
‘CE-conviviality design tool’, enabling this article’s novel exploratory
The application of ‘design for conviviality’ frameworks to RE tech­ application to solar panels, batteries and wind turbines and their related
nology and systems is rare (Muraca and Neuber, 2018; and Vetter, 2018 circular systems. Analysis of Degrowth literature included monographs,
in a seminal Special Issue on ‘Technology and Degrowth’ in Journal of 36 peer reviewed articles on Degrowth, plus 18 peer reviewed articles
Cleaner Production). This research gap is even more acute for solar relating to technology and Degrowth, primarily in Journal of Cleaner
energy and battery technology, and more so when comparing with CE Production and Ecological Economics (no limits on databases; articles
strategies. This article addresses the research gap, clarifying pathways between 2005 and 2020). Search terms included Degrowth, RE, tech­
for more sustainable RE trajectories, and challenges likely arising. A nology, solar/wind/battery, and design.
comparison of conviviality criteria with CE strategies and design goals is Regarding RE technology, grey literature by key international and
provided across the supply chain (materials sourcing, production, use, national agencies, organizations and industry, and online articles and
and end-of-life), identifying CE weaknesses. Four major contributions commentaries assisted identification of international advances and
from design for conviviality are identified and discussed in relation to challenges in RE technology and related CE systems development.
solar panels and batteries (and due to the need for brevity, to a lesser Specific advances and challenges in RE technology innovation were also
extent, small wind turbines), and their related CE systems. Specific researched via searches for topical peer-reviewed journal articles and
challenges, and strategies of action by designers are proposed. special issues (no limit on databases; 2010–2020). The author’s working
alongside materials scientists and RE technology developers provided
2. Methodology and literature review supporting background knowledge.

This article’s key research question is: when considering RE tech­

2.1. Circular economy theory, strategies and challenges
nology, which design criteria could complement CE strategies, but
facilitate deeper analysis of socio-political impacts of design, and sup­
CE definitions, and proposed practice and policy remain contested
port growth independent sustainability? A review of relevant CE and
(Schröder et al., 2019; Kalmykova et al., 2018; Korhonen et al., 2018;
Degrowth literature was undertaken. For CE, this included identifying
Kirchherr et al., 2018). CE implementation is still emerging, with some
and analyzing over 38 journal articles (peer-reviewed only, no limit to
countries in Asia (e.g. China) and the European Union (EU) making it a
which academic databases (e.g. Scopus, Science Direct), articles be­
central plank in environmental policy (Bocken et al., 2017). Some
tween 2010 and 2020 with earlier articles included when identified
contributing schools of thought include industrial ecology, ecological
through bibliographies, and primary journals being Journal of Cleaner
and environmental economics, and cradle to cradle (Murray et al., 2017;
Production; Ecological Economics; and Journal of Industrial Ecology).
Geissdoerfer et al., 2017; Ellen MacArthur Foundation [EMF], 2019a;
Search terms applied in title and subject terms included combinations
2019b; Ghisellini et al., 2016). The CE aims at closed loop products,
and variances on circular economy, social, political, cultural, degrowth,
business models and supply chains that reduce energy and materials use
steady-state, design, renewable energy, solar, wind, battery, business
while maximizing resource use value by applying particular strategies
model and supply chain. Grey literature was sought via Google and
websites of relevant organizations and state agencies. This identified CE
concepts/theory and practice, and articles discussing CE and socio- 1
Kalmykova et al.‘s second tool, ‘CE Implementation Database’ assesses over
political, cultural and socio-economic themes. Concurrently, a search
100 case studies assembled from the literature, and presents the current level of
and analysis of CE- and eco-design tools was undertaken, including those
implementation internationally of the 45 strategies, including gaps in imple­
aimed at RE (articles being peer-reviewed only, between 2011 and 2021; mentation. While this second database is not analyzed in this article, it
no limit to databases), identifying 82 articles primarily in Journal of strengthens the usefulness of their ‘CE Strategies Database’, enabling RE tech­
Cleaner Production; Sustainability; Resources, Conservation and Recy­ nology designers to gain further insight into CE strengths and weaknesses in
cling; and Journal of Industrial Ecology). Search terms applied to title implementation relating to scope (system, sector, product, material or sub­
and subject terms included CE, design, tool, design for X (and variances stance) and implementation level (e.g. plan/policy, R&D or market

