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Educate And Empower (Book 1)

The Hijack
Of Education

Expose and Reform The Educational System

Educate And Empower (Book 1)

The Hijack
Of Education

Expose and Reform The Educational System

Sourav Ghosh
Educate And Empower (Book 1)
The Hijack Of Education
Expose and Reform The Educational System
Author : Sourav Ghosh

First Published by

Bigfoot06 Publications (OPC) Pvt. Ltd.

B-10,12 Shree Shyam Palace,
Sector 4,5 Chowk, Old Railway Road,
Gurugram, Haryana (122001)

First Edition : February 2023

©Sourav Ghosh

ISBN Print Book - 978-81-962316-1-3

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted

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Printed in India
Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra (1888 - 1969)
To the light of my life, my inspiration and my guide

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................... I
FOREWORD ....................................................................... III

1- THE MYSTERY ............................................................1

2- THE ORIGIN OF THE PROBLEM.............................3
3- THE DRAWBACKS.....................................................11
4- THE 5 PYRAMIDS.......................................................21
5- THE 3 SUBJECTS........................................................36
6- 8 KEYS TO THE SOLUTION.....................................54


THE HIDDEN PLOT)..........................................................59

This book is the culmination of the blessings and advice of so

many people.
I have been guided all along by my preceptor, Sri Sri Thakur
Anukul Chandra. I am still learning from His ideas on
I have tried to learn from the ideas of seers like Sri Aurobindo
and Swami Vivekananda. Educationalists like Rudolf Steiner,
alternative methods of schooling and homeschooling have
interested me.
I am indebted to my activist friends on social media who
revealed the reality of this world to me. I would like to express
my gratitude to the elders and ladies who helped and guided
me in various ways- Sri Mrutyunjay Dash, Sri Jagannath
Chatterjee, Madam Usha Vishwakarma, Madam Suchismita
Khatua, Sri Vikas Diwan, Sri Ajay Kumar, Sri Sandeep
Prakash, Sri Subhas Dixit, Sri N. P. Yadav, Sri Ram Dhiraj,
Sri Arvind Anjum, Sri Anuj Tripathi and Mr. Tanvir Singh.
I would also like to thank my friends Rohit Dhama, Suresh
Pratap, Nikhil Jadoun and dear Krishnendu from Pondicherry.
Special thanks to my friend Batife James for the cover design.
There are some names I could not mention.
I take this opportunity to thank everyone.


I was teaching with my heart and soul in the belief that I was
transforming lives, forming character and building careers. It
was a rude shock to me when I awakened to the fact that I was
just a puppet employed by the system.
There is an unholy nexus between the educational system and
the economic system. Education is not meant to serve any
greater good, it is a mechanism to brainwash the future work
force and prepare them for their own exploitation. There is a
ceiling in the economic system, which the students are unable
to cross. Whatever position they reach in their future career,
they cannot rise above the ceiling. Economic exploitation
awaits everyone under the ceiling. Only those who are running
the system, are above the ceiling. They operate from behind
the curtains, hidden from the public eye. The economic system
harvests from us and transfers the profits to these people. The
educational system works for it. It has shifted its focus from
character building and man-making to harvesting from
money-churning man-machines. It does not work for the
students, it works on behalf of the owners of the economic
system surreptiously.
I studied the system and found that the syllabuses were
intentionally designed with flaws. The teaching methods and
the general ambience also did not cater to the real goal of
education, but to this deviant, evil purpose.
I found two smoking gun evidences of this global
conspiracy. One is the connection between the corrupted
economic system and the flaws in the educational system.
They match perfectly. Actually, what appear as flaws in
man-making education are necessary designs in the
process of creating money-churning man-machines. The
unfortunate students are not even taught how the actual
economic system runs. They are kept in the dark about a
lot of things.
The second was the presence of ancient structures
throughout the world, that refute our textbook version of
History. The technology used and the knowledge hidden in
these structures raise questions about the story of
primitive cavemen taught in schools. Maybe there were
ancient civilizations that got destroyed and we had to start
afresh? Maybe there were cycles of civilizations? Ancient
pyramids, temples, caves, underground cave systems and
cities, sunken cities- all these evidences suggest technically
advanced civilizations in the past. History has been
rewritten on purpose. Obliteration of ancient civilizations
from text books and human memory has been done on
purpose. Some forces wanted to destroy our respect and
faith in our ancestors covertly, in order to grab our
attention and mould us according to their convenience.
The flawed theory of Darwinism also supports this false
version of History. According to modern science,
dinosaurs were extinct 65 million years ago. Existence of
past civilizations is eminently possible in the timespan
after that.
As I dived deeper, I found that everything needs to be re-
examined, even science. There is a chapter from my
upcoming book in the annexure. It discusses how science
too can be manipulated.
Knowledge empowers and faith builds character. Actual
History would have done both the things. Teaching false
History is like keeping a plant away from sunlight, so that
it does not grow properly. The proper lessons are not
learnt from History, and faith is misplaced in these people
running the show in our modern civilization. We see what
they project on the screen and show us from behind the
scenes. The focus of our attention shapes our personality.
To an extent, we become what we see and hear.
With this realization dawning on me, I came to crossroads in
my life. I could become a supporter of alternative education
and do the right thing so far as my personal self is concerned.
Or, I could wage a war against the educational system, raising
mass awareness and moving for fundamental correction in the
system. I chose the latter path.
Through our awareness and efforts will arise multiple
solutions specific to the needs of different communities. There
is a long way ahead, and it will require the participation of
many people from all over the world. The solution has to
come from common people, and not just from the authorities.
Awareness, public opinion and self-motivated efforts from all
of us should lead to the solutions. Philanthropists,
educationalists, social reformers, social workers, spiritualists,
light workers, teachers, guardians, youths who are studying
and every other common man can make a difference. We
cannot challenge the system single-handedly, but together we
can raise questions and discuss the issues openly.
This book is for everyone, except maybe for school children
who are of a tender age. I would love to provide them with
solutions rather than perplex them with the problems.
However, even this can lead to a global awakening. Students
asking questions is better than students being misled.
Innocence has the power to move the world.

My origin and faith may have impacted my work at places-
actually, they have inspired and guided me throughout.
However, the problems mentioned are global in nature. I
believe every reader will resonate with the burning questions
in varying degrees. The findings are irrefutable and of
paramount importance, because education shapes the future of
the world.
I hope everyone who is interested in the education of
children, in the future of mankind and well-being of our
planet will find this book useful. I have tried to keep the
price as low as feasible, so that this book can reach more
I also aim to publish the content on my blog, YouTube and
Facebook page, so that it is available for free. People need
to know the facts. I will have no grievances so long as the
text is not misrepresented or used maliciously.
There may have been some errors and repetitions in some
sections of the book, as this book was published in haste. I
apologise to the reader for the inconvenience.
May God lead us on!

The Hijack Of Education


“Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in

man.” – Swami Vivekananda

fter about 12-14 years of teaching, I began to sense
that education is not what it could have been. I had
read that education builds character and the students
are the future of the nation. Teachers shape the future. Thus,
we teachers are the backbone of the society. But, all of this
was theory. There were lots of loopholes in the system. Even
the syllabuses seemed to misguide at places. The flaws were
clear even to an ordinary teacher like me. So, what was going
More interestingly, the flaws seemed to go hand-in-hand.
They were somehow related to one another, synchronizing
across different subjects. This suggested that the obvious
mistakes were not random, but the work of some intelligent
mind. The syllabuses were flawed on purpose. Who could
have done this? Why would anybody play with the minds of
the children? Thus began my hunt for the culprit. My life
changed from here.
The fingerprints of the culprits were all over the syllabus. I
began to look deeper and correlate the fingerprints. What did
these people want to achieve so surreptitiously?
The Hijack Of Education

Slowly, my mind began to unravel the mysteries. As I grasped

the essence of what was being done, I gasped in horror and
pain. My mind still revulses at what I discovered years ago.
I gave up teaching and started to write. I went to some places
and tried to contact honest, selfless people who cared for the
world and dared to challenge the evil forces at play. Spiritual
people, social workers and social reformers, dedicated
teachers, even youth who were studying, people who cared for
children- these were the people I was looking for. I shared
copies of my reports with them. It was an attempt to spread
the seeds and preserve my work, so that my understanding
does not die with me. After I had exhausted my resources, I
took to writing a book. Seeing that it would be voluminous, I
decided to break it down into a series of books. This is the first
book of the “Educate and Empower” series. I am planning the
second book. It’s title would be “Suppressed Science and
Hidden Technologies”. You will find a part of the draft in the
I never thought I would write a book. This is my first attempt,
a desperate attempt to reach out to the world, to keep the torch
Actually, this is my third leap of faith. The first two were
when I resigned and started travelling.
I depend on the goodness of people to spread the word, to
make others aware of the situation so that solutions can be
found out. I too am progressing towards the solution. But, the
solutions will vary outwardly from one society to another.
There can be no one-size-fits-all model solution to this

The Hijack Of Education


Education is the panacea for all social evils.

oble men, philosophers, philanthropists and social
reformers have stressed the need for education. Was
that only to increase literacy rates and career
No! Education has the potential to solve all the problems of
the world. It is the solution to all social evils. Holistic
education can solve all the problems of the individual, whether
they are issues related to health, wealth, career or relationships.
The solution to all global problems can also be found with the
help of holistic education.
However, this immense potential of education is lost in the
practical world. We see that education has become a business,
rather than be a service to mankind. We see that it instigates
competition, ambition, apathy, jealousy, selfishness and many
other vices in the individual, and hence, in the society.
Education has actually become a root cause of many problems,
rather than provide solutions to all the problems.
There is a reason for everything. Surely, there are reasons
behind the failure of the educational system as well? What
could be the reason for this huge gap between the theory
The Hijack Of Education

and the practice of education? Why have we failed to tap

the immense potentiality of education?
The answer lies in how education has been hijacked and
misused by some very powerful people who virtually rule
this planet. These people have given education an
orientation that suits their interests.
Education that can transform the world, aims at all-round
development of the students. It aims to create better human
beings in every aspect of life. With the help of these better
human beings, it aims to create a better society.
However, we see a different type of education in practice. We
find it subservient to the economic system. The economic
system is controlled by a handful of people. These people
influence other systems with their immense wealth. This has
been the fate of the educational system too.
What the economic system wants is human resources. Every
student grows up to be an adult and do productive work.
Whatever work a student would do in the future, he or she will
be considered human resource by the economic system.
The economic system wants an educational system that will
cater to its needs by producing more and better human
resources. The educational system creates such human
resources as demanded by the handful of people running the
economic system. These people make more profit with this
kind of tailor-made education.
An exploitative economic system would want an educational
system that disempowers the students and subjugates them
into indirect economic slavery very cunningly.
This system of education does not want all-round development
of the students, their empowerment or betterment. It wants
The Hijack Of Education

them to be underdeveloped, weak and dependent so that they

can be economically exploited, without their awareness. It
wants them to fit into a society that is already strongly
influenced by the wealth of a few. It creates human resources
akin to money-churning machines.
This system also creates unemployment (surplus supply of
human resources resulting in low wages), poverty (to keep
people weak and compliant), economic disparity and
exploitation of labour.
We discuss the evidences of this unholy nexus between
education and economics next.


1) Education and Economics: We all know that education
has been commercialized all over the world. It is a business
We also know that education can become a tool to brainwash
little children. Radical forces brainwash students. They do this
to prepare human resources and create support bases for
Indeed, education creates desired work forces. The basis of
Economics is not currency or wealth; it is these work forces
better known as human resources.
Students are the future human resources. The knowledge,
belief system and the very nature of the student can be shaped
through ambient influences affecting the subconscious mind,
indoctrination and rote learning to make them serve the
economic system.

