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Think of an adjective that begins with the first letter of your name. It doesn´t have to be
true!! Here are some adjective to inspire you ………

A anxious , adventurous , awesome ( very impressive ) . B bright ( clever ) , brave ,

beautiful , bubbly ( lively and cheerful ) , C classy ( everything you do is in good taste )
cool , chatty ( you love talking ) , cuddly ( you make people want to hug you ) ,
cheerful D dynamic , delightful, E easy going , ex-model , extrovert , eccentric F
famous ( well-known ) friendly , fit , frank, funloving G generous , gorgeous ( very
attractive ) H hard –working , honest , hilarious I intriguing ( fascinating ) , innocent
J jealous (envious) , jammy ( colloquial : permanently lucky ) K kind L lazy ,
loyal M mean, modest ,mature , modern , moody N naughty , naïve O open-
minded , outgoing ( extrovert ) , overweight P pushy ( you get what you want by
being aggressive ) , polite , proud Q quiet R reliable , rude S shy , stylish,
stunning ( very , very attractive ) , T trendy ( follows or sets fashion ) talkative ,
tetchy ( in a bad mood ) U unique , unfriendly V vivacious, ( lively ) W witty
( good at saying funny , clever things ) Y youthful ( you look and behave younger
than you are ) .

How are you feeling today ?

I´m really looking forward to this course !

I´m on top form ( feeling great , at my best ) .


I´ve got mixed feelings about this .

I am feeling nervous .

I am revved up ( full of energy )

I´m feeling a bit space out / (unfocussed as if everything is happening at a distance ) = I

am feeling a bit out of it .

I am feeling a bit tetchy ( easily irritated , in a bad mood ) .

I am feeling sluggish today . ( slow at reacting to questions and situations ) .

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