N. Ralph Journal of Cleaner Production 319 (2021) 128549

(EMF, 2019b; Schröder et al., 2019; Geissdoerfer et al., 2017). Guiding et al., 2019).
principles/strategies are widely used including the ‘3Rs’ (reduction,
reuse and recycle) (Ghisellini et al., 2016) or ‘9Rs’ - in order of priority - 2.2. Degrowth, conviviality and renewable energy
refuse, rethink, reduce, re-use, repair, refurbish, remanufacture, repur­
pose, recycle, recover (Potting et al., 2017; van Buren et al., 2016). Tools Degrowth may be defined as:
for eco-design (or ‘design for environment’ and ‘design for sustainabil­
“an equitable downscaling of throughput, with a concomitant
ity’ for example) assist product design and performance assessment.
securing of wellbeing. If there is a fundamental coupling of economic
Despite weaknesses regarding (or a lack of aim for) integrating circu­
activity and resource use, …serious environmental or climate pol­
larity in design (see Sassanelli et al., 2020 on Design for X), some tools
icies will slow down the economy. Vice versa, a slower economy will
support CE strategies. Examples include Design for X such as design for
use less resources and emit less carbon” (Kallis et al., 2018, p.297).
disassembly (Favia et al., 2019) and design for recycling (Norgren et al.,
2020). Life-Cycle Assessment (Thakker and Bakshi, 2021) usually as­ Degrowth scholarship does not wholesale suggest GDP decline and
sesses environmental impacts from sourcing resources to negative growth (Kerschner et al., 2018, p.1630), but a growth agnostic
end-of-life/disposal and exemplifies how such tools may not aim at (Raworth, 2017) or ‘agrowth’ perspective, with precautionary ap­
integrating a product/service into the CE (e.g. Tsang et al., 2016 proaches for handling low or no growth and maintaining human
cradle-to-grave life-cycle only). well-being, democracy and social justice (van den Bergh, 2017). Social
Reviews of CE-focused indicators and assessment methodologies are and economic strategies are proposed such as reducing consumption and
useful for identifying indicators/methodologies for specific CE strate­ work hours or collective ownership of energy systems (Schröder et al.,
gies, industries and/or micro, meso and macro levels and to mediate 2019; Hobson and Lynch, 2016; Gunderson et al., 2018). Energy
trade-offs and impact transfers (Saidani et al., 2019; Parchomenko et al., socio-technical transitions are called for (Ferrari and Chartier, 2018;
2019; Kristensen and Mosgaard, 2020). CE competencies (knowledge, Rommel et al., 2018; Alexander and Yacoumis, 2018; Gladkykh et al.,
skills, attitudes) are discussed alongside exemplary assessment meth­ 2018). For example, Kunze and Becker (2015; Gunderson et al., 2018)
odologies (Sumter et al., 2021). Across the board, these omit or mini­ suggest collective ownership with politically motivated goals is impor­
mally incorporate, social dimensions (e.g. Kristensen and Mosgaard, tant for growth independent energy transitions. While warning of sig­
2020). nificant challenges, Rommel et al. (2018), analyzing ‘community RE’ in
Challenges to the CE arise from rebound effects (or Jevon’s Paradox) Germany, identify six Degrowth concepts potentially demonstrated by
culminating in benefits from recycling and material efficiency being community RE including convivial technology, localization of produc­
countered as efficiency is offset by increased use (Kerschner and Ehlers, tion, sustainable consumption, promoting equity, enhancing a sense of
2016; Zink and Geyer, 2017; Schröder et al., 2019). Uncertain success community, and collaborative and democratic business models.
lies in creating a fully circular system due to entropy, and the value of Degrowth discussions on technology are emerging and contested, but
recycling diminishing until it is too economically and environmentally generally admonish reliance on technological solutions as insufficient
costly (Ghisellini et al., 2016, p.15). Despite the preferred order of pri­ for overcoming resource limits and the rebound effect (Kerschner et al.,
ority of the 9Rs (e.g. ‘re-use’, or ‘reduce’ materials use in manufacturing, 2018; Rommel et al., 2018; Kerschner and Ehlers, 2016; Gunderson
over ‘recycling’, the last resort), internationally, CE implementation in et al., 2018). Research explores technologies for thriving without growth
practice has initially focused on waste management, recycling and re­ dependence including ‘convivial’ and low-tech systems (discussed
covery more than product reuse, or preventative strategies in the design, below) (Kallis et al., 2018; Alexander and Yacoumis, 2018). Lizarralde
manufacturing and sales stages (Ghisellini et al., 2016, pp.15-16; Kal­ and Tyl (2018, p.1767) posit that despite recent attention to technology
mykova et al., 2018, p.199; Potting et al., 2017, p.41). Yet, as identified in Degrowth literature, the role of designers “is underappreciated and
for certain RE technologies, eco-design can often enable the majority of neglected”.
materials and energy savings rather than recycling (Gallagher et al., Applying conviviality concepts to assist the design of products, ser­
2019, pp.138-139). Tremendous amounts of energy and materials will vices and related technologies highlights the “social and political aspects
be required to sustain RE systems (World Economic Forum [WEF] & for selecting technologies” (Kerschner et al., 2018, p.1630), and is
Global Battery Alliance, 2019, p.16; Gallagher et al., 2019; Murray et al., therefore, complementary to CE strategies and eco-design tools that are
2017) including common commodities like cement (Ali et al., 2017, weak on such aspects. It enables a more systemic design approach
p.369) and ‘critical materials’ with security of supply risks and current countering short-term, narrow technological solutions prevalent in
low levels of recycling such as rare earth elements (e.g. neodymium), eco-design that “shift the problem elsewhere in the system” and risk
indium, tellurium, lithium and cobalt (Hancock et al., 2018, p.488; rebound effects and externalities (Lizarralde and Tyl, 2018, p.1769). In
Giurco et al., 2014, p.433). Gallagher et al. (2019) argue there is Tools for Conviviality, Illich (1973) analyzed ‘tools’ – that which humans
insufficient research on the viable production of RE technologies within a create to realize their goals ranging from hand-held tools to institutions
CE system. Meanwhile, Geissdoerfer et al. (2017, pp.766-767) suggest or systems such as health or education (or energy) systems. Illich (1973,
perceiving the CE as only “one among several solutions for fostering a pp.46-83) argued that tools, beyond a certain scale, facilitate six threats
sustainable system”. Key to this, is designers’ self-reflection and to fragile societal balances and conviviality. These threats are: biological
awareness of diverse attitudes towards technology’s role in relation to degradation of the ecosystem; radical monopoly (of ready-made, ubiq­
societal challenges. Technological optimism is a dominant discourse, uitous industrial solutions versus individual action and need satisfac­
along with ‘technology and innovation for growth’; arguably the driving tion); polarization (unequal division of power, generating frustration
narrative behind CE approaches. There are alternative narratives, and further demands for goods and services via industrialization; un­
among them that of Degrowth. Explicit attitudes enable transparent equal power between stakeholders in supply chains such as users versus
debate, and research and design goals; countering unquestioned priority corporations controlling centralized energy provision or overseas pro­
for technological or ‘green growth’ solutions, and specific technologies duction); over-programming (necessitating institutionalized expertize
due to invested (such as corporate) interests at a particular time (Ker­ and specialization (e.g. for repairs) versus individuals’ autonomous
schner and Ehlers, 2016; Strand et al., 2018; Kerschner et al., 2018; ability, creativity and learning); planned obsolescence (generating sales
Gunderson et al., 2018; Pansera and Owen, 2018). This is needed, as few versus maintenance; threats to traditional skills/knowledge); and frus­
CE advocates question technological solutions and/or economic growth. tration caused by the realization of several threats simultaneously.
Still, some scholars contrast CE and Degrowth or related concepts
(Friant et al., 2020; Ghisellini et al., 2016; Hobson and Lynch, 2016;
Moreau et al., 2017) or call for the two fields to collaborate (Schröder