The Hijack Of Education

We reach the conclusion that education can be corrupted

by money.
We know that the economic system has its masters and
designers. There is a wealth transfer taking place by means of
which the rich are getting richer, while the poor are getting
poorer. The following paragraphs will provide adequate proofs
of this wealth transfer. We will look into the mechanism of the
economic system later on.
2) Wealth and Income Inequality, Economic Divide: There
was a slogan in the Occupy Wall Street Movement of 2011:
We are the 99%. It referred to the income and wealth
inequality between the richest 1% and the remaining 99% of
USA's population. The social and economic divide, greed,
corruption and undue influence of the corporate sector on the
government were the main agendas raised by the protesters.
These problems were faced by the 99% of people in the USA.
But they were not specific to that country alone. They were
global problems, and they are even more relevant after a
decade. This is obvious because the world has become one
little village and multi-national companies rule the planet.
The Occupy Wall street Movement later gave rise to the
global Occupy Movement. This was held in 2012 in around 82
Credit Suisse is a globally renowned financial institution. It
conducts economic surveys every year. Its global wealth
report said that the richest 1% of the world's population owned
50.1% of the world's total wealth in 2017. It referred to the
wealth distribution pattern as the "Global Wealth Pyramid", a
term that appears in Wikipedia too under the topic
"Distribution of Wealth" in the section "Wealth Inequality".

The Hijack Of Education

The Oxfam Inequality Report also gives stunning figures. It

says that 1% of the total population grabbed 82% of the
wealth created in 2017. The 2021 report says that 10 richest
people own as much wealth as the combined wealth of bottom
3.1 billion people, which is almost half of the world's
population. Also, the wealth of these 10 people doubled
during the pandemic.
Now, the bottom portion of the population will scarcely have
any wealth to hide in shell companies. Can we guess which
portion of the population will have more unaccounted black
money hidden in places like the shell companies or the Swiss
Bank? Will it be the 99% or the 1%? It has to be the 1%. They
will have more black money than the 99%. The figures above
are based on white money only. Those who know, say that the
actual figures are far more skewed. Moreover, insiders say
that the actual number of influential people making important
decisions are a handful- the totality of 1% is not engineering
the connivance between education and economics.
There is a plethora of data to prove the economic divide. We
just skimmed the surface to provide just enough evidence to
convince the reader. This means that most of us are
economically exploited- while 99% people do almost all the
work, the rest 1% get all the income by managing the 99%.
We will investigate macroeconomics in later chapters to see
how common men are deprived of their wealth without their
knowledge or consent.
Thus, we reach our second conclusion that we are being
exploited even though we work hard. Our economic
system is corrupted.

The Hijack Of Education

So, does the corrupted economic system spare education? In

the next section, we will see if wealth can impact our
education to exploit us.
3) The Influence of Money: Now, the nature of money is to
concentrate in a few hands, to gather where it is already
aplenty. Money begets money. Greed brings unfair practices
along with it.
How does money accumulate? Wealth does not sit idle in
heaps. It paves way for more wealth by winning over people
and institutions, by influencing the media and building
opinions, through diplomacy, lobbying and other more unfair
means like bribery, sabotage, coercion, blackmail or even
elimination (murder) by employing economic hitmen.
It is the nature of wealth to affect and win over everything
around it, whether by gentle means or harsh. So, how can it be
negligent towards creating the required work force from the
base? How can it neglect the educational system? Those who
garner wealth, do it at all costs. They are not hindered by
moral values. They value money above everything else,
probably even above other human lives. There are rich men
who are good, but they maintain their morality and do not get
too far in the rat race. We are not talking about them here. We
are talking about the super rich elites who actively accumulate
wealth by hook or by crook.
So, we can expect wealth to affect educational policies; to
dictate and even create syllabuses; to fund, create and run
training programmes; to orient the management, teachers
and students through such programmes and to make
governments adopt teaching methods and curriculum that
suit the wealthy people most.

The Hijack Of Education

Wealthy people and their corporations are welcome by all

governments in all countries, whether the countries are
democracies, theocracies or monarchies. Actually, the big
corporations that run the world form coalition with
governments. Together with governments, they form
corporatocracies that form a strata above the much-hyped
democracies (apparently) meant for the common man. The
super rich owners of these corporations, or the elites form a
distinct class of their own. They form a secret oligarchy that
lies above the strata of corporatocracy. This oligarchy runs the
world. To complete the picture, there is a fourth strata of
deprived people below the three stratas of oligarchy,
corporatocracy and democracy (or, whatever form of
government is in vogue in a particular country). These people
are war refugees, homeless people, hostages and others with
practically no human or civic rights.
So, coming back to the nature of wealth, we know that it will
certainly try to influence education. But, what is the proof that
the educational system is really tweaked in the favour of the
economic giants controlling the economic system? The finger
prints of the economic system are all over the educational
system. All the major flaws in the educational system
worldwide correlate with the desires, the greed of the
economic system. We will be discussing the defects of the
educational system and how they correlate to the desire of
the economic system in this book. We will see how these
defects create a chasm between the theoretical and practical
aspects of education, how they practically stunt the students,
robbing them of the full potentiality of proper education. We
will see how education is making us weak and turning us into
human resources for the super rich people, instead of
empowering us or providing us all-round development.

The Hijack Of Education

Why am I blaming the educational system alone, when there

are so many other factors involved? It is because this is the
root of all other problems. Solving this problem will also solve
all the other problems. Education shapes mankind, and it has
immense potential. Almost all our problems are the result of
our own behaviour. Sometimes we really have no choice; we
cannot solve the problems in our individual capacity. However,
the problems are there because the society does not think and
act as a collective. If it did, all the problems would be solved.
We can always change things together.
We will find out about five different pyramids of income,
wealth, intelligence, information and control, later in this book.
Then it will become clear that we are being manipulated
Genuine solutions always begin with the self, and extend to
others. There is always an internal factor that couples with
some external factors to start an interaction. If we want to
change the world, we must look for the internal factors
first, and change ourselves. So, we must look within and
find out how we can get better as individuals. The
following section focuses on the problems, the internal
factors and the role of education in this.

The Hijack Of Education


“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no

education at all.”- Aristotle
Education should develop the powers of the three H's- Head,
Heart and Hands, according to Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi.

his chapter will be a bitter pill to swallow. We will
have a closer look at the educational system and
ourselves, in order to find solutions and get better. Let
us investigate the drawbacks of the present educational system
The present educational system teaches us to be materialistic
and ego-centric. It does not teach us to seek within, do our
duty and excel in everything we do. We have forgotten to be
content, or to find happiness in little things. We do not find
peace in our relationships or our connection with nature. We
are not improving with the advancement of our civilization,
but getting worse as human beings. Modernity has destroyed
our inner world. It has also made us selfish, greedy and
irresponsible. Our educational system is responsible for this
moral degeneration. It gives us knowledge and information,
but it does not take care of our physical and mental well-being.
Holistic or Integral education is supposed to ensure the well-
being and growth of the entire individual. This includes the
The Hijack Of Education

body, mind, skill, intelligence, heart and soul of the individual.

However, contemporary education is not holistic or integral. It
does not teach us to control and regulate our own minds. We
observe the world around us, but we fail to observe our own
minds, our own psychological tendencies. We do not even
hear about introspection, self-analysis and self-improvement
nowadays. Many people are unaware of these techniques,
which are essential to sustaining our present state of
civilization and progressing further. Practice of these
techniques has been forgotten. Our education is incomplete
without these techniques.
Our future is also at risk because we are not getting more
responsible with the material progress of our civilization.
Science and technology is empowering us more and more.
This calls for more responsibility, or else destruction and
downfall of the civilization will follow. We need to improve
psychologically and ethically to properly handle the power
that comes with the advancement of science and technology.
Education should bring about all-round development.
Therefore, it should not only focus on character-building,
earning capabilities and knowledge; but also make us healthy
and robust, with strong and healthy minds. It should give us
high ethical standards, increase our creative thinking and
general intelligence (foregoing learning by rote) and improve
our standards of social behaviour as well.
The present educational system has defined success in
materialistic terms. It correlates money with success. (This has
happened because our educational system has lost track of the
goal of our lives- and so have we, consequently.) Thus, it
creates an environment of competition and isolation, instead
of creating an ambience of collaboration and unity. This

The Hijack Of Education

competitiveness goes on even further to create feelings of

hostility, jealousy, suspicion and back-biting.
We are no longer taught to be competent and self-dependent,
but to look for degrees and prestigious jobs. Jobs being scarce
compared to the number of applicants, stiff competition is
faced by the candidates. The scarcity of job acts as a feedback
loop in the minds of the students and the guardians, driving
them to become more and more self-centric, careeristic and
competitive. This intensifies the evil spirit of competition.
Studying more does not create more job opportunities for
everyone. However, the applicants are in a mad rush. They are
in an isolated, individualistic mode of mind. They have their
own needs, their own future at stake, along with the financial
security of their family members. They have no choice either,
having been groomed by the educational system for so long.
They, as well as the guardians of younger students, fail to see
the overall picture or to find a solution that benefits all. These
people only advise younger students to study harder in order
to succeed. Consequently, the competition intensifies with
increasing number of applicants for every post. The solution
lies in teaching everyone how to earn, and not in increasing
competitions. Unfortunately, our educational system does not
teach technical, industrial, agricultural or business skills. It
does not impart any kind of self-dependence skills or the
attitude and mindset necessary for developing the skills.
Training of various skills that can help students earn has
become a commercial branch of education, separate from
mainstream education. Education has become an industry,
having lost its idealism and humanitarian goals.
Actually, the sense of Unity and Oneness is lost in the
process of studying, competing and job hunt. As a matter
of fact, our civilization can achieve much more through co-
The Hijack Of Education

operation and collaboration, than it can achieve through

competition and rivalry. Internal conflict wastes most of
our energy. We should learn to use our energies
constructively, and not destructively. This will help to
create a civilization where everyone is happy, content and
prosperous. However, competition, amoral behaviour, crime
as well as scarcity and poverty are being nurtured and
sustained by the Evil Handlers of our society. (The next
chapter discusses how the five evil pyramids of wealth,
income, information, control and intelligence keep us
subjugated.) These people have also hijacked our educational
system. They are misusing it to further their vested interests.
Being criminal themselves, they do not want high moral
standards in the general population because that would invite
stiff resistance to their activities. Instead, they try to make us
docile and obedient. They also look for accomplices from
within us, to shepherd the rest of us and exploit us. Therefore,
the educational system creates compliance and amoral
behavior, instead of building value-based characters.
These elite people, who are the evil handlers of our society,
are indoctrinating us and cheating us through a sabotaged
economic system. We work for them unknowingly, and they
steal a lot of our wealth through loopholes in the economic
system. Thus, everyone in our society is being indirectly
exploited by them. We are not taught to be self-dependent.
These people have intentionally kept us poor, so that they can
get cheap labour. We are human resources for them. They
exploit us economically. The whole world can be fed and
nourished easily, if the economic system is corrected.
Thus, education has become a tool for creating poverty and
increasing crime. Poverty is increased by not providing the

The Hijack Of Education

students with the right knowledge, the right mindset or earning

Instead of providing high ideals to adolescent students, the
educational system indulges in sensuality in the name of sex
education. It is necessary to protect the purity of mind and
preserve the spiritual health of the students, while imparting
necessary information in a proper way. Moral education and
respect of women is a thing of the past now. Yoga, meditation
or other befitting spiritual practices should immediately be
started/revived in schools. Music classes are a must for
harmony of the mind. Drawing, painting and dance will also
develop the personality of the students. They will learn to be
creative and find peace within their minds. Self-defence
techniques (useful in real-life situations, and not just martial
arts training for competitions) are essential too. Gardening and
farming not only connect us with nature, but also make us
humble and down-to-earth, with a practical understanding of
the basic processes of life. We begin to understand the
importance of farmers and food production. Students should
have practical experience in these sectors. This will co-
ordinate their motor and sensory nerves, giving them work
experience and confidence. Finland has already switched to
project-based learning. Also, connection with nature will heal
the body and soothe the minds of the students. Brain games
that stimulate the powers of logical analysis and synthesis in
students, should also become mandatory. However, these co-
curricular activities must be such that they enhance spirituality,
and not cause moral degeneration. These are double-edged
tools, so the teachers, the management and the educationalists
must be positively oriented (and free from the influence of the
elites). However, these topics are only suggestions from our
perspective. They may not be applicable to some schools

