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1. Compare structure and union with example.

2. What do you mean by call by reference? Write the algorithm and flow chart of recursion method
to find factorial number.

3. What is recursive function? Futher, for given integer n, write a program in c to find the sum of the
following series using recursion. S= 1+2+3+……….+n

4. Define data type in c. discuss primitive data types in term of memory occupied, format specifier
and range.

5. Write a c program to perform binary search on a set of given sorted numbers.

6. Write a c program to find the number of lines in a text file.

7. What are function? How are they useful?

8. What is the difference between compilation and execution of a program.

9. Write a program to copy first ‘n’ character of one string to another.

10. Write a program to pass an array as pointer to a function that calculates the sum of all elements
of the array

11. Briefly explain the all storage class in C with example .

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