N. Ralph Journal of Cleaner Production 319 (2021) 128549

Table 1
A Circular Economy-Conviviality Design Tool
Circular Economy Strategy Conviviality in design. Guide for the (a) product scope or (b) Assessing technologies for conviviality & Degrowth. Five
(Kalmykova et al., 2018) sociotechnical system scope (Lizarralde and Tyl, 2018) criteria; and examples of antagonistic terms (Vetter, 2018)


Diversity and cross-sector Design & raw material extraction and processing: • Relatedness: what does it bring about between people? E.g.
linkages/collaboration (a) Is the product designed to be adapted to local raw materials? Organization centralized vs. organization distributed
Energy production/ (b) Can raw materials be obtained with traditional and simple techniques • Access: who can produce/use it where & how?
Energy autonomy accessible to an average person and in a sustainable way? Secret or patented vs. knowledge freely accessible
Life Cycle Assessment • Adaptability: how independent or linkable is it?
Material substitution Special materials vs. standardized materials
Taxation • Biointeraction: how does it interact with living organisms?
Tax credits & subsidies Toxic waste vs. biodegradable
• Appropriateness: what is the relation between input and output
considering the context?
Far away vs. locally available


Customization/made to Lizarralde & Tyl focus on design, so do not provide separate criteria. Vetter focuses on design, so does not provide separate criteria/
order antagonistic terms.
Design for disassembly/
Design for modularity


Energy efficiency Design & product manufacturing: (a) Does the product support users’ creative • Relatedness: what does it bring about between people? E.g.
Material productivity process, allowing them to produce their own product? Do producers own the means Distance creating vs. conjoint experience
Reproducible & adaptable of production? Can the product be manufactured locally? Does the user really need • Access: who can produce/use it where & how?
manufacturing this product? (b) Is production based on local skills? Is the product/innovation’s Elitist vs. open to anyone
added value shared equally between stakeholders across the value chain? Can • Adaptability: how independent or linkable is it?
the product be manufactured using well-known, non-privatized techniques? Special machines vs. everyday tools
Do materials/characteristics of the product/innovation allow it to be produced • Biointeraction: how does it interact with living organisms?
with traditional and simple techniques accessible to an average person? Can it Hazardous potential vs. safety proven & tested
be produced in a distributed way (with small-scale production)? • Appropriateness: what is the relation between input and output
considering the context?
Thriftless material use vs. frugal material use


Optimized packaging design See below. See below.

Redistribute and Resell


Community involvement Design & use: (a) Can the product be acquired by most citizens e.g. low-income • Relatedness: what does it bring about between people?
Eco-labelling people? Is it designed to be durable? If it remains functional, why does the user wish Fosters individual advantage vs. supports community
Product as a service or to change it? Does the product encourage learning and sharing during usage? Does it • Access: who can produce/use it where & how?
Product Service System allow users to understand how it fulfils its function? Can it be redistributed and Cost intensive vs. low cost
Product labelling modified/improved without restrictions? Is it designed to be repaired/upgraded by • Adaptability: how independent or linkable is it?
Re-use an average person? Infrastructure needed vs. independent use possible
Sharing (b) Does the product/innovation promote sufficiency-based thinking to reduce • Biointeraction: how does it interact with living organisms?
Socially responsible consumption? Is the sociotechnical system accepted/controlled by the users’ Air polluting vs. supports clean air
consumption community? Does the product/innovation enable users to identify a solution • Appropriateness: what is the relation between input and output
Stewardship adapted to their needs? Does it avoid the use of uncontrolled technologies (that considering the context?
Virtualize require expertize and centralized tools)? Does it guarantee the user Encourages waste vs. sustains sufficiency
accessibility to other technologies? Can it be used with local resources (skills,
materials, infrastructure)?