The Hijack Of Education

and communities. It is important to understand the global

problem and find out locally applicable solutions.
Separation from nature and even from fellow human beings
has increased with our dependence on technology. Electronic
devices such as TV, computer and mobile phones have
reversed our emotional growth, reduced our attention span
drastically and even damaged our physical health. The damage
due to lack of physical activities is unequivocally accepted.
However, the damage due to electromagnetic radiation is not
accepted by corporate-funded science, even though the
evidences are undeniable. Moreover, our social connections
with near and dear ones are getting weaker. Thus, our
physiological, emotional, psychological and social health is
being jeopardized by technology.
Mobile games are turning our children insensitive and violent.
We are being led to an artificial, technological world of
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) by means
of cunning social engineering.
Technology provides us with ease of communication and work.
It also places necessary information at our fingertips.
However, it eats away at our physical and mental health. It
provides comfort and entertainment at the cost of social
relationships. Thus, our primary assets are withering away
as we pursue secondary goals with the help of the
electronic media, computer, mobile and internet.
Moreover, our increasing dependence on the big tech and
media companies makes us vulnerable to manipulation.
Our future will lie in their hands if we do not change our
We all know that electromagnetic radiation from electronic
devices harms us. Man is a part of nature. The electromagnetic
The Hijack Of Education

radiation of the human body synchronizes with the natural

radiation. But, any artificial radiation in excess harms the
body and mind. (“The Invisible Rainbow” is a wonderful book
on this topic. It is available as free pdf too.) However, the
media has adopted this technology to become electronic media.
The control of media is concentrated in the hands of a few
corporations. Actually, the elites own or have substantial
shares in mainstream media as well as big tech companies.
Big agricultural companies and big pharmaceutical companies
are no exception. So, both corporate-funded science and
mainstream media remain silent on the issue of
electromagnetic pollution, even as we remain mesmerized
by them.
Our power over the remote control of the TV flatters our ego.
We can apparently choose to watch from a plethora of
channels. However, the entire news media is controlled by the
economic power of the elites. They are behind the media
barons who decide what to show us and what to hide. The
media diverts our attention rather than providing us. The
entertainment media too is part of this mind programming.
The media has disrupted our social relationships and eroded
our social values.
We have forgotten to live together as One species. Even our
connection with nature has been cut off. This is the situation
with the mainstream society. Exceptions are there, but those
exceptional people do not thrive and prosper in our society.
They are almost always exploited, and it is only their inner
world, their contentment and joie de vivre (joy of living) that
can keep them happy.
Unbridled greed and lust have tainted our value system and
behaviour. Our moral values have practically been skewed. A
bifurcation between ideal moral values and practical
The Hijack Of Education

behaviour has resulted. Our educational system was supposed

to instil moral values in the students, and also supposed to
teach them to recognize and eradicate the vices from their
minds. However, we now readily recognise the mistakes
committed by others, and also criticize them sometimes.
Others recognize our mistakes too, but no one ever recognizes
their own mistakes or the mindset that led to their mistakes.
We can only impede others with this approach. However, we
could also correct ourselves and help others learn by
becoming examples ourselves. When we correct ourselves,
our own stance, our own understanding and viewpoints
become that much purer and free from bias. Love, affection
and gentle care leads to correction and collaboration;
impediments and criticism usually increase aloofness (and
also fuel anger, hatred, jealousy and competition).
Poverty and necessity has made money the focus of our life.
Costly healthcare system has made us insecure and self-centric.
All of these are the doings of the elites, who own everything
thanks to their economic power. They want to keep us divided
and to keep our attention diverted. They have hijacked and
misused our educational system, our economic system and
even our healthcare system. There is a ploy to create trends, to
seed and fan desired patterns in the minds of the general
population through social engineering. News and
entertainment media plays a major role here. They provide us
the information and entertainment that is suited to the
interests of the elites, while suppressing the flow of
information in the opposite direction. News is often lop-sided,
hyped or fabricated. Entertainment affects our sub-conscious
mind, which in turn affects our conscious decisions. Social
media platforms and big Tech is an accomplice to this subtle
process of mind manipulation. Sadly, the educational system
The Hijack Of Education

starts the process of indoctrination. It works along with other

tools of the elites to bend our minds in the direction desired by
Compassion and love have been stifled in our heart. Instead,
we are taught to be cold towards others and obey orders
blindly, even when we know that we are unduly damaging the
interests a third party, by doing so. We may be harming
someone else (a third party who could be innocent and even
unaware) by blindly following the orders, but we remain
apathetic towards them. We shed off our responsibility, saying
that we have no choice but to follow orders. Thus, our
conscience is being maimed as we are being trained to accept
the 'Nuremberg Defence' Mentality. (‘Nuremberg Defence’ is
the infamous excuse by many defendants in the Nuremberg
Trial. The defendants gave the excuse that they were only
carrying out orders from the authorities above them; and thus
they were not responsible for the Jewish Holocaust. This
became known as the Nuremberg Defence.) This reminds us
of the collateral damage caused in wars. It is the same mindset
operating at an individual, micro level. (Greater evil has its
origins rooted in lesser evil.) This has become the cost of our
living. The educational system grooms this mindset in us right
from our childhood days. It indoctrinates us to obey the higher
authorities unquestioningly, with a stunted compassion.
Therefore, more emphasis should be given on the unimpeded
development of conscience in students. We should be taught
that we are fully responsible for whatever we do, and this
responsibility can never be transferred to higher authorities.
Higher authorities should be held responsible for the
command and forcing others to execute the command.
We have been indoctrinated to silence our conscience and
accept the law, the society of indoctrinated people and the
The Hijack Of Education

government, even though all of them (the judicial system, the

government, as well as the society) commit many mistakes
knowingly. We accept unconscionable decisions from them,
even as they remain under the influence of the elite rulers of
the society. The institutions and the professions that we have
been taught to respect and believe, are now under the
influence of these global elites. Those of us who remain
exceptions to this and raise their voice conscientiously, face
stiff opposition from the authorities and lag behind in the rat
race, all their lives. Thus, killing off conscience from the
mainstream society, we have turned it into a hotbed of vices
and crimes.
Let us sum up and correlate a few points here- Education has
the potential to help us live together with peace and
prosperity, to create a better world. But, it now teaches
compliance even with illegitimate decisions and orders. Our
minds are trained in such a way that we have no concern for
others. Apathy, and not empathy, has become a pre-requisite
for success, which is defined in material terms. The
educational system instils this apparent virtue of apathy in us
from an early age. We see that everyone blames others for
mistakes. No one acknowledges and takes the responsibility
of their own mistakes in this ego-centric world. The ambience
for such efforts is lacking too. People should try to
understand their own mistakes and improve by themselves,
psychologically and ethically. This has to be taught. Instead
of fighting one another, we should try to fight the vices inside
our own selves and forgive others. We must transcend our
weaknesses to become a better and more evolved species as a
whole. Only then, the world will get better. We need
responsible people for a thriving civilization. This is why
students must learn self-observation, self-analysis and self-
correction techniques.

The Hijack Of Education


When a baby elephant is tied to a stake with a chain, it tries to

break free repeatedly but without success. The failure trains it
to remain tied up. When it grows up, it does not even try to
break free, even if it is tied with a thin rope.



ur rationality is being stunted. Our basic values and
emotions, which are the foundation of open-minded
rational thinking, have become convoluted. An
unclear heart full of selfishness, ego and other vices cannot
think rationally. However, we have been indirectly taught to
be selfish, ego-centric, competitive and jealous under the guise
of education. This delimits our understanding and vision. We
cannot put ourselves in others’ place to feel their sorrow, pain
or problems. We rely on popular opinion (which can be
manufactured), instead of logic based on ethics. We have
forgotten to live according to the principles of non-violence
and universal brotherhood, in alignment with nature. No

The Hijack Of Education

common idealism unites us; we are divided and competing

against one another.
Rote learning has practically been encouraged in this
educational system. This hinders the development of the
understanding abilities of children. The formative years of
their brains ( which is upto the age of 8, according to the
Cognitive Development Theory by Piaget) have thus been
sabotaged to disrupt their thinking process. Children should be
taught social skills, moral values, mother tongue and some
fundamental concepts (which need not be unlearnt later on) till
the age of 8. The topics mentioned earlier, viz., yoga,
meditation, music, drawing, painting, dance, self-defence
techniques and gardening should also be taught. It makes more
sense not to jeopardize the tender brains of young students as
human lifespan has reportedly increased over the years.
The syllabuses have been overburdened with a lot of
unnecessary information and misinformation too, on purpose.
Some essential information has, however, been withheld from
us. Information shapes our lives. Our decisions are made
based on what we know. So, the Pyramid of Information is
central to all the five pyramids. We will come back to it in
later sections of this chapter.
We are taught topics dissected into many subjects. The
information imparted is reductionist, and not holistic. We are
not taught to synthesize the information or even think
rationally. Knowledge is compartmentalized into different
subjects and the interconnections are omitted. For example,
Mathematics and Biology are treated as two distinctly
different branches of Science. However, there is a
mathematical pattern in the growth of organisms, in the
sequence in which the leaves grow in a tree. The Golden Ratio
and the Fibonacci Sequence hold the keys to these questions,
The Hijack Of Education

respectively. Unaware of the research, the students fail to

integrate the two subjects. The minds of the general students
and even the careers of science students get
compartmentalized into two different streams- Mathematics
and Biology.
The pruning of information creates a pyramid of
information. We have a pyramid-like structure where
there are a lot of people at the base with minimum
information, and very few people with the required
information at the top.
All the subjects have been tweaked to suit the interests of the
elite rulers. The subjects have been dissected and many vital
pieces of information have been removed so that the students
fail to connect the dots. Thus education is no longer holistic,
but reductionist. We are not taught to synthesize different
topics or subjects on purpose. The focus is only on
memorizing. Even analytical thinking is not taught properly.
(Even when analysis is taught, the example becomes the focus
instead of the technique. Insight into the process of analysis is
not developed. Rather, the students are expected to learn a few
case studies by heart.) This is definitely a ploy to hide the
greater picture from us.
As a matter of fact, education has long been hijacked by
the secretive elite rulers of our society. They have
weaponized it to suit their own agendas. We are implicitly
indoctrinated from an early age so that we serve their
interests. It is not only the radical elements who brainwash
students to utilize them as human resources; the elite
rulers have been doing this to us all for a long time.
Education is no longer about the all-round development of
the students. We do not seek to create a better society with
better human beings these days. Nor do we try to empower
The Hijack Of Education

the students. The Educational System indoctrinates the

students to fit into the society and serve it, while it (the
society) remains subservient to its elite rulers. This is the
prevalent trend that most contemporary teachers follow.
Teacher training courses can solve this problem: a
paradigm shift is needed so that teachers are taught to
empower students, and make their students more
responsible and more conscientious.
The Educational System serves and reinforces the pyramid
models of wealth, income, control, information and
Rote learning helps to create a pyramid of intelligence, where
there are many people at the base (with stunted intelligence-
for example, the actual method of teaching Mathematics today,
kills intelligence and instils fear in the majority of students).
We find fewer and fewer people with increasingly more
intelligence, as we climb up the pyramid. This is not natural,
but an intentional stunting of our basic comprehensive abilities
and our intelligence in order to keep us underdeveloped, and
under the control of the elites.
The elite rulers want to conceal how the system works and
to exploit us as human resources. They try to hinder our
physical and mental well-being. They also try to destroy
our growth and prosperity. If we become strong and self-
reliant, we will not obey them under compulsion. So, they
want to keep us weak and dependent, fearful and obedient,
in order to control us.

The Hijack Of Education


his brings us to the Pyramids of Wealth and Income.
Almost half (45.8%) of the world's global household
wealth is in the hands of 1.1% of the world population.
The bottom 55% of the population hold a meagre 1.3% of the
total wealth. This information is from the Credit Suisse Report
of 2021, based on a survey conducted in 2020. There is an
Economic Divide between the super rich people and the
general population. Richest 8 people owned as much as the
poorest 3.7 billion people (almost half of the global population)
in 2016/17, according to one mode of calculation. There are
very few people at the top, while the majority of people is
at the base of the pyramid. As we climb up the wealth
pyramid, personal wealth increases but the number of
people possessing that amount of wealth decreases
drastically. Thus, a pyramid model exists here, in terms of
Wealth Distribution.
The Pyramid of Wealth Distribution (or, simply the Pyramid
of Wealth) is reinforced by the Pyramid of Income. It may be
worth mentioning again that the richest 1% of population
bagged 82% of the total global income in 2017, according to
the Oxfam Inequality Report of 2018. The calculations on
wealth and income are based on the disclosed amounts of
white money, and not actual figures. The figures will be very
different if the hidden assets of the super rich 1% elites are
revealed, keeping in mind their criminal tendencies and large
share in global wealth.
The Hijack Of Education

What do the Pyramids of Wealth and Income suggest?

