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Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Keperawatan Bahasa Inggris

Dosen pengampu : Habi Septiawan, M.Pd

Disusun Oleh:

1. Naa’ilah Dinda Putri 2128051

2. Nyoman Agus Setiawan 2128057

A. Axillary Temperature Check

1. Explain the procedure to the patient

2. Hand washing
3. Use gloves
4. Adjust the position of the patient ( human try )
5. Determine the location of the axilla and clean the axillary region using a
6. Lower the thermometer below 34° - 35°C
7. Place the thermometer on the axillary region and arm Flexion patients above
the chest
8. After 3 – 10 minutes the thermometer is lifted and read Result
9. Record results
10.Clean the thermometer with tissue paper
11.Wash with soapy water, disinfect, rinse with clean and dry water
12.Wash your hands after the procedure.


Value of Respiratory examination is one indicator to determine the function of

the respiratory system consists of maintaining the exchange of oxygen and
carbon dioxide in the lungs and regulation of acid-base balance.
1. Know the frequency, rhythm, and depth of breathing
2. Assess the ability of respiratory function
Tools and materials:
1. Watch ( clock ) or stop-watch
2. Notebooks
3. Pen
Work Procedure :
1. Explain work procedures to clients
2. Hand washing
3. Adjust the position of the patient ( human try )
4. Calculate breathing frequency and rhythm
5. Record Results
6. Wash hands after the procedure

Blood pressure values are indicator to assess the cardiovascular system along
with pulse examination. Blood pressure examination can be measured by two
methods, namely the method immediately. A method that uses a cannula or
needle inserted into the in connected blood vessels with a manometer. This
method is the most appropriate way to determine blood pressure,, , but requires
special requirements and expertise ; method indirect . The method that using a
sphygmomanometer. This indirect measurement uses 2 ways, that
is, palpation that measures systolic pressure and auscultation that can
Measuring systolic and diastolic pressures and this method requires a

Knowing blood pressure values
Tools and materials:
1. Sphygmomanometer (sphygmomanometer) consisting of:
§ Mercury manometer + valve cover and opener
§ Air cuff
§ Rubber hose
§ Air pump from rubber screw opening and cover
2. Stethoscope
3. Vital signs notebook
4. Pen

Work procedure
Palpation method:
1. Explain the procedure to the client
2. Hand washing
3. Adjust the position of the patient ( manusioa try )
4. Put the arm you want to measure in position supine
5. The sleeves are uncovered
6. Put the cuff on the right / left upper arm around 3cm above the pinch fossa
( not too tight or too loose )
7. Determine the pulse of the radial artery dekstra / sinistra
8. Balloon pump hot air cuff to arterial pulse radialists do not palpate
9. Pump continuously until the manometer is 20mm Hg high over The height
of the radial point is not palpable
10. Place the stetoskp diaphragm on the brachial pulse and compress the
mansetb hot air balloon slowly and continuously by turning the coupler on the
air pump counterclockwise
11. Note mm Hg manometer when the first palpable pulse is palpable
again. This value shows systolic pressure by palpation
12. Record results
13. Wash hands after the procedure

How to auscultation :
1. Explain the procedure to the client
2. Hand washing
3. Adjust the position of the patient ( human try )
4. Put the arm you want to measure in position supine
5. Unarm
6. Put the cuff on the right / left upper arm around 3cm above the pinch fossa
( not too tight or too loose )
7. Determine the pulse of the radial artery dekstra / sinistra
8. Balloon pump hot air cuff to arterial pulse radialis is not palpable
9. pump continuously until the manometere is 20 mm Hg high from radial
point is not palpable
10. Place the diaphragm of the stethoscope over the artery Brachialis and
11. Deflate the hot air balloon cuff slowly and continuous by turning the
couplers on the air pump in the opposite direction Clockwork
12. Record the mercury level of the manometer the first time sounded
pulse again
13. Record the mercury level on the manometer:
 Korotkoff I voice : indicates the magnitude of pressure systolic
 Korotkoff IV/V sound: indicates the magnitude of pressure diastolic
14. Record the results on the patient's record
15. Wash hands after the procedure
1. Pre-Interaction Phase (Preparation Phase) Before meeting with patients, nurses
should know in advance various things including: identity, address, occupation and
illness currently being suffered by patients, so that nurses at this stage are
indirectly acquainted with patients.

2. Orientation Stage (Introduction Stage) At this stage the nurse has come and has
direct contact with the patient by seeing his condition directly. This phase is also
known as the introduction phase. The example dialogue is as follows:

Nurse : Good morning sir….

Patient : Morning ………..

Nurse: Is this true with Mr. Nyoman …….?

Patient: He's right .....

Nurse: Introduce me, ma'am, nurse Naailah dinda…. I am the nurse who will take
care of you from 08.00 to 14.00 "How are you doing sir this morning...?

Patient : Oh yeah…., my condition today is a little better than yesterday…

nurse: then thank you sir…. it means that the father will recover soon.

At this stage, even though we already know the patient's name, to get closer, we
should ask the patient's name again, this is the starting point for cooperation
between nurses and patients.

3. Work Stage This work stage is the core stage of therapeutic communication. At
this stage, we have entered into a plan for what we will provide as nurses.

Nurse: Can I start examining you, sir?'……

Patient: yes, you can have a naila

Nurse: I'll start by checking your blood pressure, sir. Can you hold out your hand,

Patient: Oh yes, you can, please...

Nurse: your current blood pressure is 120/80 MmH. better than yesterday, what I
saw on your father's blood record was 140/90 MmHg..

Patient : oohh yeah..? however, I am a little scared because my head still feels
dizzy like it is spinning. is that okay

Nurse: oh it's okay, sir, that's a natural thing, but over time, the dizziness that you
feel will slowly disappear.

Patient: Is it better if the doctor doesn't just give medicine? ?

Nurse: Oohh, you don't need to give the medicine, sir, because you're afraid that if
you take a lot of medicine, your illness will not get better.

Patient: Ohh yes kid...? OK, then thanks for the advice...

Nurse: You're welcome sir...

4. Termination Stage This stage is the end of the meeting, where a nurse must part
with a patient.

Nurse : Is there anything you want to ask sir….

Patient : No...

Nurse: okay, if you don't ask anything else, then I'm allowed to return to my room,
if you need me, you can ask your family to call me in the nursing room or press the
bell that is above your bed.

patient : Ok, thank you..

Nurse: yes sir you're welcome then I'll excuse you, have a good rest and hope you
get well soon….

Patient : Yes, thank you

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