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Rest and Sleep to the spinal cord, hypothalamus,

Fundamentals of Nursing cerebellum and cerebrum.

● SEROTONIN is said to be the MAJOR
REST- a state of calmness, relaxation without neurotransmitter associated with sleep,
emotional stress, and freedom from anxiety produced in the median raphe nuclei of the
SLEEP- an altered state of consciousness in which ● Serotonin decreases the activity of the RAS
the individual’s perception of and reaction to the inducing sleep. REM sleep appears to be
environment are decreased. due to the influence of norepinephrine.

This can be discussed simply by considering the Hormonal

three basic research approaches: ● The Hormonal approach views sleep as a
pattern affected by hormones. MELATONIN
● ELECTROPHYSIOLOGIC from the pineal gland in the brain is
● HORMONAL and secreted in enormous quantities during
● NEURAL sleep.
● Its activity is influenced by the relationship
ELECTROPHYSIOLOGIC of darkness and light.
● The Electrophysiological approach centers ● ACTH is also high during the early period of
on the polygraph recordings of electrical sleep and CORTISOL rises toward the end
changes in the brain waves (EEG), eye of the nighttime sleep period.
movements (EOG) and muscle activity ● GROWTH HORMONE and PROLACTIN
(EMG). also increase during deep sleep.
● This approach characterizes sleep as
Non-Rapid Eye Movement sleep (NREM) Functions of Sleep
and the Rapid-Eye movement sleep (REM)
1. Restores normal levels of activity and
normal balance among parts of the nervous
2. Necessary for protein synthesis

● There are two types of sleep identified:
● The NREM sleep (or the non-REM sleep)
● The REM sleep ( rapid eye movement


Also referred to as the SLOW wave sleep,
because the brain waves of the client are slower
than the alpha and beta waves of an awake or alert
● The Neural approach views sleep as an
active process involving the RETICULAR
● It is a deep, restful sleep
activating system (RAS) and the interaction
● There is a decreased physiologic functions
of Neurotransmitters.
● All metabolic processes are reduced
● The RAS is a network of neurons in the
● It is divided into FOUR stages:1-4
medulla, pons and midbrain with projections
NREM Sleep

STAGE 1- the stage of very light sleep, sleeper can Slow eye movement Rapid Eye movement
readily be awakened, lasts for a few minutes. The
Restful sleep NOT restful
eyes tend to roll slowly from side to side, and
muscle tension remains absent. Decreased metabolism Increased metabolism
Vital signs LOW Vital signs Irregular
STAGE 2- the stage of light sleep, body processes Muscle tone Muscle tone
continue to slow down, and lasts about 10-15 maintained depressed
minutes. Constitutes 40-45% of TOTAL sleep! NO vivid dreams Dreams occur

STAGE 3- refers to a medium-depth sleep where

vital signs and metabolic processes slow further Sleep Cycle
because of the PARASYMPATHETIC nervous
system influence. The sleeper is difficult to arouse. ● All of us undergoes around 5 cycles of sleep
of NREM to REM
STAGE 4- this is the deepest sleep or delta sleep. ● We begin with STAGE 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 3 > 2
It is the stage where the heart rate and respiratory > REM
rate drop 20-30% below those exhibited during
waking hours. This stage is thought to restore the
body physically. Some dreaming may occur here.
This stage may be absent in the elderly.


This sleep type usually recurs about every 90
minutes and lasts 5 to 30 minutes.
● Other name: PARADOXICAL Sleep
● The EEG pattern resembles that of the
“awake” state.
● This is not as restful as NREM sleep
● Most dreams take place during this period
and the dreams are usually remembered or
consolidated to memory Sleep Variations