That we do not get a fair share of income and wealth, that
our labour (whether physical or mental) is not sufficiently
rewarded, that we have been prepared as human resources
and exploited all our lives. Do we want this trend to
continue or worsen? Do we want our own children, the
future generations of humanity to work for the elites
unknowingly, and be exploited all their lives? Or, will we
work together to raise awareness and fix the loopholes in
our Educational System?
Wealth created as a result of our collective work, lands up
with the super rich people. Wealth and income are being
suctioned up the evil Wealth and Income Pyramids. The entire
economic system has been rigged to exploit each and every
one of us. Investigation reveals some of the mechanisms by
which wealth is being stolen from us. The subject of
Economics does not inform us of this reality. Textbooks and
syllabuses of Economics should have reflected the ground
reality and investigated the reasons behind this reality. We
summarize the mechanisms of our economic exploitation in
brief, below.

The Hijack Of Education



ow actually are we being robbed of the value of our
physical and mental labour? Poverty and scarcity
makes labour cheap at the bottom layer of the
pyramid. Wages are inequitable throughout the income
pyramid. Cycles of recession followed by times of economic
prosperity transfer wealth into the hands of the elite bankers.
Most importantly, the central banks dilute the fiat
currencies by overprinting currency notes. They collude
with the governments, which create budget deficits. The
central banks are private, and not owned by the
governments. Most people have been falsely led to believe
that they (the central banks) are part of the governments.
Instead, they are tied to a private bank. Rothschild-owned
Bank for International Settlements (BIS) controls the
policies of the central banks of various nations. The central
banks like the Federal Reserve Bank of America, or the
Reserve Bank of India are its associate members. They
tout its policies like cashless societies and CBDC (central
bank digital currency). While all these policies have our
welfare as their stated goals, the original objectives are
hidden and sinister in their design.
Overprinting of currency notes dilutes the value of our
currency. Lots of extra currency is created, thereby
increasing the supply of money. This makes money cheap.
The Hijack Of Education

The value of currency goes down as commodities become

costlier. Actually, this is possible because what we consider
to be money is actually fiat currency. While money is a
store of value over a long period of time, fiat currencies
are printed by order of governments. They are promissory
notes that work on the basis of faith. They are apt to lose
their value over time.
Economics textbooks do not discuss these basic points.
Unfortunately, corporatocracy ensures that most of the
extra printed currency lands up in the pockets of the elites,
who own the big corporations. Thus, we are left with more
or less the same income even as the value of our income
keeps falling rapidly.
In simpler words, our currency pool is diluted and the
presence of more currency causes its value to be depreciated.
The extra currency being created is distributed inequitably.
Over the years, everything becomes costlier because the value
of currency gets stolen by the elites.
Let us consider the example of India. 10 grams of gold cost
around 63.25 rupees in 1964. Now in 2022, its price hovers
around 50,000 rupees (an increase by 750 times in a space of
58 years). Cumulative inflation in India has been around 60
times (5,985.73%) from 1965. We can say that currency has
been diluted so much over these 57 years that 1 rupee 57 years
ago is worth 60 rupees now. For every 1 rupee in 1965, there
are 60 rupees now (as a result of overprinting). There has been
a 60 fold increase in currency supply, thereby depreciating its
value. 99% of the population has lost much of their wealth in
the process. It is very clear from the statistics that the elites are
getting richer by the year at our cost. The economic divide is
increasing. Let us say that 99% of the population received 20
The Hijack Of Education

rupees out of the total of 60 rupees printed. Who has pocketed

the rest 40 rupees (60 rupees minus 20 rupees) printed for
every rupee, over this period of time?
This is not the case of just one country, but of the whole world.
Big economic institutions like the IMF and the World Bank
have a big role in this process that creates an Economic Divide.
Obviously, the elites have been amassing their wealth by
keeping us ignorant of the system.
Apart from overprinting of currency by the central banks,
Fractional Reserve Banking also creates inflation by
creating fake virtual currency out of thin air. This is done
by the commercial banks. When we keep our money
(currency, to be precise) in the bank accounts, the banks keep
a small portion of it in stock and re-invest a large portion of it
in business. This practice is termed Fractional Reserve
Banking. Now, this means that the re-invested portion of the
money is not in our bank account anymore. The bank shows
the amount nonetheless, as virtual currency. Not all people
want to withdraw their money at the same time. Therefore, the
banks can manage to do this. Now, the figures show more
money than there actually is. This extra money does not exist
in reality, but only on papers or computer. However, it creates
inflation by virtue of showing excess of money.
This is not a one-time process. Consider that the bank gives
loan to another person at a higher rate, or invests in a business
for more profit. This money (originally from our account)
often lands up in another (or the same) bank account. Another
cycle of virtual currency creation starts with this! This can go
on endlessly. Students of Mathematics will realize that this is
a problem of Geometric Progression. In the USA, the banks
can keep 10% of the money, and re-invest 90%. This 90% can
get deposited in any bank again. This time, 90% of the 90%,
The Hijack Of Education

which is 81% of the original sum, is the virtual currency

created. Endless cycles of this can create tenfold currency on
paper. 900 dollars can be created virtually for every 100
dollars. In India, banks are supposed to maintain Cash Reserve
Ratio (4.5% now) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (18% now,
which can be in cash or other forms like gold). The banks can
re-invest the rest, which is around 77.5% of the total cash
(now, in 2023).
The real reasons of inflation are kept a secret. Inflation is
back-calculated from some indicators in order to hide these
The laws are tweaked in favour of the banks. If someone fails
to pay the last instalment of his loan, his mortgage will be
possessed by the bank, but his previous instalments will not be
returned. However, banks get aid from the governments in
times of crisis (in the form of bail-outs). They even have the
potential to gobble up the money we have entrusted them with,
if the governments allow that. This is called a bail-in. In times
of financial emergencies, it is these banks who get financial
aid from the governments in the form of loans, supposedly to
boost the economy. The economic recession of 2008 in the
USA saw a scandal. The Morgan family, who are in the board
of directors of the Federal Reserve of America, are also
owners of other private banks. Their private bank Morgan
Stanley got a huge loan of $107 billion from the Federal
Reserve, even though its own net worth was only $23 billion.
The Federal Reserve too is set up like private corporations-
this is an open secret now. Even though the board of
governors is a government agency, corporatocracy and
oligarchy of the elites ensures that everything runs according
to their wish. “The Creature from Jekyll Island ” is a book on

The Hijack Of Education

this topic worth reading. (It can be downloaded for free from
the internet archives.)
There is no written proof that the Reserve Bank of India
(RBI) is a government agency. It is a statutory body, and
statutory bodies can be private as well as government. It
admits to being privately owned initially, even though it
was formed under the British rule. The Reserve Bank of
India Act was passed in 1934 and RBI was formed in 1935.
And yet, it was privately owned then! How does this
explain the Government’s RBI Act passed in 1935? This
speaks volumes on how governments have always been run
by the elites.
RBI says that it is fully owned by the government since its
nationalisation in 1949. However, there are serious questions
with the power and authority of the government itself, in view
of the India (Independence) Act passed in the London
Parliament on 4 July, 1947 and the Transfer of Power Act of
1947. There is definitely a smokescreen here, covering up
inconvenient facts, with the help of technical terms.
The laws are apparently there to bring about justice, peace
and freedom. But, we all know that rich people tweak the laws
to their advantage. What many of us fail to see is that the laws
are often illegitimate because they have been passed with the
sole purpose of protecting the interests of the elites.

The Hijack Of Education



he educational system plays a vital role in exploiting
us. It shapes our minds to reinforce these two
pyramids of wealth and income. How does it do this?
By indoctrinating and misinforming us, while also
suppressing vital information! The system also replaces
the conscience of the students with subjugation to the
The method of teaching indoctrinates the students. The
syllabuses and textbooks often misinform, while also
suppressing vital information. The students are thus
inducted into two more pyramids- the Pyramid of Control
and the Pyramid of Information.
Beside the Pyramid of Intelligence (rote-learning and fear-
based learning actually prune our intelligence), these two
pyramids also originate from the school system. Both the
Information and Control Pyramids are initiated in the school
system and continue in our workplaces- we find these in the
offices, businesses and factories.
Yet again, we find a hierarchy of posts or positions, where the
superior has more information and the workers under him
have less information than is justified. The superior exercises
a lot more control than is needed for righteous business
The Hijack Of Education

dealings, office work or any other type of work. Transparency

and human rights usually take a backseat in our workplaces.
We seldom object, because we have been conditioned to
accept these things from our school days.
The Pyramid of Control is rooted deep in the teaching
methods and the indoctrination system of the schools. We are
taught to fear and obey, thus stifling our conscience. We do
not question any orders, irrespective of whether they are
legitimate or illegitimate, when they come from our superiors.
This damages the emotional health and ethical values of the
students. The natural growth of the mind gets stunted, as we
are directed to think and act in compliance with the authorities,
instead of being allowed to do what naturally seems right.
Obedience is rewarded, while conscientious protests are
considered an offence. This creates a sort of indoctrination and
the ‘Nuremberg Defence’ Mentality described earlier. The
modern civilization is a product of such oppressive education.
This reflects as apathy or insensitivity towards others’
problems, unbridled greed and lack of conscience in the
We have not been taught either psychological or financial self-
dependence. Education should focus on character building and
earning skills. This present educational system does none of
the above. It has failed us miserably.
The elites influence and control all walks of our lives, with
their wealth. The educational system is no exception. All
human resources of the educational system are under the
indirect control of the elites. They control the governments,
the governments control the school management and
syllabuses, the management controls the teachers and the
teaching methods, while the teachers control the students.
The Hijack Of Education

Teachers should be divine in nature, and not mundane, in

order to teach by example. They are the backbone of our
society because they shape the minds of our future
generations. Children learn from their elders, from their
parents/guardians and teachers in particular. The sub-
conscious mind of a student imitates and learns from the
elders whom he or she respects. If a teacher speaks of lofty
ideals but leads a mundane life, the student imbibes no
idealism from him or her. So, the teacher should not only be
understanding, intelligent, learner, wise and skilled, but should
also live by principles.
However, very few teachers actually teach out of any kind of
idealism nowadays (notwithstanding some radical elements
who want to brainwash the students). The top-down system
selects teachers based on their academic and other
qualifications (which may include connections and
compliance), but not their character, idealism or purpose. The
primary duty of a teacher is not educating the students now, it
is subordination to the evil system. Teacher training programs
and the management all synchronize with the evil
indoctrination plan of the elites.
The teachers are taught that students should be groomed and
prepared for the society. As the society already serves the
elites, the students too are actually being taught to stand in the
same line, in compliance with the existing system. Their
natural abilities are pruned. Instead of adopting a holistic
approach and aiming at the all-round development of the
students, the educational system thus resorts to a reductionist
The Pyramid of Information also begins in the school system.
We are taught a lot of unnecessary things, and a lot of vital
information is suppressed in school teaching. Not only this,
The Hijack Of Education

we are also fed a lot of misinformation. The elites control our

minds by these means.
Books are written by authors; syllabuses are designed by
educationalists. Authors and educationalists are human
beings; and human beings do have beliefs, predispositions
as well as vested interests. Yet, we tend to worship books
written by the authors, and blindly follow the curricula
devised by the educationalists. Do you find any textbook
on Economics that exposes the mechanisms of our
economic exploitation? There are economists that point
out the anomalies in the economic system, but they become
outcast as the mainstream remains in docile servitude of
the elites. All school subjects have been vitiated by the
elites. Their appointed educationalists have devised the
syllabuses of these subjects.
The entire political system runs on money. Hence the ruling
parties as well as the opposition parties are in league with the
elites. Thus, democratic governments have allowed the elites
to have their say in the education of the general population.
The democracies are apparitions in that the people are only
offered an illusion of choice. People vote for their
representatives, but these representatives are nominated by the
political parties under the influence of the elites. Independent
candidates seldom get elected. All the parties collude with the
elites because they need the funding and also because of the
strong influence of the elites. Therefore, the governments
always work in favour of the elites. Even monarchies dare not
oppose the elites, for fear of being toppled.

