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Employee Engagement

1. What is E.E
2. Why Org. need E.E - Benefits
3. Various Engagement Activities – refer below points (highlighted)
4. What happens – lack of E.E activities

Team lunches – cross functional team

Assign a buddy or mentor for New Joiner *Buddy Program

Knowledge sharing Workshops – or Industry experts Talk

Team events – Out bound fun activity

Awards and recognition – Monthly reward / spot award / recognising

long tenured employee-

Health and wellness -Yoga Day / wellness centre / free daily snacks

Inexpensive ideas: Health and wellness

 Create an Employee Suggestion Box – Employees can provide feedback
anonymously, without fear of repercussions. Build excitement around this
box by offering small rewards for the best suggestions.
 Encourage Social Interaction – Create an employee lunch group where
employees can share their ideas and interests with one another. This is a
great way to build relationships within the office environment.
 Organize Community Service Events – Invite employees to come
together and volunteer at a local charity organization or park clean up.
This will help create a sense of purpose in the workplace while also
giving back to the community!
 Recognize Employee Achievements – Show your employees they are
valued by recognizing their hard work with a simple thank-you note or
public shout-out. It doesn’t take much to make your employees feel
 Provide Free Snacks – Nothing says “we care” like free snacks! Reward
your team with healthy snacks throughout the day, or even a weekly treat
from a local bakery. This small gesture can go a long way in boosting
employee morale.

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