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A festival
1 Lee el texto sobre un festival.

My favourite festival is the Highland Games.

They’re in Scotland in the summer. They’re great!

There’s music and there are traditional

sports. Musicians play the bagpipes in music
competitions and people dance to the music.
There are also sports competitions. The
strongest man always wins the competition.
People wear traditional clothes. They eat
haggis and they drink whisky. There are
always a lot of people and everyone has a
good time.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 1000+ Activities


A festival
2 Indica la opción correcta.

The Highland Games are in Scotland / Spain.

1 The Highland Games are in winter / summer.
2 There are processions / traditional sports.
3 Musicians play the drums / bagpipes.
4 The sports competitions are for strong / tall men.
5 People wear jeans / traditional clothes.
6 People eat haggis / burgers.
7 People drink wine / whisky.

3 Completa el texto sobre tu celebración preferida.

My favourite festival is_____________. It’s in________________. It’s great!

There’s__________________ and there are ___________________.
People wear________________. They eat ________________ and they drink _____________.

Vocabulario clave
a lot of mucho ​also también ​always siempre ​bagpipes gaita ​burger(s) hamburguesa(s) ​
clothes ropa ​competition(s) concurso(s) ​dance bailar ​drink beber ​drums batería ​eat comer ​
everyone todo el mundo ​favourite preferido ​festival festival ​game(s) juego(s) ​great fenomenal ​
haggis plato típico escocés ​have a good time pasarlo bien ​jeans vaqueros ​man hombre ​music música ​
musician(s) músico(s) ​people gente ​play tocar p ​ rocession(s) procesión(es) ​Scotland Escocia ​
Spain España ​sport(s) deporte(s) ​strong fuerte ​strongest el más fuerte ​summer verano ​tall alto ​
there is / there are hay ​traditional tradicional ​wear llevar puesto ​whisky whisky ​win ganar ​
wine vino ​winter invierno

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 1000+ Activities

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