Extended Producer Design & end-of-life (a) Does the product facilitate learning and sharing for Vetter’s ‘end-of-life’ antagonistic terms are included in the author’s
Responsibility maintenance and repair? Can the user perform minimal repairs with standard tools? ‘Materials’ column. See below examples of antagonistic terms for
Incentivized recycling (b) Is maintenance based on local skills? Can the product be repaired with end-of-life.
Logistics/Infrastructure minimal, simple infrastructure? Does the system prevent obsolescence in
Separation components?
Take-back and trade-in


By-products use As above (under Collection & Disposal). • Relatedness: what does it bring about between people?
Cascading Alien implementation vs. respects local traditions

(continued on next page)

N. Ralph Journal of Cleaner Production 319 (2021) 128549

Table 1 (continued )
Circular Economy Strategy Conviviality in design. Guide for the (a) product scope or (b) Assessing technologies for conviviality & Degrowth. Five
(Kalmykova et al., 2018) sociotechnical system scope (Lizarralde and Tyl, 2018) criteria; and examples of antagonistic terms (Vetter, 2018)

Downcycling • Access: who can produce/use it where & how?

Element/ substance recovery Need of foreign expert vs. use of local knowledge
Energy recovery • Adaptability: how independent or link-able is it?
Extraction of bio-chemicals Special machines vs. use of everyday tools
Functional recycling • Biointeraction: how does it interact with living organisms?
High quality recycling Hazardous potential vs. safety proven/tested
Industrial symbiosis • Appropriateness: what is the relation between input and output
Restoration considering the context?
Upcycling Non-recyclable vs. easily recycled


Refurbishment/ As above (under Collection & Disposal). As above (under Recycling & Recovery).
Upgrading, Maintenance
and Repair


Bio-based materials As above (under Collection & Disposal). As above.

Adapted from: Kalmykova at al. (2018, pp.193-196); Lizarralde and Tyl (2018, pp.1774-1775) (authors’ writing is abbreviated); and Vetter (2018, p.1780).

3. Results: circular economy-conviviality design tool In ‘manufacturing/production’, CE strategies promote ‘energy effi­
ciency’ and ‘recovery’, and ‘material productivity’ (Kalmykova et al.,
Attempting to counter Illich’s (1973) threats to conviviality,2 Liz­ 2018). Similar to ‘reduce’, conviviality underlines ‘frugal material use’,
arralde and Tyl (2018) develop guiding questions to integrate convivi­ and sufficiency-thinking in production (do users really need this pro­
ality criteria into the design process of a product and its socio-technical duct/component/complex material?). CE strategies include ‘reproduc­
system, across the supply chain (materials extraction, manufacturing, ible and adaptable manufacturing’ (Kalmykova et al., 2018; Sassanelli
usage, end-of-life). Vetter (2018, p.1780) also presents criteria as et al., 2020), while conviviality further advocates the application of
questions applied across the supply chain including materials (this in­ local skills, non-hazardous manufacturing and non-privatized tech­
cludes end-of-life considerations), production, use and infrastructure. niques. Conviviality encourages local ownership of the means of pro­
Vetter’s “antagonistic terms” help apply the criteria; examples are pro­ duction rather than centralized or outsourced international production.
vided in Table 1 such as ‘Need of foreign expert vs. use of local knowl­ Further, users (including the ‘average person’) should be able to increase
edge’. These frameworks are applied (see Table 1) alongside Kalmykova ‘relatedness’ through ‘conjoint experience’ in production/repair, not
et al.‘s (2018, p.190) ‘CE Strategies Database’ which outlines CE stra­ rely on ‘distant manufacturing’, and use ‘everyday tools’ rather than
tegies across a nine part, closed-loop supply chain. ‘special machines’ to produce products. Socio-technical systems should
The CE-conviviality tool (Table 1) is neither exhaustive nor exclu­ promote distributed, small-scale production and equal sharing of added
sive. The following comparison discussion is organized according to the value (and thus power) across supply chain stakeholders.
supply chain; design is the central perspective so is not discussed sepa­ In ‘consumption and use’ (including ‘distribution/sales’), CE strate­
rately. The discussion takes into account examples of CE strategies gies of ‘eco- or product (materials) labelling’ (Kalmykova et al., 2018;
identified by Kalmykova et al., the 9Rs, and relevant CE practices and WEF & Global Battery Alliance, 2019) inform users, and support disas­
CE- or eco-design tools. sembly and end-of-life strategies. The CE strategy of ‘socially responsible
Regarding ‘materials sourcing’, CE strategies include ‘resource effi­ consumption’ (Kalmykova et al., 2018), aligns with ‘green consum­
ciency’ to ‘reduce’ consumption of resources through design, and erism’, based on ‘green growth’ economic models (Trainer and Alex­
applying ‘material substitution’ for more abundant and/or less toxic ander, 2019) rather than consumption or sales according to need and
materials (IRP, 2018; Kalmykova et al., 2018). ‘Taxation’ encouraging decreased consumption (Kerschner et al., 2018, p.1620). To ‘refuse’
use of abundant, environmentally sound materials (Kalmykova et al., (abandon a product-service function or offer function via a different
2018), could further prioritize ‘locally abundant’ to catalyze localized product (Potting et al., 2017)), ‘reuse’ or ‘re-sell’ (Kalmykova et al.,
supply chains. ‘Industrial collaboration’ and ‘symbiosis’ support busi­ 2018), decreases new product/material use and in sales, attention can
ness ‘relatedness’, and with individual end-users becoming important encourage ‘sufficiency-based’ business models (see below). To ‘re-think’
supply chain stakeholders (e.g. returning products after end-of-life) product-service systems such as community ‘sharing’ of products and
(Vegter et al., 2020), may facilitate community ‘relatedness’ (support­ knowledge and ‘stewardship’ of resources (Kalmykova et al., 2018;
ing wellbeing and ‘sense of community’ (Rommel et al., 2018)). Bocken and Short, 2016; Bocken et al., 2014), can generate ‘relatedness’
Conviviality criteria highlight design strongly promoting the use of and socio-economic transformations supporting sustainability (although
locally available, ‘standardized’ rather than ‘specialized’, non-toxic rebound effects can occur when increasing access to a product, Potting
materials obtained sustainably and without restrictions on knowledge et al., 2017). Conviviality underlines sufficiency-thinking during usage
and application such as by patents. For conviviality, the application of and fostering community over individual advantage, accessibility (e.g.
materials should be ‘needs driven, not market driven’, done with locally for low-income people) and thus low-cost technology, and user learning
‘traditional and simple’ techniques (e.g. in manufacturing), and in a (e.g. how a product fulfils its function). For conviviality, design of
distributed rather than centralized manner to increase ‘access’ to tech­ socio-technical systems can facilitate user/community development of
nology and ‘relatedness’. solutions for their needs, and independent product use without external
infrastructure and expertize.
Lifespan extension strategies (e.g. reverse-logistics, repair, refurbish,
Illich’s (1973) sixth threat (frustration caused by realization of several of remanufacture, repurpose (IRP, 2018; Potting et al., 2017), recycling
the threats simultaneously) is not considered by Lizarralde and Tyl (2018, and energy recovery (Reuter et al., 2019; Kalmykova et al., 2018)) are
p.1767) as “it is not an empirical criterion”.

