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From: CURRENT SECRETARY mikepompeo@uncc.

Subject: Attention Beneficiary
Date: 23 October 2018 06:31
To: Recipients

We received a report from the Interna2onal Monetary Fund (IMF) in conjunc2on with the
Federal Bureau of Inves2ga2on (FBI) demanding explana2ons for the delay of your overdue
compensa2on fund payment approved by the United Na2ons Compensa2on Commission
(UNCC) and we have inves2gated this case only to find out that you've been ignorantly having
illegal financial dealings with some online perpetrators who have taken advantage of your
legi2mate transac2on in our custody in order to siphon your hard earned money. More so,
the inves2ga2on report suggested that you have furnished your personal data to the
perpetrators and we assume you must have sponsored the release of this fund but all to no
avail; however there is no cause for alarm as the inves2ga2on has also proved that you have
no hand in any form of financial viola2on act. So our office has been mandated by the World
Bank Group to monitor your compensa2on fund remiMance at the valua2on of $7,500,000.00
(Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) only which will be released to
you by the (OBS).

Paramount, we advise that you STOP all dealings involving any sort of financial support to
corrupt individuals posing to be from financial ins2tu2ons in order to avoid any form of
jeopardy in your compensa2on fund release process and be rest assured that you are now
dealing with the righWul authori2es. Therefore, you are requested to adhere to all direc2ves
that will be given to you henceforth. Although we already have your informa2on on our
database, but in order to ascertain that we are in communica2on with the righWul beneficiary,
you are to re-confirm the below informa2on for final verifica2on process;

1. Full Names:
2. Gender:
3. Na2onality:
4. Occupa2on:
5. Postal Address:
6. Residen2al Address:
7. Telephone Number:
8. Mobile Number:
9. Marital Status:
10. Age:
11. Copy of any iden2fica2on/ PHOTO

Upon the receipt of the above informa2on and final verifica2on process, we shall furnish you
with further direc2ves and contact details of the financial ins2tu2on nominated to commence
with your fund release process.

Your urgent response will be highly appreciated to enable us serve you beMer.

Yours Sincerely,

Mr.Mike Pompeo

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