The brain is highly active with metabolic rate ● For NEONATES- newborns sleep for 16-18
increasing as much as 20% hours divided into 7 sleep periods. They
● The sleeper may be very difficult to arouse have two sleep states- QUIET sleep (their
● There are rapid conjugate eye movements, NREM sleep) is characterized by closed
muscle tone is depressed, but gastric eyes, regular respirations and absence of
secretions increase, HR and RR are eye/body movements;
increased and IRREGULAR ● ACTIVE sleep is characterized by eye
● This sleep period becomes longer as the movements observable through the closed
night progresses. eyelids, with body movements and irregular
● For INFANTS- some infants sleep for 22
hours, while the average is 12-14 hours.
Their sleep cycle is shorter (about 50-60
The REM sleep is 20-30% (which decreases as 2. SUPPORTING BEDTIME RITUALS
the infant grows and will stabilize at 20% until late ● Nurses can promote sleep by supporting the
in adulthood). rituals like an evening stroll, music, TV, bath
About 50% of the sleep is spent during LIGHT and prayer.
sleep (Stage 1). ● Children should promote pre-sleep
routines like bedtime stories, holding the
● For TODDLERS- the sleep requirement is favorite toys, drinking warm milk etc.
10-12 hours a day. The same 20-30% of
sleep is REM. The normal sleep wake 3. CREATING A RESTFUL ENVIRONMENT
pattern is established at age 2-3. ● A darkened room or dim-lit room can be
● Bedtime rituals often develop and provided for the patients.
assume great importance in providing ● Noise should be reduced to a minimum
nighttime security. ● environmental distractions should be
● For PRESCHOOLERS- they usually require eliminated.
11-12 hours of sleep per night. The REM ● SAFETY: placing beds in low positions,
sleep is still 20-30%. Many of the using night-lights and placing call beds
preschoolers resist going to sleep within easy reach.
● Remember that the preschoolers have ● People with impaired physical mobility
fear of the dark that nurses must should be assisted with voiding before
anticipate to guide the mothers retiring.
● Fluids may need to be restricted in the
Suggested Measures by Pilliteri:
1. Read bedtime stories until patient sleeps 4. PROVIDING COMFORT AND
2. Reassure that child is Safe RELAXATION
3. Monitor environmental stimuli such as ● comfort measures are essential to help the
television and noise client to fall asleep and stay asleep.
● providing loose-fitting nightwear, hygienic
Nursing Inventions routines
● providing clean dry linens
● Assessment relative to a client’s sleep ● offering back massages
includes a sleep history, sleep diary, ● positioning patients in a comfortable
physical examination, and a review of position, correct medication administration
laboratory studies to avoid sleep interruptions, etc.
● The single most important criterion for
adequacy of sleep/rest is the patient’s 5. ENHANCING SLEEP WITH
statement. MEDICATIONS- sleep medications are
prescribed on a PRN basis for clients.
1. CLIENT HEALTH TEACHING- nurses ● Medications include- sedatives, hypnotics,
should teach the client about the importance anti-anxiety drugs, and tranquilizers.
of rest and sleep. ● Hypnotics may be used as a short term
● The following are needed to be taught- the intervention during situational induced sleep
conditions that promote sleep, the safe use pattern disturbance
of sleep medications, the effects of meds on
sleep and the effects of the diseased states
in their sleep.
School-age ● Discuss the facts that the
Sleep Nursing Implications stress of beginning
pattern of school may interrupt
normal sleep
Infants ● Tech parents to position ● Advise that a relaxed,
infants ON THE BACK. bedtime routine is most
Sleeping in PRONE helpful
position increases the risk ● Inform parents about
for sudden infant death their child's awareness
syndrome of the concept of death
● Advise parents that eye possibly occurring at this
movements, groaning, stage. Encourage
grimacing and moving are parental presence and
normal support to help alleviate
● Encourage parents to concerns
have infant sleep in a
separate crib not their bed
● Caution parents about
placing pillows, quilts, Sleep Nursing Implications
stuffed animals in the crib pattern of
which may pose
suffocation hazards
Adolesce ● Advise parents that
Toddlers ● Establish a regular