N. Ralph Journal of Cleaner Production 319 (2021) 128549

core to CE and related design (Sassanelli et al., 2020; Favia et al., 2019; Crucially, despite designers potentially increased attention to
Norgren et al., 2020). Alongside durability, conviviality arguably pro­ convivial technology, challenges remain to enabling greater balance,
motes a more robust focus on user ability to apply ‘standard tools’ to and strategies are thus proposed below. For example, when conceptu­
repair, modify or upgrade (without restrictions or ‘foreign experts’). alizing convivial technologies, solar panels and batteries (e.g. that
Users’ learning and sharing during end-of-life processes assists related­ comprise community energy microgrids) fall short, with their embedded
ness between users/communities, and people and their environment. complexity in design or materials. For many countries (especially
Vetter’s (2018, p.1780) antagonistic terms suggest ‘bottom-up control’, beyond the EU and Asia), the current production and end-of-life systems
‘distributed’, ‘low-cost’, ‘useable by anyone’ and ‘everywhere possible’. for solar panels (International Renewable Energy Agency [IRENA] and
Notably, this is difficult for, even at odds with, current solar, wind and International Energy Agency [IEA], 2016) and lithium-ion batteries are
battery end-of-life options (see Discussion section). internationalized, undertaken by distant ‘overseas’ corporations domi­
The above demonstrates that certain design aspects are highlighted nating global markets. This diminishes user autonomy and power in the
in conviviality criteria, while being weakly or not at all addressed by CE supply chain (and national energy security). For example, in Australia,
strategies. These are summarized into four key conviviality contribu­ over 70 per cent of solar panels are imported from Asia. Second-hand
tions, discussed next in relation to RE technology. This identifies chal­ panels are predominantly exported; being unattractive to domestic
lenges, and potential strategies for action by designers when creating consumers (Gentilini and Salt, 2019). Limited solar panel recycling
circular RE technology and systems, to support growth independent services only recycle approximately 20 per cent of materials (Shaibani,
sustainability and social wellbeing. 2020). Despite Australia’s potential to domestically mine most minerals
required for lithium batteries, Australia has been slow to manufacture
4. Discussion: four conviviality contributions batteries (Austrade, 2018). In 2016, only two percent of lithium battery
waste was collected; exported for recycling. Slowly, companies are
4.1. Socio-political power distribution, equity and autonomy investing in recycling or manufacturing lithium batteries (King et al.,
2018; Manufacturers Monthly, 2019).
Measures addressing power distribution are rarely considered in Initial strategies to address these challenges will include regulatory
(eco-)design tools (Lizarralde and Tyl, 2018, p.1768). This risks tech­ action. As in the EU and China, regulation can catalyze in-country, and
nologies/tools (e.g. solar panels, even large energy systems) and related increasingly localized, RE technology end-of-life systems and poten­
corporate CE systems, instead of being a means to human ends, become tially, manufacturing. Under the EU’s WEEE (Waste Electrical and
self-serving ends themselves when their scale forces humans to adapt to Electronic Equipment) Directive 2012/19/EU and Extended Producer
them. No longer mastering these ‘tools’, humans are mastered by them Responsibility (EPR) schemes, solar panel producers are responsible for
(Illich, 1973; Samerski, 2018, p.1639) and their agents (e.g. corpora­ end-of-life management regardless of where they manufacture, and
tions). Illich (1973, pp.xii, 73; Samerski, 2018, p.1641) did not oppose some producers are developing recycling facilities to support local
industrial production but promoted “responsibly limited tools”. Recent production (e.g. United States company, First Solar in the EU) (Filatoff,
research identifying conviviality criteria for design considers power 2020; Gentilini, 2020; IRENA & IEA, 2016, pp.51-63, 88; Gentilini and
distribution, resulting in promotion of small-scale, distributed technol­ Salt, 2019, pp.37-47; WEF & Global Battery Alliance, 2019; King et al.,
ogy production and end-of-life systems (i.e. localization). This enhances 2018). Regulation in China requires battery and Electric Vehicle (EV)
autonomy from industrialized infrastructure, and equity with affordable manufacturers to recover batteries for reuse or recycling, and recycling
access and knowledge to produce and maintain technologies (Lizarralde companies are working with battery producers to adopt easily disman­
and Tyl, 2018; Kerschner et al., 2018, p.1628). Importantly, RE de­ tled designs (Pagliaro and Meneguzzo, 2019; Melin, 2017, pp.4-6).
signers applying conviviality support balance between industrial, Further, international collaboration between designers, manufacturers,
centralized technology production, end-of-life systems and energy sys­ sales, installation and recycling industries will be important, enabling
tems (e.g. national electricity grids and arguably, to a lesser extent but data exchange for improved design standardization and for disassembly
still reflecting industrialization and complexity, community-based (Gentilini and Salt, 2019, pp.22, 43–45; WEF & Global Battery Alliance,
Distributed Energy Systems (DES) such as micro-grids), and peer pro­ 2019, pp.6-9). Such strategies can expand in-country and increasingly
duction of wind and solar energy technology, and ‘low-tech’ (e.g. localized CE systems and production, supporting power dispersion to­
Alexander and Yacoumis (2018)), with accompanying end-of-life sys­ wards local businesses and users.
tems (see Fig. 13). These examples are discussed below.
4.2. Supporting localization