The Hijack Of Education


“Knowledge is Power.”- Sir Francis Bacon

nformation shapes and controls our consciousness.
Suppression of information along with misinformation can
leave us clueless as to what is actually happening behind
the veils. The school subjects have been tweaked in
accordance with the will of the elites. We will focus on the
unholy trio of Economics, History and Science, for now.
These three subjects together keep our focus bound to the
present system and turn us into money-churning machines for
the elites. History and Science have the potential to educate
and liberate us. However, they have been manipulated by the
elites to keep us subservient.
We are made to believe that we are the most advanced species
that exists, and that we were never so advanced as now. The
elites draw our attention and our energy sitting at the apex of
the civilization. However, there is strong evidence that our
past civilizations were quite advanced- so advanced that they
refute the History taught in our textbooks. There are historical
structures that show ample evidence of advanced civilizations
in the past. But, there are no traces of such evidences in our
History textbooks.
Similarly, science can alleviate our sufferings. Instead, it has
been captured by the elites and is being used to harm and
The Hijack Of Education

weaken us, to keep us in control. The syllabuses of Science

and History have been designed to capture our minds and
focus our attention to the present civilization and its masters-
the super rich elites. Science can liberate our minds and also
solve many of our problems. But the ruling elites have
suppressed the benevolent side of science to control us. The
school textbooks do not mention these aspects either. The
elites are planning to control us further using science and
Together, these subjects (History and Science) guide us
towards the present economic system, so that we can be
exploited lifelong (as human resources for the elites).
Economics distorts our minds with the materialistic concept of
‘the Economic Man’, while hiding the processes by which we
get exploited continuously. There are no traces of the relevant
terminologies in the textbooks. These subjects together subtly
indoctrinate us with the following ideas:
1) We are tacitly made to believe that human beings are at the
centre of the biological universe. (This belief is called
Anthropocentrism.) We are the most intelligent species to
exist. No other advanced species ever existed that could
match our intelligence.
This assumption makes us feel superior to the rest of the world
and bolsters our ego. It ultimately cuts off our connections
with other species, and nature. This belief bolsters the so-
called rational belief of atheism. (There is a chapter in the
annexure which explains what atheism can do.)
2) We are taught that science has progressed linearly, that our
past civilizations were technologically inferior. There is a
theory that some past civilizations existed, that we are not
advancing in a straight line but moving in cycles. But, this
The Hijack Of Education

theory has been buried without looking at the historical

evidences properly.
Evidences are systematically suppressed, and pseudo-
scientific theories like Darwinism (this is discussed later) are
touted to indoctrinate us. Thus, our present civilization (which
is controlled by the elites) becomes the focus of our attention.
Our culture gets alienated and we start to neglect our age-old
wisdom from the past. Even though such wisdom is out of
fashion, it is still applicable and effective today.
3) We are made to believe that money is the be-all and end-all
of life. We begin to worship money inadvertently. The super
rich elites become our new gods, in this way. They not only
possess wealth, but also control the central banks which are
responsible for the printing of currency. The elites leverage
their position to influence our sub-conscious and program
our minds furthermore.
Below is a discussion of how the three subjects damage our
belief system, beginning with Economics.

We revise certain points along with other facts for the sake of
1) The Wealth Distribution Pyramid and the Income Pyramid
are real. There is a huge gap between the wealth of the 1%
of the world population and that of the 99%. Same goes for
the income of the two groups. The annual Credit Suisse
Reports and Oxfam Reports reveal an economic divide
between the 1% and 99% of the world population. The
reports also show that the wealth and income of the 1% is
increasing, at the cost of exploitation of the 99%. Even
The Hijack Of Education

Wikipedia discusses the Wealth Distribution Pyramid. The

Occupy Wall Street protest of 2014 was real too- and yet
Economics does not even mention these facts. The syllabus
does not teach us about Gini Index or Happiness Index,
which would have helped us to see the economic
disparity and have a transcendental view of Economics,
respectively. Instead the focus is on terms like GDP and
the Economic Man. The Economic Man presents a
wrong ideal to the students. The students presume that
actions of human beings should always be economically
oriented. It is a selfish and limited perspective of human
beings engaged in Economic activities. The subject does
not teach us about money or currency creation, or the
history of gold and silver coins, gold backed currency
and fiat currency, in details. These topics hide the real
picture and trim our greater vision of life to fit into the
selfish interests of the elites. Rather, Economics is dissected
into different topics in an attempt to confuse and hide
certain important information. What is the utility of a
subject that does not reflect reality, but hides it?
2) How is wealth being suctioned from the bottom of the
wealth pyramid to the top? How are we being cheated
and exploited? The mechanism of our exploitation is
never taught in any school nor explained in any textbook
of Economics. We have briefly discussed this in the
previous chapter under the heading “The Pyramids of
Wealth and Income”. However, let us summarize the most
important cause here, with a simple example.
Let us say that you have a cup of milk. The elites take it
from you and add a cup of water to it. Now, there are two
cups of diluted milk. The elites hand you back your cup of
milk. However, they have stolen half the milk from it.
The Hijack Of Education

Overprinting of fiat currency and corporatocracy does

exactly this. There are other mechanisms too. The war
machinery causes destruction and sucks wealth otherwise
available for welfare activities. The general student
continues to be indoctrinated and trained as future human
resources, to be exploited lifelong by the system. The
interested reader is asked to find out more about fiat
currency, the composition and regulation of central banks,
particularly the Federal Reserve of USA. Further topics
include the fraudulent procedure of creating fiat currency
from thin air, currency printing mechanism, overprinting of
fiat currency, creation of virtual currency through Fractional
Reserve Banking and the control over cycles of recession,
the Bank for International Settlements headquartered at
Basel, Switzerland. These topics are of practical concern,
but they have been excluded from our textbooks.
4) However, the economic system is changing. A collapse is
being brought about, so as to replace this economic
system with a far more vicious one. The educational
system is changing correspondingly. The society is under
the control of the elites, and the educational system
steers the students to fit into the servile society. This has
always been the real motive behind our educational
system. It has been controlled by the elites, directly or
indirectly, for a long time. A technocracy is coming up,
and the new educational system will cater to its needs.
Again, the interested reader is advised to look up
cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, 5G, RFID chip,
Internet of Things, transhumanism, Fourth Industrial
Revolution, bioeconomy, geofencing, New World Order, 6G,
Neuralink, Neuralace and hivemind controlled by Artificial
Intelligence. All that glitters is not gold. The future
educational system (as planned by the elites) is going to be:
The Hijack Of Education

a) Privatised and costly,

b) Sponsored/loan-based education that will keep the students
tied up all their service lives due to the conditions in the
c) Increased dependence on technology as we transit from the
Information Age to the Knowledge Age, resulting in
decreased brain functionality of the future generations, and
d) Mostly online - only students from privileged families will
be able to attend the few remaining schools, colleges and
This will be in keeping with the changing demands of the
futuristic society.
(N. B.- The elites are much less than 1% of the world
population. There are indications that the pyramid pattern
continues inside the top 1% as well. There are a handful of
people within the 1%, who regulate everything. These handful
of people control the world through a chain of command. But,
studies have not pin-pointed their existence, as is to be
expected. The studies have only been done based on the two
groups- the top 1% and the rest 99% of the world population.)
The real nature of the world is hidden from us. Democracies
are easily manipulated by big corporations, and corpora-
tocracy forms a tier above democracy. There are very big
corporations operating from the back-end, unnoticed by the
public eye. This is because the mainstream media does not
mention them, being controlled by the same elites who own
and control the big corporations. For example, three
investment companies BlackRock, The Vanguard Group and
UBS Group control over 20 trillion US dollars. Together, the
elites form a coterie of oligarchy above the layer of
The Hijack Of Education

corporatocracy. The elites can easily pull the strings or turn

the tide of the economy together.
As mentioned earlier, there is also a layer of marginalised
people below the layer of democracy. They do not enjoy the
same rights that law gives us. Some examples of marginalised
people are war refugees, otherwise dispossessed people,
slaves- whether kidnapped or otherwise (human trafficking is
one of the biggest crimes prevalent today) and very poor
people living in the slums. Economics should teach co-
existence and growth of all humanity, and not just cater to the
profiteering mentality of the elites.

True History has always been erased and rewritten by the
ruling forces, or their favourite historians. The rulers have
always been painted as benevolent, while their atrocities have
been buried. Suitable agendas are highlighted, whereas
uncomfortable topics are sidelined. Even today, it is always
the losing side in a war that faces trials. Unless we get to
know the actual History, we do not learn from it. We keep
making the same mistakes instead of moving ahead.
1) Let us illustrate this with three examples from Modern
Indian History.
a) Even the most vehement critics of British colonial rule
in India feel that the British did Indians a favour by
constructing the Railways in India. It is as if the
Railways were a gift to the Indians. In fact, the
Britishers built the railways for better communication
and transportation. It only helped the British in their
administration and consequent exploitation of India.
The Hijack Of Education

b) People also feel that the British educated the Indians.

As a matter of fact, they destroyed the indigenous
education system of India in order to rule over it,
oppress it and exploit it. Records say that India was
extremely prosperous earlier, thanks to her educational
system. The English Education Act of 1835 and the
Wood’s Despatch of 1854 destroyed the indigenous
educational system of India, thereby destroying the
skills of the Indians and gradually bringing them down
to their knees. Atrocities were committed to destroy
the indigenous Gurukul System of Education. This was
a deliberate ploy to subjugate the Indians. Such is the
level of indoctrination in the minds of the general
people, that they praise the oppressor for the cruelties
committed. They accept subordinate positions,
believing in their own inferiority.

c) In reality, the History of India’s Independence is also

distorted. We have been taught that the Quit India
Movement of 1942 was of paramount importance in
obtaining freedom. The fact is that the general
population of India and those serving the British
government, in particular the Indian soldiers in the
British military won whatever concessions the British
made to India. The INA Trial of 1945-46 triggered a
revolt in the Royal Indian Navy. It was supported by
the airmen in RIAF (Royal Indian Air Force). There
was a strike in the Royal Indian Air Force followed by
the Jabalpur Army Camp revolt. The Britishers sensed
danger and transferred power to the Interim
Government of India. There were many civil protests
too, at that time. In fact, the entire country was
protesting and the Britishers had no option but to quit.

The Hijack Of Education

However, all credit is given to the Quit India

Movement of 1942 that had subsided earlier. It was not
the doing of any political party, it happened despite
their sabotage of the RIN Revolt of 1946. Most
political parties had condemned the revolt. The then
British PM Clement Attlee himself mentioned the
military activities of Subhas Chandra Bose (i.e. the
attack by the INA) and the erosion of loyalty to the
British crown among the Indian Army and Navy
personnel as the decisive factors. In his own words,
these factors prompted the British to leave India. The
influence of the non-violent movement on this was
minimal, according to Attlee. The events that are
actually significant historically, are not properly
discussed in our History textbooks. Here again, people
wrongly blame the English people for everything,
while it was probably the doing of the elites (the House
of Windsors and most probably the Rothschilds) in
reality. Indian elites also were and still are responsible
for India’s plight.
Did we actually gain complete freedom? Few people
know the facts underlying the India (Independence)
Act passed in the London Parliament on July 4, 1947,
or the Transfer of Power Act of 1947. When the
Government of India Act 1858 was passed by the
British Parliament, India became a colony of Britain
under the British monarchy. The British monarchy is
above the British Parliament. The act of 1947 allowed
India to set up her own Parliament. But did the British
Parliament free India from the control of the monarchy?
There are facts and incidences that have been
suppressed. These incidences raise the question- Did