nts complaints of fatigue or
bedtime routine
inability to do well in school
● Advise parents about the
may be related to not
value of a routine sleeping
enough sleep. Excessive
pattern with minimal
daytime sleepiness may
make teenagers more
● Encourage attention to
vulnerable to accidents and
safety once a child moves
behavioral problems
from crib to bed. A gate
may be needed across the
door if the child will Young ● Reinforce that developing
wander around adults good sleep habits has a
positive effect on health
● Suggest use of relaxation
techniques and stress
Sleep pattern Nursing Implications reduction
of ● If loss of sleep is a problem,
explore lifestyle demands
and stress as possible
Preschoolers ● Encourage parents to
continue bedtime
● Advise parents that
waking from nightmares
or terrors are common.
Waking the child and Middle-aged ● Encourage adults to
comforting him generally adults investigate consistent
helps sleep
● A nightlight that is ● difficulties to exclude
soothing can be also pathology or
utilized anxiety-depression as the
Older adults ● Emphasize concern for episodic and occurs 1-2 hours after falling
SAFE environment asleep.
because it is common for
older people to be Primary Sleep Disorders
temporarily confused and
disoriented when they Defined as disorders in which the person’s
first awake
sleep problem is the main disorder.
● Use sedative with
EXTREME caution
because of declining INSOMNIA
physiologic function and MOST COMMON chronic sleep disorder is the
poly-pharmacy perceived difficulty or inability to obtain an
● Encourage them to adequate amount or quality of sleep; usually a
discuss sleep concerns to
result of physical discomfort, and often due to
the physician
mental overstimulation due to anxiety. Treatment
includes developing new behavior patterns that
induce sleep.
● INITIAL INSOMNIA- difficulty in falling
Sleep Deprivation asleep
● A prolonged disturbance in amount, quality ● INTERMITTENT INSOMNIA- difficulty in
and consistency of sleep staying asleep because of frequent or
● Restlessness, irritability, withdrawal, speech prolonged walking
deterioration ● TERMINAL INSOMNIA- early morning or
premature waking
DISORDERS particularly in the daytime. Causes can be
medical conditions like CNS damage,
PARASOMNIAS kidney, liver or metabolic disorders like
● is a behavior that may interfere with sleep or diabetes and hypothyroidism
a behavior that occurs normally during ● NARCOLEPSY – is a sudden wave of
waking hours but abnormally during sleep. overwhelming or irresistible sleep attacks
● lBruxism- commonly called night and sleepiness that occurs during the day.
teeth-grinding occurring during stage 2 The person with narcolepsy literally fall
sleep. asleep standing up, while driving a car, in
● Nocturnal Enuresis- bedwetting occurring the middle of conversation or even while
during sleep in children over 3 years old. It swimming
occurs in the following- 1-2 hours after ○ The cause is UNKNOWN.
falling asleep, and when rousing from Hypothesis includes the decreased
NREM stages 3 to 4. HYPOCRETIN in the CNS that
● Nocturnal Erections/Emissions- “wet regulates sleep.
dreams” occurring during adolescence. ○ The sleep starts directly with the
● Periodic Limb movements disorders- the REM phase.
legs jerk twice or three times per minute ○ The patient may have cataplexy
during sleep and is most common among (sudden loss of motor tone),
elders. hypnagogic hallucinations
● Sleep-talking- talking during sleep occurs (nightmare or vivid dream) and sleep
during NREM sleep before the REM sleep. paralysis.
● Somnambulism- “sleepwalking” occurs
during stage 3 and 4 of NREM. It is
○ Drug therapy includes MODAFINIL
and Ritalin (stimulants) that may
cause wakefulness

● SLEEP APNEA- is the periodic cessation of

breathing during sleep.
○ Usually, the period of apnea lasts
from 10 seconds to 2 minutes,
occurring at least 5 times per hour.
○ This usually gives rise to oxygen
desaturation and carbon dioxide
method that can confirm sleep

● Obstructive sleep apnea- occurs when the

structures of the pharynx or oral cavity block
the airflow.
● Central apnea- involves a defect in the
respiratory center in the brain with
neurological failure to trigger respiratory
● Mixed apnea- a combination of central and
obstructive apnea

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