Additional strategies potentially supporting localization include
Fig. 1 visually illustrates the article’s following discussion which applies
design advances for RE technology composition (e.g. where fewer ma­
conviviality concepts to RE technologies and their CE end-of-life systems, from
terials are required or imported) and end-of-life processes such as
current large-scale, corporate and/or international technology production,
supply chains and end-of-life systems, to increasingly localized, community-
remanufacturing and recycling and thus, production that uses recovered
based production and CE systems. Conviviality criteria are applied in the materials and components, or 3D printing. Such advances could have the
article, which suggest for example, applying in this simplified representation, goal of localization prioritized where possible. Exemplary advances
scale/size of the technology itself, relating supply chains and production, and include material reduction and efficiency such as designs for batteries
geographical reach of energy supply (e.g. industrial/international compared to requiring less cobalt, a ‘critical material’ (Deign, 2019), and solar panels
user/peer level production); complexity of technology/components/materials; requiring less hazardous material (e.g. lead, cadmium and selenium),
and socio-political power distribution (e.g. corporate/international to commu­ facilitating recyclability (IRENA & IEA, 2016, pp.14, 76–77).
nity/user). It is not exact, as for example, in terms of complexity, micro-grids Sodium-ion batteries (large-scale commercialization is expected after
remain highly complex; and peer production of less complex technologies 2030 (WEF & Global Battery Alliance, 2019, p.34)) use sodium, abun­
may potentially still require for some time, international supply chains of
dant in seawater, and developments demonstrate their potential appli­
components/materials (e.g. magnets for wind turbines) and also could generate
cation in more contexts, not simply as now, where large-sized batteries
significant waste and use of resources such as via 3D printing. Research on
trade-offs and impact transfers is required. This article calls for balance between are possible. Advanced chemistry is developing battery anodes consist­
these examples of technology implementation, and discusses issues arising if ing of plant-based biomass (e.g. apples, rice husks) (Notman, 2019; Gao
reaching for this balance. This article does not propose either end of the et al., 2018; Professor M. Forsyth, personal communication, May 4,
‘spectrum’ is of higher value or positive overall impact; research is needed to 2020). 3D printing facilitates small-scale, distributed and customized
assess this. manufacturing such as currently possible for some lithium batteries

N. Ralph Journal of Cleaner Production 319 (2021) 128549

Fig. 1. Considered examples of RE technology implementation and CE systems.