The Hijack Of Education

India gain complete and unconditional freedom

from Britain in 1947?
2) There have been many ancient civilizations before this.
There is a lot of evidence in plain sight that belies the
History that is taught in the schools. The ancient megaliths,
other ancient structures, submerged cities and a lot of other
evidences suggest that the truth is being suppressed. Let us
start with the pyramids of Egypt. A lot of information is
present there, even though it is overlooked by our
civilization. Mathematical formulas like the golden ratio
and pi have been found encoded in the Pyramid of Giza.
However, History of Mathematics overlooks this and falsely
puts the date of the discovery of pi and golden ratio two
thousand years later. Now, let us look at earth from space
and find the latitude and longitude which pass through the
longest stretches of land. The Pyramid of Giza is built on
the precise intersection of these latitude and longitude. For
this reason, it is said to be situated in the centre of the earth
(i.e., land mass). Obviously, this is no coincidence. The
ancient builders knew the geography of the whole planet. It
could not have been built exactly at that point if the builders
did not know the geography of the whole earth. One needs
to view earth from space to find the exact location to build
the pyramid. This means they were very advanced in
Geography and Science, as well as Mathematics.
A teenager found a whole city, along with a pyramid hidden in
the forests of Mexico by correlating the stars with the position
of the Mayan cities. He did this sitting at a computer in his
home, in 2016. This brings credit to the Orion Correlation
We have also found evidences of how the various ancient
civilizations were interconnected throughout the world. This
The Hijack Of Education

means that there was communication too. They were not

primitive but highly advanced people.
There are many more facts about the pyramids that prove our
version of History false. Mainstream media, being controlled
by the elites, keeps covering up these facts. The technology
used to build the pyramids is still unknown. Not only the
pyramids, but all stone temples in India exhibit fused stones- a
burning example of advanced technology of ancient times.
History says people all over the world were too primitive to
possess such technologies thousands of years ago. The Kailasa
Temple of Ellora in Maharashtra is one great monolith (mono-
one, lith- stone) cut from one huge rock from above. It has
intricate details carved on it. Even present-day technology will
find it hard to reproduce such a work of art, without any flaws.
The Cave of Lomash Rishi in Jehanabad, Bihar seems to be
artificial. The floor of the cave has been cut perfectly with
some advanced instruments. The smoothness and the precision
is impossible without advanced technology.
The submerged city of Dwaravati (aka Dwarika) is off the
coast of Gujarat. The Marine Archaeological Unit of India (a
branch of the Archaeological Survey of India) found many
artefacts in the city. The objects were dated to be 9000 years
old. This is in stark contrast with the touted mainstream
version of textbook History.
All these 3 places are in India. There are many such marvels
all over the world that False History cannot explain. This is
what can be called #HiddenHistory. Eric Von Danniken raised
some genuine issues. He was sidelined with scoff and ridicule,
but no one could ever explain his findings. It is time that we
look at his findings again. He mentioned the Nazca Lines in
Peru, the Moai statues in Easter Islands and the spheres in
Costa Rica, drawings of astronauts in various stone carvings
The Hijack Of Education

around the world among innumerous other proofs. Combine

these with findings from other sources, such as the elongated
skulls found in Peru, stories of giant skeletons emerging from
all over the world, and a different History begins to emerge
with due research. Many archaeological institutions,
archaeologists and Historians have been engaged in
suppressing the actual History of this planet. The elites work
their influence through various secret societies such as the
illuminati and the freemasons.
True History can be revealed by the study of:
a) The pyramids,
b) The Kailasa Temple at Ellora and other temples,
c) The cities sunken underwater,
d) The megaliths and monoliths all around the world,
e) Key points on the planet: Ley lines and the magnetic grid,
f) Giant skeletons found all over the world,
g) Stunning similarities between the ancient world and epics
like Ramayana and Mahabharata,
h) Eric Von Danniken and his proofs of aliens- for example,
the Nazca lines,
i) UFO (and USO) activities,
j) Cave systems, hidden underground and mountain bases,
activities in North and South Poles (the diary of Admiral
Byrd is specially relevant here),
k) Criticism of Darwinism and
l) Role of Freemasonry in suppressing true History.

The Hijack Of Education

The elites have been conspiring to dumb us down through

education. They attempt to misinform and mislead us in order
to rob our innate potential and make us dependent on the
society, which is already under their control. (They do this so
that we become dependent on the society and cannot change
or reform it nor establish a new system.) They have been quite
successful till now.
3) The real motive behind any action, agenda or event has
often been financial. The sponsors have always had some
ulterior motive. Therefore, we speak of the money trail.
However, this branch of History, known as Economic
History, has been dissected and put away in the shelf. It is
only available as a post-graduate course in some select

1) Darwinism is a ploy to support the false History we are
taught. It is not even a genuine Theory but more of a
Hypothesis. However, it has been overhyped and adored as if
it were a Law. The missing link between humans and apes has
never been discovered simply because it was never there.
Darwinism fails to explain why human beings evolved so fast
in comparison to other creatures.
Darwinism is a prop for False History to redirect and bind
our consciousness to the present civilization and its rulers.
When we look at the evidences of advanced science and
technology from our past, we find irrefutable proof that the
version of History taught in our textbooks is a lie. Darwinism
supports this lie. Thus, along with textbook History,
Darwinism too falls flat on the face.

The Hijack Of Education

2) This is a brief discussion from the chapter of my coming

book “Suppressed Science and Hidden Technologies”. The
chapter is presented in the Annexure titled “Science,
Atheism and Economics: The Hidden Plot”.
Science promotes Atheism today, which it should not. Belief
or disbelieve is a personal matter. However, there is an
organized effort to rationalize atheism. We have been led to
believe that Science and Atheism are interrelated, that a
scientist cannot be a believer today. To the contrary, a scientist
can be a believer, an atheist or an agnostic, irrespective of
science. This is so because science simply cannot interfere
with beliefs. Thoughts, Beliefs, Consciousness, Conscience
and Life belong to the domain where Material and Life
Sciences have been trying to peek, but without much success.
This is because Material Science deals with quantifiable
matter and energy (that can be measured, counted or weighed),
whereas Life Science only deals with the bodies of living
beings (the physical embodiments of life) and defines life
based on the characteristics of the bodies of living organisms.
It does not provide real definitions or formulas for Life, or for
Thoughts, Beliefs, Consciousness and Conscience. However,
the scientific community has been controlled by the money
and influence of the elites. The elites have used press and
publicity to highlight the coterie of atheist scientists that work
for them. Actually, the elites control all aspects of science
from topic of research, funding of research, scientific
institutions, posts, scientific journals, governments and even
awards. We need independent scientists with necessary
equipments, in order to change the situation. All the
arguments provided in support of atheism are faulty. They can
easily be refuted. The detailed work is available in the
Annexure. This goes much deeper than is obvious.
The Hijack Of Education

Let us repeat- theism, atheism or agnosticism is a matter

of personal opinion or choice, and science is in no position
to influence it. Atheism too is a belief system. There have
also been religions like Jainism that are based on atheism.
We have to respect the personal and religious choice of
every individual. However, we must not fall into the trap
set for us to weaken our belief, value system and inner
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. We cannot
say that God does not exist just because there is no proof
of His existence yet. One must properly prove that God
does not exist, before saying that human beings created
God. The elites are not atheists themselves; they worship
evil entities like Satan, Lucifer, Baphomet and Baal.
Propagation of Atheism suits their interests. Beliefs play a
very important part in our character formation. Thoughts,
beliefs, words and deeds shape our world. It is ultimately
our collective nature that runs the civilization. We get
purity and strength of character from our idealism. So, the
elites promote false prophet and godmen. They support
religious bigotry and violence too, shunning proper
spirituality. Atheism becomes a scientific doctrine with
their sleight of hands. Human consciousness all over the
planet is thus being tricked and trapped in the veil created
by the elites. The entire planetary consciousness is being
affected negatively.
3) The Moon is a mystery. We take it for granted, but
scientists find it hard to explain its presence. It appears exactly
the same size as the Sun. While the Sun is 400 times larger
than the moon, it is also 400 times more distant. This causes
total solar eclipse on certain no moon days. The moon never
presents its far side to us because it rotates at exactly the same
The Hijack Of Education

speed as its revolution around the Earth. Though the scientists

have termed this “tidal locking”, that does not explain the
exact 1:1 spin-orbit resonance. In fact, there is no known
example of any other satellite in the solar system or in other
star systems that has such unique features. While the moon
has components matching with earth, it also has parts that pre-
date earth! It rang like a bell on impact. This made people
speculate if it was hollow. There is a lot more that makes one
wonder why or how the moon got there to its place.
4) #SuppressedScience, like #HiddenHistory, has lots of
potential to alleviate our sufferings. Scientific innovations can
uplift our standards of living, eradicate poverty and uplift the
level of our consciousness. Concepts like free energy, over
unity devices and anti-gravity seem absurd to our
indoctrinated minds. But, energy is everywhere in our
universe. Even matter is a condensed form of energy. Over
unity devices try to tap this free energy. Resonance often
generates high energy apparently breaking the conservation of
energy law. It is thus an example of greater than 100%
efficiency. The red shift shows that galaxies are drifting apart
with acceleration. This happens against the force of gravity.
Whether it is the expansion of space-time or some other
unknown mechanism, we can call it anti-gravity. Nicola Tesla
was trying to generate free electricity for everyone. As soon as
his sponsor came to know about it, he sabotaged and ruined
Tesla’s experiments. Cars running on water and electricity had
been invented long ago. Hemp is a natural solution for many
problems, like plastic pollution, fuel crisis, building materials
and diseases. All such inventions and discoveries have been
suppressed and even made illegal! Even now, we unduly
suffer from plastic pollution. There are ways to convert plastic
back to petrol or diesel by means of chemical reactions. This
gives us a cheap source of oil, while dealing with plastic
The Hijack Of Education

pollution. But this solution is being suppressed because of

hidden agendas.
Study of the following topics can change our perception and
eventually our reality. Therefore, they are not taught properly
to the general students-
a) Bioelectromagnetism (also Biomagnetism and Bioelectri-
b) Resonance,
c) Cymatics,
d) Free energy and Over Unity devices,
e) Anti-gravity,
f) Sacred Geometry, and
g) Proper lifestyle, food habits and simple, natural ways to
recover from diseases.
The elites control many advanced technologies for their own
sake. They have hijacked science and technology to suppress
us. The technology being used to usher in the New World
Order, is a case in example. The plan is to depopulate the
world, so as to emerge as the rulers of the planet. (The elites
also have the technologies needed to do this.) The surviving
general population (post- depopulation) will be enslaved using
the combined technologies of 5G, RFID (Radio Frequency
Identification) chips, Transhumanism, Internet of Things and
digital currency. State Surveillance and Social Credit Score
System will keep the survivors in check, in combination with
Central Bank Digital Currency.
Our human body has electromagnetic radiation. Natural
electromagnetic radiation does not harm it, but excess
The Hijack Of Education

artificial radiation can be very harmful. The interested reader

may search for free pdf of the book “The Invisible Rainbow”.
In conclusion, the methods of teaching and the syllabuses of
the subjects collude together to prepare the student for lifelong
economic exploitation by the elites controlling the system.

The Hijack Of Education


“All life is education, and all education is yoga.”

