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Application of artificial intelligence in respiratory medicine: Has

the time arrived?
Key words: lung cancer, statistics, X-rays. Using ML in bronchoscopy, to analyse images and
diagnose potential cancers, has been explored. One
Artificial intelligence (AI) has seen increasing use across study achieved 86% diagnostic accuracy.5 However,
all sectors, as enabled by increasing volumes of data, treatment decisions are better informed by the defini-
greater computing power and novel algorithm architec- tive histology results, which are typically reported
tures. In health care, there has been an exponential within days. Real-time highlighting of potentially mis-
increase in research involving AI, as reflected by a surge sed lesions could be a more useful approach, and anal-
in publications and academic funding. AI could play a ogous efforts have shown promise in colonoscopy.
role in automating lung cancer screening1 and is being Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are specialized
trialled by the UK’s National Health Service for triaging ML methods, excelling at imaging analysis, which may
chest X-rays for radiologist review.2 Potential applications support assessment of respiratory disease on chest X-ray
within respiratory medicine are legion, particularly in the or CT scan. The former is the most commonly per-
analysis of data for diagnosis, but there are associated formed radiological investigation. Thorough interpreta-
challenges with its implementation. Additionally, its role tion of such volume is time-consuming, which can lead
will be as an adjunct, rather than a replacement, for the to fatigue-based diagnostic error and requires a suffi-
experience and human touch that skilled physicians cient number of radiologists. Early ML studies focused
provide. on identifying specific lesions while more recently CNNs
Machine learning (ML) encompasses a group of AI have been trained to detect multiple pathologies.6 While
methods by which computers can identify patterns and reasonable accuracies have been obtained, such algo-
relationships between data (such as radiological images rithms will not enable full automation unless they are
or blood tests) and outcomes of interest. Traditional sta- trained to recognize all possible pathologies, or else
tistical methods characterize such patterns with mathe- rarer conditions may be missed. When such algorithms
matical equations. In ML, the computer analyses large are implemented clinically, it is important to communi-
cate to users the specificity of their focus.
volumes of data to learn complex, non-linear relation-
Such algorithms could still play a useful role in prior-
ships that enable greater accuracy and cannot easily be
itizing scans for review, screening for potentially mis-
expressed as an equation. ML also enables the analysis of
sed pathologies and enabling objective measurements
types of data that were previously not amenable to com-
of radiographical features. One study demonstrated
putational analysis, such as imaging and auditory data.
that an AI algorithm for prioritizing chest X-rays
The diagnosis of respiratory conditions relies on cen-
reduced the average time for scans with a critical find-
tral tenets of medicine: the history, the examination, ing to be reviewed by a radiologist from 11.2 to
bedside tests and imaging. Skilled respiratory physi- 2.7 days.7 AI may enable an objective, standardized
cians can detect subtle changes in breath sounds on measurement of signs, such as consolidation, where
auscultation, interpret variations in pulmonary function there is significant variability in reporting but develop-
test (PFT) scores and analyse images from X-rays, com- ing standardized guidelines is challenging.
puted tomography (CT) scans and bronchoscopy. AI ML may support the use of CT scans for diagnosis
may play a role in supporting physicians in these areas. and screening. Nodules are prevalent but only a small
ML analysis of breath sounds obtained from elec- percentage is cancerous. One algorithm analysed
tronic stethoscopes is objective, not prone to inter- parenchymal features to identify cancerous nodules
clinician variability and is not restricted to the human with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.965.8 A novel
auditory frequency range. Genetic algorithms and neu- ‘end-to-end’ deep learning model, which learns the
ral networks have shown good specificity and sensitiv- features of lesions and compares them to earlier scans,
ity for detecting wheezes and crackles.3 However, we identified cancer with an AUC of 0.944.1
should avoid to become overly reliant on such analysis, There is potential for ML to enhance methods for
or we risk becoming de-skilled. treating respiratory disease, but the research field is
ML may enhance the analysis of PFT scores. Com- less substantiated. One application is to support lung
plex, multidimensional patterns of PFT variation may movement tracking for the accurate delivery of radio-
identify disease subtypes, personalizing diagnosis and therapy to lung cancers. The system latency of existing
treatment. Standardization of interpretation could also techniques limits their accuracy while real-time
be improved. One AI model identified the correct diag- retraining of neural networks has been shown to
nostic category more often than pulmonologists,4 improve precision of delivery.9
although the true clinicians’ performance was under- There are important considerations to ensure the
estimated as they received limited clinical information. safe and effective implementation of AI into health
© 2019 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology Respirology (2019) 24, 1136–1137
doi: 10.1111/resp.13676
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Commentary 1137

care. Data collection and usage must follow informed Disclosure statement: C.A.L. is an employee of Cera Care.
consent. Although AI is complex, we should proactively M.M. is an investor and employee of Cera Care. Cera Care is a
communicate to patients exactly about how their data domiciliary care provider conducting research into how AI can
are being used. Data security and privacy are key fea- be used to improve the care delivered to elderly people living at
tures. Cases like the Theranos scandal damage public home. No funding was received for this work.
trust and waste investment potential, which could jeop-
ardize the development of potentially life-saving tech-
nology. Development of AI algorithms requires large
volumes of well-structured data. Clinician input is key, REFERENCES
given their unique insight, so such collaboration should
be encouraged. We must guard against over-reliance 1 Ardila D, Kiraly AP, Bharadwaj S, Choi B, Reicher JJ, Peng L, Tse D,
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Respirology (2019) 24, 1136–1137 © 2019 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology

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