(Berger, 2019) and emerging thin-film, organic, flexible solar cells rather than from overseas, even if this initially determines less than
(Bürckstümmer, 2018). Manufacturing with 3D printing can use recy­ premium but still viable technology in a sufficiency-based society. Un­
cled materials, encouraging local metal recovery (Giurco et al., 2014). derstanding the specific local needs for energy/electricity, particularly
Design advances in disassembly and labelling of products and ma­ sufficiency levels for public and industry, and the extent that sufficiency
terial composition will foster more economically viable in-country CE can be met, will be primary. The complexity of this cannot be over­
systems (WEF & Global Battery Alliance, 2019, pp.6-9; Gentilini and estimated, but the goal can be eventual total production of batteries,
Salt, 2019, p.22). Establishing global databases of solar panel/battery solar panels and wind turbines domestically; and where non-localized
designs and materials (IRENA & IEA, 2016, p.79; Gentilini and Salt, supply chains and materials are utilized, this will be to avoid significant
2019, pp.22, 45) and national traceability platforms to track used solar impact transfers and where no other option is available. This will require
panel/battery origin (Pagliaro and Meneguzzo, 2019) could facilitate from designers, supply chain stakeholders and society, considerable
in-country repair or recycling (see the International Resource Panel planning and collaboration to generate circular products and infra­
Global Material Flows Database (UN Environment Programme, 2020), structure, policy and legal responses, and international and scientific
and proposed data system for the flow of recycled materials by the State diplomacy to enable knowledge sharing to enable this shift. Importantly,
of Victoria, Australia (Victoria State Government, 2020)). Design for systemic trade-offs must be assessed, and criteria developed to assist this
disassembly enables standardized tooling and automation, and and to find the optimal local-international balance in technology
dispersed logistics operators and service stations for low-cost repairs development; recognizing this will change with scientific advancements.
(WEF & Global Battery Alliance, 2019, p.32-33; Gentilini and Salt, 2019,
pp.21-22). This may counter ‘radical monopoly’ and ‘over-programing’.
4.3. Relatedness
Distributed, mobile disassembly such as for solar PV panels could in­
crease locally accessible recycling. An example is ‘microfactories’
Vetter (2018, p.1782) highlights ‘relatedness’ as a central criterion.
developed by the University of New South Wales, Australia (Gentilini
Relatedness connotes enhancing relationships between people (e.g.
and Salt, 2019, p.41). Waste sorting and dismantling can occur locally,
through “conjoint experience”) and between people and their environ­
while processing infrastructure travels to key locations (King et al.,
ment. Relatedness can enhance human wellbeing (Putnam, 2000) and
2018, pp.30-31). These examples of potentials for localization over time
non-material relational goods (Kallis et al., 2018, p.299); an antidote to
are not to detract from the significant challenge of current low recycled
industrial growth’s commodification of human relationships that di­
volumes (such as for lithium) in relation to increasing demands for
minishes social ties (Rommel et al., 2018, p.1750). CE strategies are
materials (Hancock et al., 2018). Conviviality criteria stress ‘frugal
relatively weak in prioritizing relatedness despite eliciting community
material use’. Indeed, ‘frugal innovation’ (Santos et al., 2020) that aims
involvement for sharing and repair platforms, and industrial symbiosis.
at affordable, less complex products comprising fewer materials can
As a strategy fostering greater balance towards conviviality, RE de­
provide designers a response to fewer materials available and low
signers can incorporate design for relatedness during design (e.g. peer
recycling rates, but also a first step towards withdrawing from the
learning while creating designs for Open Source technology (Vetter,
‘technology for economic growth’ narrative (Professor D. Macfarlane,
2018, p.1782)), and during production and end-of-life options (e.g. local
personal communication, February 7, 2020).
manufacturing of RE technology in shared ‘makerspaces’).
Designers can work with policy and supply chain stakeholders to
Although debated in the Degrowth movement (Samerski, 2018),
plan for developing RE technology for specific geographical areas (e.g. a
relatedness is supported by ‘design global, manufacture local’ (DGML),
country). They can assess to what extent a technology can currently be
open-source technology, and peer-to-peer learning. DGML advocates
produced ‘locally’ (ie. in-country), and if it cannot, what challenges
open-source design shared via the global digital commons, applied in
must be overcome and the approximate timeframe for this. This includes
shared community production hubs such as fab labs and makerspaces,
if comprising materials are available ‘locally’ and/or efficient circular
with local manufacturing using low-tech tools and 3D printing to create
(e.g. recycling) infrastructure for metals/materials and resources must
easily maintained technologies including small wind-turbines (Kostakis
be developed (Reuter et al., 2019). This will require significant national
et al., 2018, p.1692; Kallis et al., 2018, p.305). Open-source technology
and international collaboration (Sumter et al., 2021), diplomacy and
and peer production facilitate collaborative, democratic processes for
knowledge sharing on building CEs, including international collabora­
manufacturing and community capacity-building. No prior expertize is
tion on trade of critical materials until domestic secondary sources of
required, increasing access for low-income communities (Kostakis et al.,
materials are sufficient or domestic substitutes found. Designers will
2018). Kostakis et al. (2018) discuss DGML in terms of wind turbine
need depth of knowledge regarding materials characteristics and ‘local’
designs that are not patented and can be modified. The designs are
availability, and local manufacturing and CE strategies implementation
adaptable to multiple local environmental conditions, available mate­
(Sumter et al., 2021). Knowing whether materials are available locally
rials, waste and know-how, and support technology transfer practices
from domestic mining or CE strategies, or will be required from inter­
that are socially and culturally sensitive for different countries. A global
national supply chains and for how long will be key. Planning can help
online network, with the assistance of local organizations, provides
identify research needed to enable the use of ‘locally’ available materials
technical support to communities (Kostakis et al., 2018). This approach,