- Sri Aurobindo
Yoga here refers to our connection to God.

he students are entitled to a better educational system
which caters to their needs and provides holistic
education. Our aim should be to create a better society
with proper education and all-round development of the
students. The students should not be forced to fit into a
degenerating society. Instead, they should be educated to
become pillars of a new, healthy society. So, what is the
solution to this problem? We cannot leave the education of our
future generations in the hands of the elites who do not have
our best interests in their minds. The following steps can be
beneficial in solving this crisis:
1) Understanding the problem is half the solution. We must
increase public awareness on this issue. This concerns the
well-being of all of us, of our children and of the
generations to come. This concerns not only the whole of
humanity, but also the entire biosphere of our planet. (This
is because corporate greed is destroying nature, while also
mis-shaping our consumer habits and severing our
The Hijack Of Education

connection with nature.) Therefore, we must not only be

aware ourselves, but also discuss the issue whenever and
wherever possible, in order to increase awareness of the
2) We see that our governments are acting in accordance with
the oligarchs, who own big corporations. The
corporatocracy allows the elites to frame the guidelines and
syllabuses of our educational system. The entire system is
built top-down. This is how we have lost our control. (This
applies to the healthcare system as well.) We must try to
build up and strengthen parallel educational systems from
scratch, bottom-up. Our students will learn to be self-
dependent there. We need knowledgeable teachers who
have our best interests in their mind. They will be selfless,
and will not seek money. They will be divine in their nature.
However, they will need support to run their schools,
colleges or coaching institutes. This is only possible when
we are ready to come out of the spell of money ourselves.
We have to support these institutions locally, for the good of
our children.
3) The general population (the 99%) must not only support the
educational system, it must also come out of the clutches of
the elites. The evil pyramids have to be abandoned. We
must stop working for the elites. We must recognize and
moderate whatever vices tie us to the evil pyramids of
wealth, income, intelligence, information and control. We
have both positive and negative qualities, which result from
different psychological complexes. Often, we refuse to see
our weaknesses. We have to acknowledge them and not let
them seize hold of us. This requires a lot of inner work. We
cannot remain slaves to the system and hope to educate our

The Hijack Of Education

children independently. This requires collective will. (also

see points 6 and 7)
4) We have to educate our own children regarding the fallacies
in the present educational system. Children learn from their
environment, and this includes learning from their guardians
and friends. Non-formal education is the tactical need of the
5) Public awareness and alternative solutions will together
create a pressure on the mainstream education. The
governments will be forced to make real concessions and
take some concrete steps in liberating education.
6) Economics is the key to this problem. Therefore, the
solution also needs Economic reforms. We must
collectively take steps to decrease our dependence on
Fiat Currencies, which are the major instruments of our
exploitation. Fiat currencies are not real money, because
they fail to be real store of value over a long period of
time. They are pieces of paper which have been printed
by the central banks, and legalized as national
instruments of money by the governments. They happen
to be promissory notes, and work on the basis of faith.
They cannot store value over a period of time. Many fiat
currencies have been introduced throughout the world,
but none has survived the test of time. The present
Educational System is part of this problem. The holistic
solution requires not only financial, but also political
solutions. This has to be a global awakening, arising out
of the nationalist movements of various nations.
Many people virtually worship fiat currencies, considering
them to be real money. This topic too requires general
The Hijack Of Education

7) It is not proper to blame the elites for everything. Some of

us have seen the society fall into the hands of the elites.
Others were off-guard and unaware. We have allowed them
to manipulate us. Why have we surrendered our will and
passively accepted everything? Why have we not freed our
conscience from the evil clutches of the elites? We have free
will, and collectively we can change the society. We must
accept the responsibility for what we do, and dissociate
ourselves from the elites. The elites are not self-reliant;
they need our services. We need to liberate ourselves from
the evil system, and the work must commence in our minds.
We have to liberate our minds first. We have to take
responsibility for our own downfall, and align ourselves
to Nature and Spirituality.
8) We have to reclaim our sovereignty and our power. It is
our thoughts, words and deeds that shape the world.
Thoughts form beliefs and faiths. Beliefs and faith too
give rise to thoughts. Thus, our thoughts, beliefs and
faith influence one another. Together, they give rise to
words and deeds. These words and deeds influence
others as well as shape our reality. Our reality has
become misaligned with nature because of our mal-
education. Proper education can shape our future.
Faith is important. It shapes character. It gives us strength.
Belief in our Oneness and faith in a Common Source of
Creation can only strengthen us. That would loosen the
grip of the elites from our minds.
We are sovereign beings, and we should think, speak and
act accordingly.
Children are the symbol of purity. My heart bleeds to see them
get indoctrinated in today’s mal-educational system. They are
The Hijack Of Education

not being provided holistic education, nor are they being

geared towards all-round development on the basis of
spirituality, alignment with nature and universal brotherhood.
They are being disconnected from spirituality, nature and
human relationships systematically. Proper education has the
potential to solve all problems. It is the panacea we have
The truth is, the students are being prepared as human
resources of the future. They will be exploited by the
economic system. The elites will gain from their labour. The
present system of mal-education intentionally hinders their
growth and prepares them for exploitation as human resources.
The students are the future of mankind. We will leave the
planet in their hands. However, they are being turned into
products of the mal-educational system. We have to stop this.
It is crystal clear that all the vices in the mal-educational
system are there for a reason- they serve the interests of
the elites who run the economic system. The vices being
induced in the students do exactly what is required- they
turn the students into human resources for the economic
system. This is no coincidence.
Let us all join hands and take the pledge to change the
educational system.

The Hijack Of Education


“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is

blind.”- Sir Albert Einstein

he Problem: It is often said that faith and science are
frontally confronted, that a good scientist can not be a
believer, practice any religion or hold any religious
beliefs. Actually, this is one of the scientific dogmas that has
kept many people in the modern era confused. However, we
propose to prove that there is no logical connection between
science and atheism. It is a widely prevalent but wrong notion
that atheism is a logical conclusion derived from science and
rationality. There is a conspiracy behind this. The conspiracy
will be exposed here.
We will consider the connection with science first. Logical
arguments will be examined later.
What is Science? Science cannot and does not say anything
regarding beliefs. What actually is the realm of science? It
investigates matter and energy. Science deals with things it
can count, weigh or measure. When something cannot be
counted, weighed or measured in any way, it falls outside the
The Hijack Of Education

realm of science and the scientific method. Science works

primarily on the basis of experimentation, observation and
deduction. This is called the scientific method. The
scientific method consists of 7 stages- asking a question,
research, hypothesis, experimentation, observation,
deduction and reporting the findings. Anything that
cannot be performed using the scientific method is beyond
the scope of science. Thus, science cannot go outside its
realm to say anything about consciousness, mind, belief or
even life. Yes, life!
Life: Has anyone found the definition of life in Biology? Not
exactly! Scientists have studied the characteristics of living
organisms and defined living organisms accordingly. Life is
an abstract concept as opposed to the physical bodies of living
beings. It is not the energy in living organisms, but something
subtler, something that drives the interplay of matter and
energy in living organisms. Scientists can only observe this
interplay of matter and energy in the material bodies of living
organisms. However, life, consciousness, mind and belief
remain beyond the scope of observation of science. Thus,
science cannot define or give any formulas for life,
consciousness, mind or belief. It is beyond the capacity of
Biology till now. Biology, or Life Science as we call it, studies
living beings, not life. Does this deter us from living as
sentient beings, or from thinking and believing? Science is a
derivative of the thinking process of our brain. We, along with
our brain, are part of nature, and consequently , of the universe.
Science cannot determine how this universe works. It can only
try to understand the process.
Consciousness: In fact, Consciousness is one of the basic
tenets of Quantum Mechanics, according to Max Planck. (Max
Planck is considered to be one of the founding fathers of
The Hijack Of Education

Quantum Mechanics.) Science is unable to define

Consciousness, and yet consciousness is a foundational pillar
of science today. If our thoughts and beliefs are unscientific
just because they fall outside the scope of science, so is
consciousness. It is the failure of science that it does not
understand consciousness and life, even though both
consciousness and life are pillars of quantum science and
Biology, respectively.
Mind: Scientists like Kekule and Mendeleev conceived their
discoveries in dreams. Kekule discovered the structures of
both the straight carbon chain compound and benzene ring in
his dream. Mendeleev too had a dream in which he saw the
elements fall in place in a table. This led to the discovery of
the periodic table. Ramanujan saw the formulas in his dreams
and said that his family goddess revealed the formulas to him.
His mother was initially against his foreign tour. But she was
instructed by the family goddess in her dream to allow him
(Ramanujan) to go to England and fulfil the mission of his life.
If Ramanujan had not gone to England, the world would have
been bereft of his genius. Whether it was the subconscious
mind of these people, or some divine inspiration through the
superconscious mind, remains a mystery. We do not know or
understand how the mind functions, nor can we measure or
quantify thoughts accurately. Therefore, psychology, or the
study of mind, remains outside the scope of science. Can we
reject mind or psychology because it falls outside the realm of
contemporary science?
Parapsychology: Let us also consider the established
phenomena of hypnotism and remote viewing. Famous
magicians perform mass hypnotism on a regular basis. Mind
reading is another trick that some performers publicly perform
on stages. There have been Government projects by both
The Hijack Of Education

Russia and USA using remote viewing. Documents from the

Government of USA reveal that they took the help of remote
viewers. Research is going on to affect the human mind from
outside sources. 6G is being developed on the basis of this. It
may result in a hive-mind, thus artificially delimiting the
freedom of our minds. The USA Government used V2K
(Voice to Skull) to make the Iraqi soldiers surrender in the
Gulf War of 1991. This technology is better known as Silent
Sound Spread Spectrum technology, with the acronym SSSS
or S-quad. It is developed by the Silent Sounds, Inc. These
examples show that we still do not understand the human mind,
and there is a lot to explore. Governments and scientists are
experimenting with topics like remote viewing that general
people would disregard as unscientific.
Argument against Faith: Now, what is the argument of
Science against faith? Just that there is no proof of the
existence of God, according to some scientists. Lack of faith is
also a form of faith, just as zero is a number. Thus, atheism too
is a belief: It is belief in the nonexistence of a Source or
Creator. However, it helps some people with a secret agenda,
as we will see later. To support their argument, the atheists say
that God is an invention of the human mind. However, is the
argument valid in itself and established by the scientific
process or logic?
Refutation of the Argument: Absence of evidence does not
mean evidence of absence. Sometimes, evidence of a fact
may not be available, and yet it will remain a fact. Law
gives benefit of doubt to a suspect in the case of absence of
evidence, because the suspect may or may not be guilty.
The court cannot infer, so it keeps an open mind.
Howsoever science may allege God, He may not choose to
turn up in the court of science or explain the intricate
The Hijack Of Education

mechanism of nature just to counter our blames (which

are basically misdirected because we usually blame God
for what the human society has done). Therefore, if there is
no proof of the existence of God, it does not mean that God
does not exist. More so, when science is incomplete. The
very fact that science is progressing means that it is
incomplete. Eminent scientists say that it will always be
incomplete, and there will always be a lot more to know.
There is no last word in the realm of science.
Debunking Atheism: There is no proof that God does not
exist either. As stated earlier, this question falls outside the
realm of matter and energy, beyond the range of science. Still,
some people point to the Theory of Intelligent Design as
the footprints of God in the material realm. It says that
certain features of the universe and of living things are
best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected
process such as natural selection. Its proponents present
some evidences in its support. In fact, some notable scientists
strongly believe in this theory. But this theory can be debated,
and so we will not call it conclusive. We will not jump to
conclusions, unlike the atheists who call faith in God
unscientific. We will only present the other side of the
argument, and let the reader decide for himself. However, if
this theory can still be disregarded as pseudo-scientific,
atheism does not stand any chance either. ATHEISM IS
Faith of Eminent Scientists: Have we forgotten scientists like
Newton and Einstein? Both of them believed in God. That did
not stop them from opening up new frontiers in science. They
became icons for us. The problem started with the likes of
Stephen Hawking in recent times. It was not really a problem
The Hijack Of Education

created by Hawking. There are hidden forces at play with

secret agendas, as we will see later.
What should we do? Should we believe in God, disbelieve
Him or be agnostic? There is no conclusive argument
regarding the existence or non-existence of God. There are
apparently convincing arguments, but they usually have flaws
or limitations. They always assume something. Thus, the
argument is either delimited by its axioms or postulates, or is a
product of flawed reasoning. No argument can be accepted as
a universal truth. It is a matter of personal belief.