N. Ralph Journal of Cleaner Production 319 (2021) 128549

along with advances in design as discussed above, can generate more reliant perspectives on design and technology use in society; culmi­
localized, convivial RE technologies globally; while enhancing com­ nating in a complementary balance to CE strategies and the ‘technology
munity and social wellbeing. RE designs distributed via open-source and innovation for growth’ discourse (Strand et al., 2018; Kerschner and
technology do raise questions regarding research funding for what Ehlers, 2016). Conviviality criteria may foster more systemic and thus
may essentially be non-profit if publicly shared. Beyond philanthropy, sustainable design. A comparison of CE strategies and conviviality
government subsidizing could be encouraged or other (e.g. crowd criteria identifies gaps in CE strategies, and four key contributions from
funding) strategies sought. Open-source can reach more numerous conviviality criteria – power distribution, equity and autonomy; locali­
developed and developing countries’ users; potentially enticing social zation; relatedness; and sufficiency. Discussing these four contributions
investment organizations. Importantly, research is required on in terms of RE technology and related CE systems identifies challenges,
discouraging rebound effects and waste of energy and materials in and strategies for action by designers to support production and
DGML approaches and 3D printing (Giurco et al., 2014; Kostakis et al., end-of-life options contributing to growth independent sustainability
2018, pp.1686, 1692). and social wellbeing.
A major challenge is the predominance in current RE technology
4.4. Sufficiency production and CE systems of centralized, international supply chains.
This distributes power away from users; perpetuating ‘radical monop­
A systemic approach to design considers social and economic prac­ oly’ (as seen for example, in specialized designs limiting dispersed, local
tices related to how technologies are consumed (Lizarralde and Tyl, recycling). This strengthens users’ path dependency towards growth
2018, p.1769). Generally, demand-side strategies in CE promote ‘green dynamics via a lack of autonomy in production and maintenance of
consumption’ but ‘sufficiency’ which has nascent backing in CE litera­ technologies, and the need for ‘distant’, specialized materials and
ture in terms of business models (Friant et al., 2020) aims at reducing expertize (‘over-programming’). Despite climate change mitigation
consumption, while maintaining human wellbeing (Vita et al., 2019; benefits, solar panels and batteries for example, can lock communities
Jackson, 2005; Gladkykh et al., 2018). Design and business models for into technology transitions that may ultimately be unsustainable, and
sufficiency are pertinent when considering RE designers often work with weak in generating positive social outcomes. This highlights the need for
industry partners or become entrepreneurs when taking advancements balance in design goals between internationalized large-scale, industrial
to market. Sufficiency-based businesses moderate demand and resour­ RE technology, infrastructure and related CE systems, and convivial,
ce/energy consumption through consumer education, demand reduc­ localized technologies and CE systems. Convivial technologies support
tion services, sharing, and providing a service rather than ownership. user autonomy and learning, and more equitable power distribution
They satisfy ‘needs’ rather than ‘wants’, refrain from aggressive sales, along the supply chain.
may promote users’ involvement in collaborative production and Strategies therefore proposed for attention by RE designers include
maintenance, and develop progressive revenue models based on reuse, calling for in-country regulatory action, international design collabo­
repair and recycling (Bocken and Short, 2016; Bocken et al., 2014; ration for disassembly, and a conscious focus to develop particular ad­
Rommel et al., 2018, p.1748). vancements in solar panel, wind turbine and battery composition and CE
Considering this, Alexander and Yacoumis (2018, p.1841) highlight processes. These may enhance countries’ abilities to expand in-country
that ‘low-tech’ strategies for sufficiency and deep decarbonization have and localized end-of-life systems and production. Exemplary advance­
“received insufficient attention in the literature” yet can build house­ ments are outlined. ‘Frugal innovation’ is posited as a first step for de­
hold resilience and autonomy. Low-tech (e.g. solar shower bags, signers focusing on design for contexts with fewer materials/
washing lines) along with ‘mindfulness’ practice such as being mindful components and withdrawing from the ‘technology for economic
of taking shorter showers can foster conditions for households to adapt if growth’ narrative. Beyond this, this article calls for planning for even­
necessary to future Degrowth circumstances triggered by economic or tual full localization of RE technology production/maintenance and
climate crises (Alexander and Yacoumis, 2018, p.1840). Low-tech con­ suggests ways forward for designers and key stakeholders to enable
tributes to avoiding addiction to the industrial satisfaction of heteron­ technology development for specific geographical areas. Meanwhile,
omous needs (Samerski, 2018, pp.1637, 1645). The urgency of designers can create (simplified) designs for RE technologies distributed
expanding innovation for low-tech and sufficiency approaches in energy through open-source technology and which enable peer production;
provision is arguably apparent when considering RE infrastructure de­ exemplified by small wind turbines. This also facilitates localized,
mands for resources. Watari et al. (2021) find the decarbonization of community manufacturing and maintenance of technologies but with
electricity and transport sectors may by 2050 increase resource extrac­ non-patented designs, adaptable to multiple local contexts. Crucially,
tion for metal production more than seven times relative to 2015 levels. this approach fosters relatedness: beneficial for social ties and wellbeing,
CE strategies can moderate extraction, but new mine development will user learning and potentially, sustainability due to dispersed knowledge
be inevitable. Hence, low-tech and sufficiency approaches may help and use of local materials and waste. Innovation for low-tech and
reduce societal RE infrastructure demands. For designers, they present sufficiency-based business models is also called for, as the ultimate
an ultimate balance to industrial and international-scale technological balance to international/industrial-scale technology design, and a
solutions; underlining that designers’ choices on the type of technology strategy to support user resilience and autonomy. Overall, research on
they develop can have powerful socio-political, economic and cultural curtailing undesirable rebound and other secondary effects will be a
outcomes. central plank in action.
This article’s research is limited by its conceptual, exploratory
5. Conclusion approach rather than empirical application alongside RE designers. The
latter is to be undertaken in future research. Assessing designers’
This article addresses the design of RE technology, specifically solar application of the CE-conviviality tool to the full supply chain of their
PV panels, small wind turbines and lithium-ion batteries and their design can identify if and how, the tool reveals hidden, systemic socio-
related CE systems. Because current CE theory and practice is positioned political and economic impacts and therefore, over time could support
in the perpetual economic growth paradigm and lacks rigorous focus on more sustainable technology design and social wellbeing. Finally, in
social dimensions, this article explores both CE strategies and design collaboration with designers and key stakeholders, pilot empirical
tools for technology proposed by Degrowth theorists. Kalmykova et al.’s studies for assessing the article’s proposed strategies could be under­
(2018) ‘CE Strategies Database’ is merged with two ‘design for conviv­ taken. Priority could be given to assessing the desirability and plausi­
iality’ tools (Vetter, 2018; Lizarralde and Tyl, 2018) to create a bility of designing RE technologies for production and maintenance in
‘CE-Conviviality design tool’. Convivial design criteria elicit non-growth specific geographical areas worldwide, rather than relying on

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