When Belief becomes Rationality: Everyone is entitled to

their freedom of thought, expression and belief. The problem
starts when a particular belief (atheism too is a belief) is
presented as the only rational school of thought, and simply
adopted by the populace as a doctrine.
Why this Drama? Do you think that the scientists do not
understand these simple points? Are they so irrational? It is
not just Einstein or Newton who believed in God. There are
still many believers among the contemporary scientists, but
they remain believers in their individual capacity, while the
atheism is organized. The media propagates only the belief of
atheism. This leads us to suspect a hidden agenda at play.
Some unseen force must be at work, indoctrinating the general
population with atheism.
Economics controls Science: This is the story of money
controlling science. Less than 1% of the world's population
owns more than half of the planet's resources. These people
control the world with their wealth. The actual percentage of
these people is much smaller, and their actual share of wealth
is much bigger (including their black money) than reported.
We call them by various names as the Elites or the Cabal.
The Hijack Of Education

They control everything with their money and influence, AND

Science under the Elites: The Elites control scientific
institutions, fund researches, publish scientific journals and
magazines, nominate awardees of prizes on Science (this
includes the Nobel Prize) and Mathematics. These Elites can
bring any scientist to limelight, sideline them, or even ruin
their career. They also suppress many innovations and
scientific discoveries, specifically to disempower the
population and control them.
The Elites control our Knowledge: Knowledge is power, as
Sir Francis Bacon said. The elites know a lot more than the
general population by virtue of their own secret research,
inventions and discoveries. All the while, they have delimited
our rationality to the extent that we become easy to control
and exploit.
Suppressed Topics of Science like Free Energy: Let us take
the examples of the concepts of Free Energy, Antigravity,
Resonance and Cymatics. We are made to believe that energy
is precious and scarce, and that we have to pay for it. However,
energy is free throughout the universe. Nikola Tesla was
trying to tap it for the use of the general population. The elites
sabotaged his attempts and ruined him. Casimir Effect and
Zero Point Energy may be controversial concepts to the
general population, but that could also be because we all have
been purposefully fed lies all along. That issue apart, we can
easily generate energy from natural forces without much cost.
But the elites want us to keep paying for the energy we use.
They control the energy sources and keep a check on our
Antigravity: The concept of Antigravity is easy to understand
if we see that the universe is expanding with acceleration. The
The Hijack Of Education

Cosmological Red Shift as mentioned by the Hubble’s law,

confirms this. There must be a force responsible for this
acceleration despite the presence of the gravitational force. If
space itself is expanding by some fundamental process of
nature, then that too creates the effect of Antigravity. However,
most people will simply ridicule this concept of anti-gravity at
first glance.
Resonance and Cymatics: Resonance and Cymatics are
simple but powerful concepts. However, they have been
wilfully compressed and suppressed. These play a much more
important role in the universe and life processes than we can
Union of Mathematics and Biology: The Golden ratio and
the Fibonacci number are two underemphasized topics in
our education. Biology textbooks do not mention it, but
Sacred Geometry discusses it.
The Power of Faith: Thus, the elites have kept us in the dark
about many scientific inventions and discoveries. But they
have not stopped at this. The Elites also know the power of
faith. Faith builds character, and character gives mental
strength. Faith also empowers the society, by building an
ethical and coherent society relatively free from vested
interests, crimes and conflicts. (We are not discussing
fraudulent religious leaders who usurp and exploit the name of
God. Religious bigotry and violence is another aberration of
genuine faith.)
The Conspiracy: The elites want the common people to turn
into atheists. To achieve this, they form a coterie of scientists
who do not believe in God. Then they use press and publicity
to tout atheism as the only scientific and rational school of
thought, and discard faith in God. They have succeeded so
The Hijack Of Education

much that common people today think of atheism as the

natural consequence of scientific thinking.
The Method: Come to think of it, Newton and Einstein
ushered in new ages in Science. What new frontier did
Stephen Hawking open for us? Is his contribution to the theory
of black holes so groundbreaking? No, and yet he became a
symbol of modern science eclipsing both Newton and Einstein
by virtue of the media publicity he received. With due respect
to him, his larger-than-life image was also used to push
forward atheism in the name of rationality and scientific
thinking. This was the doing of the elites from behind the
Darwinism: To turn people away from God, they also teach
us false History and debatable theories like Darwinism.
Darwinism hides many inconvenient truths and is more of a
Hypothesis than a Theory. It cannot answer many questions
like: How did human beings evolve so much faster than others?
Is evolution specifically applicable to human beings then? Or,
where is the missing link? Yet, it is treated as if it were a Law.
The Motive: The elites want us to be amoral and self-centric.
Lack of virtuosity and sympathy will increase materialism and
division among us. That would help them exploit us
economically, because we would fail to look beyond our
personal gains or find out how we are being exploited. In the
pursuit of material objects and sensory pleasures, we will fail
to look at the bigger picture. We will also lose faith in our
latent inner strength. Virtuosity and faith nurture our innate
potentials. If we tap into our potentials, we can create a much
better society together. Proper faith helps to build character
and unite people. When it does the opposite, it is aberration of

The Hijack Of Education

How do the Elites Exploit Us? The elites own the banking
system. They exploit us through the Economic System. Simply
put, let us assume that we have a glass of syrup. The elites add
another glass of water to it. Now, there are two glasses of
syrup. However, we only get one glass of the diluted syrup,
while the elite bankers get the other glass free of cost. They
have been diluting our currencies in the same way year after
year over the decades, thus stealing the value of our labour
from us. The actual Economics behind this is carefully
concealed from us. Economics has been dissected into many
branches and the relevant mechanisms have been chopped off
from the syllabuses. The Elites hide the mechanisms of
exploiting us (such as Fractional Reserve Banking, budget
deficit, overprinting of fiat currency and corporatocracy) from
us. One would not know these things from their syllabuses or
books, even if they did a Ph.D. in Economics. The syllabuses
of all subjects are designed under the influence of the elites.
Relevant Terms for Reference: In order to understand the
mechanism, you need to look up terms like Wealth Inequality
and Wealth Distribution Pyramid (search wikipedia), the
History of Currencies such as Gold and Silver Money, Gold
Backed Currency, Fiat Currency, Budget Deficit, Overprinting
of Fiat Currency, Corporatocracy, Fractional Reserve Banking,
Inequality in salary structure, etc, and link the dots.
The Plan: For a tour of the economic system and its history, I
recommend the first four videos of the YouTube video series
"Hidden Secrets of Money” by Michael Maloney. However, I
do not go with his patronage of cryptocurrencies in episode no.
8 of the series, because cryptocurrencies are tools of global
domination in the new age of technocracy. The interested
reader may find out more about New World Order, 5G, IoT
(Internet of Things), RFID chips, BIS (Bank for International
The Hijack Of Education

Settlements), Amero, Internet of Bodies, Transhumanism,

Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Great Economic Reset
(propounded by the World Economic Forum), as well as State
Surveillance, Social Credit Score, Smart Cities, Geofencing
and plans of Big Agricultural Companies. The reader will see
my point if he connects the above dots.
Why Faith hurts the Elites: Now, let us connect the points
we have discussed so far. If we have faith, we will also have
fellow feeling for other human beings. We will have the desire
and the strength to create a new and better society. However,
if the elites can turn us materialistic and rob our inner strength,
we will forever be manipulated according to their agenda.
They influence all walks of our life with their wealth. So, they
can keep us distracted by manipulating our education, news,
entertainment and politics. Yes, there are very good and
philanthropic atheists who serve humanity in many ways.
Nonetheless, there is a definite correlation between faith and
morality. When we truly love God, we love mankind too.
Indeed, there are believers who are unethical too. There are
also negative forces disguised as believers. But, generally
speaking, actual belief in God does help people to be
responsible towards their action. Thus, belief in God boosts
ethical conduct, as well as love for and service to others.
Again, I am not discussing religious bigotry or cheating and
exploitation in the name of religion here. These are aberrations
of faith. Every inherently positive thing can be misused, and
every inherently negative thing can be used advantageously,
because there are both good and bad sides to everything.
Blindly Believing Atheism is a Mistake: It is our mistake to
accept the views of the scientific community as science. The
community is governed by the coterie of scientists who follow
the elitist agenda. We should examine the claim of rationality
The Hijack Of Education

by the atheists. The logic involved is not rocket science. It is

within the grasp of common man. Moreover, many scientists
are believers. Are they irrational or unscientific?
Belief and Science: Belief is an integral part of science. No
scientific paradigm can exist without axioms or postulates.
These axioms and postulates are everywhere, fundamental to
the framework of every subject. One cannot prove them. They
are based on belief.
Example of Misplaced Belief in A Mathematical Postulate:
Take for example, the case of Euclidean and Riemannian
Geometry. According to Euclidean Geometry, "One and only
one straight line can pass through two given points.” But,
Riemannian Geometry does not accept this. It has separate
axioms and postulates. Modern science says that Riemannian
Geometry emulates 4-dimensional space-time more closely.
So, perhaps our belief that only one straight line can pass
through two given points is incorrect! This means that
Euclidean Geometry is also based on an incorrect
understanding of space. We simply believed in the postulate
above. It was apparently true, but our belief turned out to be
Narratives in History and Suppressed History: History is
another controversial subject, like Science and Economics.
People now realize that Historians are influenced and utilized
by the ruling forces. It always has been this way. That is why
historians under the patronage of different kings differ in their
stories, or why the stone engravings or manuscripts tell
contradictory stories. Even today, the elites exercise their
influence on historians through the ruling powers and political
parties, or directly help their own historians rise to prominence.
Probably no nation in the world teaches us certain aspects of
History which have been neglected and carefully hidden away
The Hijack Of Education

from the public eye. Any historian worth his name will agree
that the megaliths and monoliths present all over the world do
not fit in with the History of Evolution or Civilization that we
are taught in the schools. In fact, they not only challenge but
refute the version of History that the general public is taught.
We only need to ask the pyramidologists about the
mathematical formulas hidden in the pyramids of Egypt. Does
the History of Mathematics ever tell us that Pi and the Golden
ratio were known to the people who built the pyramids? Can
we build a temple like the Kailasa Temple of Ellora even
today? The temple is a monolith (made of a single stone) built
with precision by cutting it from top. The Lomasa Rishi Cave
is said to be laser-cut. How did the ancient people achieve
such smoothness with their crude tools? How were the stones
of the megaliths (structures made with multiple large stones)
fused together so that not even a blade passes through them?
Ancient stone temples and other structures all over the world
display fused stones. There is a submerged city off the coast of
Gujarat state in India. The National Institute of Oceanography
of India dated some of its objects to be at least 9000 years old.
If the true History is revealed to the general population, we
would no longer consider ourselves to be at the apex of human
civilization. We would be more humble and virtuous. We have
been indoctrinated with the anthropocentric view, which
considers us to be superior to all other creatures and our
human ancestors.
The Educational System is part of the Conspiracy: We said
in the beginning that the conspiracy will be exposed here. The
conspiracy is to keep us working for the elites. In education,
this is primarily done by tweaking the syllabuses of
Economics, Science and History. The method of teaching also
inculcates fear-based discipline and obedience in the students.
The ability of the students to think for themselves, as well as
The Hijack Of Education

their conscience, is maimed by the system. They are made to

conform and obey both ethical and unethical orders in the
name of discipline. The educational system severs their tie
with nature, thus promoting the harmful model of polluted and
artificial civilization.
Many stalwarts have misled us: Add to this, the various
ways in which false and debatable doctrines have been taught
or adopted. I mentioned Darwinism earlier. There are many
other stalwarts in other fields like Keynes in Economics and
Freud in Psychology. The Central Bankers adopted Keynesian
Economics throughout the world, but they are now beginning
to accept that deficit spending is a mistake. The damage has
been done though, through inflation. Freud developed his
theory of psychology by studying patients. The theory has its
drawbacks and is not applicable to all people. Saintliness and
Spirituality cannot be properly explained by Freud. While we
cannot categorically blame all these stalwarts, a definite
pattern does seem to emerge. Some of us know about the
existence of secret societies run by these elites. They will
understand that we are hinting at a plot to derail the progress
of humanity in order to exploit the general population. This
plot has been in operation over many centuries. The Elites are
said to be Satanists and Luciferians. Nobody ridicules or
questions them for their faith in these evil entities.
Plan to Deprive and Exploit Us: Bonding with nature boosts
the immune system and values of people. This is exactly what
the elites do not want. They want to degrade and weaken the
general population, to keep them dependent and sick, in order
to exploit them. They want to keep people working for low
wages (much of which further gets diluted by inflation, thus
indirectly enriching the elites) and also obey their immoral
orders. People are left with no choice, but to conform and
The Hijack Of Education

obey. Poverty is manmade. Study the Global Wealth Report

2017 by Credit Suisse, or the Oxfam Inequality Report of
2020. The reports prove that there is an economic divide
between the Elites and the common man. There are wealth and
income pyramids with the elites at the top of the pyramids,
while the common people are at the base of the pyramids. The
income of the elites is increasing at our expense, and the
wealth divide is increasing.
Morality has the Solution: Why do people sacrifice their
morality? Because of scarcity or greed, both created
intentionally to find cheap labour and oppress others, as also
to find workers who will follow immoral instructions of the
elites. The scientific community promotes atheism, and this
results in increasing materialism because lack of a higher ideal
often corrupts the mass psyche. Morality would help us live
together with peace and prosperity. Immoral ways of life cause
conflicts and deprive others, directly or indirectly. Just saying
that we love mankind does not solve the problems. We must
act accordingly. Help and service to one another will create a
new society free from exploitation. The change must begin in
our minds and be reflected in our actions. It is time we created
a new society bottom-up from the scratches, discarding this
elitist economy and all its derivatives.

The Hijack Of Education

The Hijack Of Education


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